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What a sad tale.

You are NOT a horrible person but a CARING person, who got burned out but still wants to help.

So make the call to APS. Some may say let the chips fall but if me, I would make the call. Hopefully this lady gets connected to services to help her & these children.

Beyond her scope is a good way of putting it. We all have some things beyond our scope - the knack is knowing what they are & seeking help. Sounds like obtaining help is also beyond her scope at this stage - must be overwhelmed.

Just stand well back out of the flames - don't get burnt this time.

She needs a village to help bring up those kids. Just state that if your (ex) friend finds out you called & is angry.
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Oops must put glasses on. Thought post was 7 Mar & just saw ALL the replies & f/ups.

You called & authorities alerted. I don't think there is anything more you can do.

Options have been put before Gma. She's taken or ignored them. The kids will run up against the law & jeuvie. I hope in the future they encounter a good Social Worker who is able to show them paths different to their current tradjectory.

Gma will add to the statistics of people in Medicaid funded NH when she can no longer look after herself.

My sister's doctor told me 'you cannot help people who will not accept help or help themselves'.
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Make the call!
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Midkid58 Mar 2020
I "made the call' and tho it did settle my heart a little, since the whole neighborhood (I kid you not ) has been involved at some point--some of us at a more 'hands on way' and some with just babysitting and making sure the kids have someone they can run to in case of emergencies. I can't even begin to count the number of young (and old) dads who have given of their time and energy to spend quality time with these boys---until the boys just burn them out. NOBODY will take them, even for an afternoon and certainly not overnight.

I could call APS but I think the outcome will be the same. L will fake up her southern accent and act the victim and we will be right back here.

Turns out, I was NOT the only person who called CPS. There already was a pretty hefty file on this family.

She HAS BEEN given the names and ph numbers of all the agencies and programs that are available to her. She just doesn't follow through. The only reason the kids now have CHP is b/c the oldest boy had pneumonia and she had to take him to the ER--where it became pretty obvious that these kids had fallen through the system. They now have medical care, which, since they ALL have had respiratory problems since they moved into the basement apt and have to be seen regularly--L was a nurse, but when she deals with anything medical--she seems absolutely baffled. I think she retired at 50 and in 20 years things had changed.

I did take copious notes from the SW. She didn't say the case was 'closed' she said HER part of it was closed--so hopefully, it's moving up the chain. She also said she's call me, which remains to be seen.

I'm sure a lot of you think I am way too involved in this, but unless I 'take myself there' I really don't think about it. I was abused as a child--and so to see kids fall through the system makes me sick. My abuser needed help--and never got it. So I suffered in silence for many, many years.

I will see this family at church in a few minutes. I will be polite, as I always am, but will not offer to do anything to help L, unless it's to haul her to the bank to deposit all those checks. I do worry about her ability to ignore the obvious--but she didn't even raise her son--he was her husband's 'project' and by age 11 was in juvenile facilities until he was 18. So she has not clue how rough life can be with pre-teen and teen boys.

Again--thanks beyond words for simply supporting me. I am all alone in this--haven't even told DH, and never will!

This situation is so awful. You know these people. You’re not speculating about it. You have been involved in their lives. Just think about what goes on behind closed doors of people we don’t even know because it’s kept hidden until it hits the news on television or social media. It’s terribly sad. Makes a person wonder how often these types of things go on. So much dysfunction in our world.
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Yep--got the cold shoulder at church--and she doesn't even know I was the reporter. I'm 'no good' to her anymore, so she cuts me dead.

To whomever mentioned reading about "Fragile Victim Narcissists"--a million thanks. I watched several videos and took notes. That's what L is!! Like, to a T!

So worth the watching and reading. I feel 50% less crazy now.

Sadly, FVN rarely see this trait in themselves and don't seem to respond well to therapy.

But it will help me as I have another FVN in my life--but I can totally control the boundaries with her. I have to say, hard as it's been, I have learned a lot.
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Udpate--for my own sanity, I don't care if anyone responds or not.

I spoke to the SW and she said she had closed the case, and although it's 'active', stuff will get added in as they continue to decompensate.

The 2 older boys were caught breaking into a neighbor's home. Man of the house is a BIG guy and he grabbed them by the scruffs of their necks and hauled them home. L apologized for what the boys had done---but nothing will happen.

It will get worse. Personally, I know if they try to get in my home, I will restrain them and call the cops.

Since we're all in isolation now for the forseeable future, I know, barring anything outrageous, they won't be removed from the home before summer, if at all.
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Sendhelp Mar 2020
Yes, thank you Mid. Following your comments on here.
Maybe we all might have a neighbor/friend similar. Yours is a really sad and concerning situation as she has not responded to your helping her, and just uses you.

We are having church online right now, as I no longer attend that church because of a neighbor who followed me to church one day.

Thank you for sharing how you are coping so far.
Mid, good on you for tracking this and thanks for the update. Please take care of yourself!
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I'm sorry, Mid, that I don't understand why you continue to concern yourself with that family of energy vampires.
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Midkid58 Mar 2020
I have a soft streak a mile long.

L lives NEXT DOOR to my Bf. It's impossible to NOT hear about things--and also, I want to see those kids HELPED before it's too late.

Energy vampires--that's a apt phrase.
Sad situation. Always remember you tried to help, so did others. The kids still have choices - they could choose to register for work at essential services like grocery stores or petrol stations if old enough. They can call lifeline or other helplines if actually desperate for food, not choose to break in.

One of my best school teachers had been in a youth gang (in the 60-70s?). Went to Juevie. A Salvation Army 0fficer offered him the choice at 18 of jail or a scholarship to study teaching.

Stay safe.
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Midkid58 Mar 2020
I'm fine. A little down, but that's to be expected.

I have no doubt the older boy will be in the 'system' soon enough.

Right now, b/c of the pandemic, CPS is focusing on much more serious cases. This one will be dealt with in due time--it's rapidly decompensating.
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