
Mother has been receiving VA Aid & Attendance since March 2014. On December 1 she was approved for Medicaid in NJ. I can't find anything in the VA's correspondence, Web site, etc., that says we have to notify the VA about the Medicaid approval, but I have heard that the A&A will eventually be reduced to $90. The state knows she's been receiving the A&A pension, which fortunately didn't disqualify her from being approved for Medicaid, so can I assume that the state somehow notifies the VA?

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I wish I had an answer for your question. I'm going to write here to bump it to the top. I too would like to know how this works. My mother started receiving Aid and Attendance last year, we are a little over a year from applying for Medicaid, but I'm trying to gain all the information I can and have everything in order for when the time comes.
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I don't know about any of the other agencies you mentioned, but the VA does an income check, I think once a year. Mostly to determine how much you pay for medications. You need to check with the VA about anything that may involve them. My S.S. must be just over the line as I pay $8.00 for a 30 day supply of meds. I don't pay for anything else. At almost 83, I am if fair shape as the meds I take help me a lot. I don't have any other advise. Good luck with your search.
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My ex husband. Go to the. v,a,hospital. In augusta,maine,,,now how does he have his son. Be. Able to get his paper,s. On beaing. Sick
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Does he have to go to and lawyer ,to make his son ,shoe can get his. Pappy on his health
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V,a,power. Of auntion
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Who does he call to make his son. A power. Of atturny
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Power of attunery,,,what pat of the va does he call for his health. Benfets
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I don't understand your question. My children are not eligible to the VA because I am a veteran. My son is retired from the Coast Guard, but he has another government policy for his family. My daughter and her husband have their own insurance. He is not a veteran. I don't know what you want to know.
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I don't know what someone does to get power of attorney. See a lawyer, I guess.
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I hope someone can figure out what Janebrann needs. I have to sign off for now.
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jandrinpsca, my mom was given A&A to help defray the costs of being in Assisted Living. The way it worked for her was:

We notified the VA by phone in January that she was on Medicaid as of December.
We were told that all monies deposited to her account from December to when it was all settled would need to be returned to the VA.

It took nearly a year to close the claim. They requested we obtain and send paperwork from both the nursing home and assisted living to verify that she had been in one place or the other. About 30 days after they closed the claim, they sent a request for repayment of the overpayment of 12 months worth of A&A. They deducted $1080 (12 months x $90 per month) from the amount we had to return. Fortunately, we had been told by the VA about this so we knew not to spend any.

The $90 per month was considered a pension and goes to the NH with other pension and SS. It's not added to the personal needs money she receives ($67).

What we learned later was:
Notify them of the Medicaid in writing, certified, return receipt etc. Check online - there may even be a real form for this. Our notification got lost in the shuffle and delayed things about 6 months.

There is a form where you can request that they reduce the monthly benefit to $90 while they are processing the claim. This helps you avoid having a large sum building in her account. My big concern was when we got near the date of having to recertify her for Medicaid, and there was all this money we knew would be heading to the VA. Better to not have to deal with this stressor.

Good luck - get a cup of coffee and a good book ready when you call the VA for status checks.
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Yes you should notify the VA, sooner, because if you wait for the VA to discover it,they will do a recovery of excess funds they paid you.....also keep in mind that VA, and Social Security, will take back the last month's checks as well (I.e. if they die on August 20th, you will get notice they're taking back all of that August check).
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Call your local VFW and ask for the service chairperson. They will know. Sometimes the VA pension is geared toward aid and attendance. See if Medicaid assistance asked for or able to be received will OVERLAP what VA pension is used for. As always, all agencies should always know everything. If when you call someone, and they say no, get their name, and time and date of whom you've spoken with. Save that information if you are ever questioned as to why you didn't cross reference paperwork. About POA/DPOA: Any bank you work with will have forms. There are forms available online for free. Funeral homes have blank forms, and usually the NOTARY that you need to make it official. Both parties need to be present to sign and show ID. Each county also has a Veteran's Affairs office, to help with all kinds of things. They are a great resource and always waaaay more helpful than anyone on the phone.
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