I have Power of Attorney for my mom for 5 years now and have been taking care of all of my moms finances for all those years. My mom had a stroke last year and now lives with me and i take care of her 24/7 with absolutley no help from the other 4 sibblings. They are requesting monthly statements from me and if I don't give it to them they said they will have a Lawyer contact me. I do not charge my mom anything to live here except for her own expenses such as food, supplies, gas to get supplies, and sitters to watch her while I get her supplies. They also are requesting to send her back to her own home so they can help with her care because they are uncomfortable helping me at my own home. This is making me nuts. My mom does not want to leave my home to go back there but they just don't believe me even though she tells them that. My mom is very happy here and all of her needs are being met except I am getting burned out. I have asked them to watch her for 1 day out of the week so I can get some rest because of the fibromyalgia that I have is taking a toll on me. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I.e she stated we should have bought him a cheaper car, we should not have been feeding him bought food when he was in hospital.
We should not have been paid as POA for caring for him even though our precious uncle stated as his POA we were to be paid a professional salary. Our aunt thought that £8.00 an hour was too much. Over 2 years working 7 days a week 5 to 6 hours a day. Spending to much on meals taking our precious uncle out for day trips. Our uncle also stated on his POA we could make gifts to people he was in the habit of making gifts to.
Our precious uncle was the most generous gentleman you could ever meet, he was like prince Charles. So we carried on his traditions of giving a single gift to his family, necies nephews who all were very very close to him, in fact when we did this we thought our precious uncle would have been so proud of us as he loved and adored his family.
Everything we spent and did was disgusted with Uncle Peter before we did anything we also discussed everything with our mother our uncle other sister.
We accounted for every penny spent, there were no wholes found in any accounting and we had several hundred receipts. After our precious uncle passed our aunt in America, who had only visited him once over the 2 years of him having his stroke, she changed the locks on his home for the second time, less than 36 hours after his death in his own home. She, cancelled his funeral that she had booked as she gave me instruction to deal with the funeral home. She cancelled the wake at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Our mother had to buy a suite to dress our uncle for his funeral and pay for the wake, I paid for the order of service and flowers.
Our precious uncle was a wealth gentalman, our aunt sued myself and my sister, for 18 months after his death she has made myself and my sister extremely unwell, depression anxiety, we have both been on medication, and been unable to work due to all this I lost 3 stone in weight and also my home in Scotland as I had to sell it to pay the legal costs in fighting her and then having to settle with paying her £49.0000. We had no other option other than to settle with her as we could not afford the court costs, it had already cost myself and my sister £28,000 in legal cost fighting our innocents.
Had she won by even a £1.00 we would have been libel for all her legal costs also which were around so our lawyer told us about £120k
My sister would have lost her home but I have managed to pay her legal cost for her and the settlement we had to both pay.
Myself and my sister can hold our heads high we loved and adored our precious uncle and would never take a penny that we New he would not agree with. We have lost nearly 4 years of our lives being POA, I’ve lost my home, and my life savings all beacause of greed. Our precious uncle left his wicked sister over £600,000 and his other sister who lived across the road from him for 37 years nothing, but that doesn’t matter we had his love, and shard his whole life with him, his sister in America and her daughters never ever had this. I love you my darling Uncle Peter and miss you ever day.
We will meet soon. Love Louise
Our lawyer and advocate, said that we should speak to the news papers about what has happened to us as she was disgusted and said in writing it was the most curle action she has ever seen taken against family.
Our aunt did far more that I can remember, she took and intinary and photographs of everything in our uncle home when uncle first went into hospital, uncle had antiques and expensive paintings. She also changed the locks on his home when he first went into hospital, this was just after she found his will in his flat. She refused us access to his home as his POA we had to get lawyers letter sent to her she still refused us access. She opened his mail and bank statements, went to uncle bank to see how much money he had in his accounts, made an appointment with uncle lawyer to have us removed a POA. I could go on and on. May she rot in hell, our precious uncles home is now up for sale. Our aunt is 73 years old. I have to believe in KARMA. None of the family ever want to see her our her daughters ever again, she has lost her whole family here in Scotland and for what GREED!,,,
With that said... cooperative transparency can reduce alot of wrath and cut off suspicion that you are engaging in any kind of self dealing.
You have fiduciary responsibility to remain independent, maintain your mother’s resources for HER BENEFIT. Preserving an estate for heirs is SECONDARY. There is nothing your mother should be reasonably denied if the expense is justifiable and desirable for her care and comfort...assuming she has the means to pay for it. I.E. if mom has a “bucket list”, then her spending some of her funds for her own enjoyment is perfectly acceptable. She has a right to enjoy the remainder of her life.
Information confidential. If your mom wishes to let them know the states if her finances then she can ask you for them and hand a copy to your siblings. We have my father living with me... I also have fibrosis so I know where you are coming from. We are on her bank account, and have a spindle for all receipts for anything that is paid from her account. Also I keep track of mileage and my father has no problem paying for gas whenever necessary. Putting the mileage in a mileage record book next to spindle is very helpful.
What is the real reason behind their not wanted by to give you a day of respite each week. Why are they uncomfortable in your home. I get picky about how stuff is done in my home, but never picky with my dad. If your like me in that manner perhaps just realize it and try to make them more welcome.
I seriously suggest taking a week and jotting down everything you do for mom keep tally marks for things you do several times a day. Including all cleaning up or keeping things extra sanitary for your mom. Then make a copy and hand that to them. They will see how valuable you are to get and see they don't want the job. My brother put his foot who lived only a few miles from my dad when he lived on his own... put his foot down and said he could live on his property but not in his home. I lived several hundred miles away and gladly took him in. Some people think they can care for someone or that they could be on their own with help and until they see the big picture just cannot fathom the actual work involved. I hope this helps in some small way
You understand her reasoning, do you? It's a case of "how the rich stay rich." She thinks she is preventing you and your sister from "taking advantage" of your vulnerable uncle. She's not seeing the hours of care, or considering his sincere wish (thank God he put it in writing) for neither of you to be financially disadvantaged by your support for him. It must sink your heart and turn your stomach, but I hope that understanding her perspective will lessen the sense of spite.
Have you thought of asking the OPG in Scotland if they have any advice for you? Essentially you and family are being accused of financial abuse: if you've followed OPG guidelines and principles that might be quite a good way of structuring your defence.
The executor has said we spent to much money on food, and paid my sister to much for visiting home every day taking his shopping in every day, making sure the house was being run properly buy the live on carers. Spending 5 hours 7 days a week traveling back and forth. Because we bought my uncle a car so we could POA, my uncle stated on t(e POA we could buy sell, make gifts give loans with no restrictions what so ever. He left everything to his sister in America who only visited him, when he first became unwell and the 2 months before he passed. Our Uncle was the most kind loving uncle you could ever wish for, sadly he never had any family of his own and never married, but he was a father to me. Myself and my sister are devistated that our aunt is doing this to us.
When our uncle first had his stroke, she came over from America, I kindly gave her the keys to our uncle flat for her to stay in, she them proceeded to change the locks on his home, and would not allow myself and my sister access to his home as his POA. She eventually left our uncle flat, not befor opening every letter and bank statment he had, making an intinery of all his posessions, and finding his will. She booked our uncle funeral along with myself, then proceed to cancel it unbeknow to me and the rest of the family in Scotland. It wasn’t until we had actually got our uncle body taken to the funeral h9me that we found out she had cancelled his funeral. She then cancelled his wake 2 days before the funeral, our mother had to pay for that. You have no idea what this has done t9 myself and my sister. Our precious Uncle would be total disgusted by his sisters actions. It’s nothing but pure greed. We cared for our uncle for just over 2 years, and now this has been going on for 15 months. We do not understand why our uncle left everything to our ant and sadly we will never know.
We always knew we were no going to inherit anything we cared for him out of love, but it seem our ant wanted it all done for nothing, and we were to wait on her giving us back all our out of pocket expenses after our uncle passed. Which we knew would never ever happen. As I say our precious uncle my mother brother loved his whole family here in Scotland. But as far as my aunt was concrned the day she found his will, everything he owned belonged to her.
Our aunt is a very wealth person, we have no money and are just hard working people, our lawyer told us the only reason she is doing this is beacause she has the money to do this to us.
She was left a house worth 300k painting worth 100k sold the car that we bought for our uncle and 200k in the bank. But that wasn’t enough.
Looking back, I see our mom gave her children yet another HUGE gift as our inheritance. She had raised us all to be meticulously honest and bend-over-backwards fair, which meant we had total trust in each other. The way she raised her kids when they were young had direct consequences for her in her old age.
They are only interested in what they can GET. Nothing more. This is so common. My sister and broker were horrible when my mom passed. They went over to her house and took all her valuables while I sat with her in Hospice for the last few hours. It is horrible what this does to families. I have learned and got rid of everything before I go. There will be nothing to fight over.
Usually, if you were also recognized by a judge as the legal POA, you do an annual accounting to the judge. That is the only legally binding ledger you can be held accountable for; however, your siblings can hire a lawyer and make your life miserable. Be open. Document. Speak with your lawyer.
Good luck!!
Yes, your siblings are right to be concerned, good for them! Too many times we here sad stories where some poor soul who had some kind of authority over someone else's matters became a monster, especially when they were given power to make financial decisions for someone else. Money is just too tempting to give that kind of power to anyone, and I think you should work with your siblings if you have nothing to hide. If you have nothing to hide, then be transparent and give an account of where her money is going and show proof through receipts. If you have nothing to hide, prove it and put them at ease so they're not suspicious of you, especially in this day where so many vulnerable people are taking advantage of behind the families' back's. Putting myself in the shoes of your siblings, I would be very suspicious of anyone who acted like they were trying to hide something, I don't blame them! As long as their hearts are in the right place, they should be very concerned and yes, they deserve very honest answers and the proof to back it up
Your aunt sounds like a piece of work. It's very sad when people get so fixated on the money they forget all about everything else - including what the money needs to have been spent on. She probably truly believes that she's "defending" your uncle's interests and wishes; there'd be no talking to her. Sigh.
We have supplied 90% of the receipts. But what I would say to anyone is never ever ever take on the role of a POA unless your an exector and benifishery of the will. We the family will never ever understand why Uncle Peter left everything to his sister in America, our mother and the rest of the family have our own thoughts on this but I will leave it there.
Our mother was in the will to be left everything but only if our aunt died.