
My great grandfather (who raised me from the age of 6,) recently passed away from natural causes, my great grandmother has had a steep mental and physical decline over the last 5 years, she now lives in a full time facility.
I uprooted my young family to move back in and return the favor so to speak for the man who raised me.
For the past 2 years my girlfriend and I have been living in my great grandfathers home with him, recently a conservator has been placed on my great grandmother's finances (after my great grandfather passed away) the house has a reverse mortgage on it and it's only me, my wife and children living in the home now. We have received a notice to quit from the conservator.
They want us out by the 12th of September.
What are my legal rights to live on the property being that it is now my great grandmothers and she cannot speak for herself and a third party is running her finances.
We have already transferred the electricity to our name.
And the reverse mortgage company already paid back the full loan amount.
Will the house simply just sit empty until my great grandmother passes away?

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I would assume that the conservator plans on selling the house.
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If you want to know your legal options, you are going to end up talking with a lawyer.

However you'll get some ideas here so I'll ask some questions.

Please clarify, does "And the reverse mortgage company already paid back the full loan amount." mean that the reverse mortgage has been paid off or was it used to pay off a previous regular mortgage? An existing reverse mortgage with no borrower living on the property will be a problem.

Can you afford to pay market rent and will it cover more than taxes, insurance, and maintenance?

Does your area currently have an eviction process or are they stopped for COVID?
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Frebrowser Aug 2020
GGFather left the house to GGMother, and you are not on the title?

Did you provide any care to her also?

But there isn't anyone to say she would "plan" to return to the home?
See an elder law attorney. If you provided medically necessary care for two years, you may be able to remain in the home and grandpa goes on Medicaid. Laws differ by state. A reverse mortgage would confuse that. See that attorney.
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Guestshopadmin Aug 2020
Great grandpa is dead. There is no child caregiver exemption for a great grandchild for Medicaid states. They have been given notice to vacate which would be an eviction. Unless he/she was direct heir for estate, the court appointed conservator has right to dispose of property for great grandma’s care. If great grandson was not given power of attorney while competent, time is better spent looking for new place to live and finances. If the reverse mortgage was paid by poster, maybe. But that was not the case.
Aunt Mary had a reverse mortgage on her home when she died. It served her well and she could stay at home until she died. One of the stipulations upon applying for a reverse mortgage is the no one under the age of 62 could live in Aunt Mary's home or they would call in the mortgage and she would have to pay it off.
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Your girlfriend or your wife? I am confused. And what did the reverse mortgage pay back,, as in what loan? This part confuses me too. I always thought if the borrowed amount taken in the reverse mortgage was paid back to the company, then the RM is out of the question and situation, as in there is no more RM,, its paid back? I agree, it sounds like the conservator wants to sell the house, Might be time for that lawyer. Maybe they need the money from the house sale for GGM care?
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