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Yes the spouse is entitled to benefits including living in a home if there is no waiting list at the home! Call your VA and ask for someone to come out to your home.
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Yes, we are looking at memory care units, and upon visiting one facility, they gave us a packet of information to easily help us apply for VA benefits for mom that could pay a portion of her monthly charges there. It's helping them get paid, and a benefit that is worthy of taking advantage.
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How old was your veteran? He must have paid into the insurance plan when he retired in order for you to receive 55% of his pension. If you haven't remarried, you are still entitled to commissary and BX privileges if your veteran served 20 yrs. Without much information given, it is difficult to really answer your question. While living, he should have made you aware of these facts, but you can go to under benefits, or a military base always has people to help with burial and entitlements. I cannot believe you do not know any of this.
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Yes, the widowed spouse is eligible subject to the VA rules, regulations, and restrictions. There is a wealth of information available on the Internet, and from VA publications. The easiest option to learning about the possible VA spousal benefit, is to visit the nearest VA representative who has responsibilities to assist you in this issue.
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Call your local VFW - they have officers who will connect you to the right staff to help you navigate. The VA, online and on phone, will mis-inform and delay any benefits- in my case it was several years worth of benefits Mom would have received. She now receives Aid and Attendance $1149/month, once we went through the local VFW.
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My brother (veteran) died from COPD. His wife had contacted them for help but it came too late. He did receive burial help, and she will too when the time comes.
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Yes, depending on when they served etc. VA has its rules. Because of my Mothers age etc. I was afraid help would not come soon enough and found that there are lots of hoops to navigate to get into the system. I contacted Senior Care Advisers of Indiana and they helped me get things done and filed the paperwork, putting her on a fast track. They were great. Look for them in your state.
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Ferris, that isn't fair. If the spouse served before the marriage why would she know what she was entitled to.
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Yes there is a lot to know and even my husband who served for 20years was a little confused how Tri-care worked. So we are here to help each other and not make ourselves feel badly about things they don't know or we should know. For the grace of God there go I. Life can be over whelming as I know. I am very overwhelmed.
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Ferris you appear to be knowledgeable however, your final comment was uncalled for and rude.
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