
His family is against it with his condition.
she arrived in town today to take him to Texas over our objections. Can she do that?

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You have a brother with Alzheimer's.
This cannot be the first you understand he is helpless.

Who is the POA?
Who is the guardian?
You need to call APS if there is none ASAP and you need to charge this woman with elder abuse. Go to the Police. Go to the Sheriff. File kidnapping if there is a POA.

If there is no guardian, POA or Conservator here I guess this is the gods little way of letting you know there must be one.
Please don't tell me there is no diagnosis here. Because if not, your bro just likely got married and moved to TX.

Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AlvaDeer

First..he can not get married. With dementia he can not enter into a contract. A marriage is a contract.
The person that is his POA or his Guardian if there is o POA can stop him from going to Texas or anywhere else for that matter.
If there is no POA and no one is Guardian that should be remedied right away.
Contact APS.
If she forcibly tries to take him you can call the police.
(and she can't get to him if you don't open the door for her)
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Grandma1954

This is really Bad you need to let her Know and the Police Know he Is Not going any where . Kidnapping is a crime But if she gets her foot in the door and has him signing Papers and takes off with him on a Plane you will never see him again . Please do not let this happen . Freeze his accounts, get Conservatorship . What ever you do , Do Not Let him go to Texas . because if she Brings him to Texas and marries him you will never see or hear from him again . My sister Kidnapped My Father to California and told the Police " she was taking Him On a Little trip to Hawaii . " All for his Money and Immediately went to Charles Schwab and tried to take over all his stocks . You need to freeze all accounts immediately with a medical certificate and a doctors Diagnosis and get a Lawyer involved ASAP .First thing she will do is make herself POA .
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to KNance72

Goodness, she must have Alzheimer’s also. Call APS.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Southernwaver
lealonnie1 May 14, 2024
Either "she has Alzheimer's " or knows a get rich quick scheme when she sees one, huh?
Alvas right!!!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

Is your brother living by himself?

I would post a family member at his residence with knowledge of the law in TX and any appropriate documents. But, does your brother have an actual medical diagnosis in his records? If not, this is a problem and she can probably leave with him if he is consenting. You can't just say he has dementia without medical tests to substantiate it.

You may want to talk to his bank, and put a credit freeze on his accounts, if you are able. Collect his checkbooks, cc's, etc. for safekeeping.

He needs a medical diagnosis asap if he doesn't have one. Is anyone his PoA? If not, this situation may require guardianship... Maybe consider getting APS involved. Do the police know your family and your brother? It may help if they do.

How did he meet her? On the internet?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Dont Let him cross Over to another state you will be Powerless . This Is One time you have to Put your foot down and say " No " I wouldn't even let her alone with him .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72
Kathy77 May 15, 2024
We did not let him go. My son is POA and Executor. My brothers best friend died and he went to the service in Texas. She worked for his friend and suddenly she wants to know what his docs are saying etc. he has a diagnosis. He has a psychologist and a psychiatrist and the drs say there is nothing we can do to prevent him from going if he wants to. Right now he is in the ER. He’s feeling sick. It was a hard day for him yesterday. There needs to be more laws to protect the vulnerable.
See 2 more replies
What you do is get a medical certificate for Conservatorship speak with a lawyer and Have the doctor fill out the medical diagnosis . Mine for My father States he can Not make financial decisions and has been ripped off a couple times in the Past . I saw a attorney and My sister was warned that criminal charges will be pressed against her . I Then gave the letter to the stockbroker and all the Money was frozen because that's what they were after . Then I called his union Boss and he Immediately froze his 401 K - I said " Steve My Dad has been Kidnapped . " Its really been a Nightmare - she was able to get his bank account and IRS return and a dividend check so she got $170,000 and is Living off His $2500 monthly social security . There is something You can do take a restraining order out against her . If he has a medical diagnosis Of Alzheimers or Dementia he is in No Position to get married or Move in with this Person . I read a terrible story of a elderly woman whose house Keeper snuffed her out with a Pillow so she could Live In her House . Eventually they were caught and Put In Prison But there are truly evil People in this world . I dont think anyone cares about the elderly . And Not Many Lawyers do elder abuse either which is surprising because this happens a lot .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72

If your Brother's psychiatrist says he can leave and his psychologist says he can leave then I guess he has no real diagnosis of dementia? Because quite honestly someone with dementia and a POA cannot go. You might need emergency guardianship in this instance. You might, if the POA is handling finances, get Bro an "allowance". My bro made me his POA and Trustee when he had a diagnosis of probable early Lewy's Dementia. He made me give him an allowance of 2,000.00 and oversee that account, and manage all other accounts. WHERE is the doc who diagnosed the DEMENTIA in all of this? THAT is the one who should be working with the POA to protect brother now.

If this woman is phishing him then she's not going to be into that amount in an allowance.
Also, she needs to be told that you will oversee his accounts as POA and any evidence of her using his funds will land her in jail for felony elder abuse.

This is a "follow the money" and "protect the money" story. Brother isn't going too far without it.
And AGAIN, call APS.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Hi Kathy , Thanks for the reply . Yes more laws should be written for the elderly . my sister came to Our house from California . She has Mooched Money off my Father for Years . Just a Mooch . After her husband Blew through his inheritance they targeted My Father and she came to the House thinking I was at My Grand sons Birthday . She kept screaming and Videotaping me . I wanted to call 911 and didnt because My Dad asked me not to . She said " she was just Visiting her Father for a couple days " Something she has never done before . I Figured she was going to Mooch More Money and Leave. Instead she Grabbed him and threw him in a LYFT and went to the airport . She has been Violent with me before so I avoided her . I got to the Police station and the Police called her and she said " We are taking a Little trip to Hawaii . " The Police really did Not care . Then I called APS in Boston they didnt care either ? I called the FBI they didnt care . I Called the Carlsbad Police and they did a wellness check . The Boston Police called her again - she claimed he Lived with her every winter . Complete Lie - He has the Mind of a 8 year Old boy at this Point . Horrible tragic experience . I went out there to get him and they got a restraining Order against me ? It is My Father - she was raised by another Man at the age of 2 . She doesnt even Know my Dad . It is criminal Behavior . We are 11 years apart . They wanted his Money . I was able to freeze His assets But still I can't believe she would do such a crappy thing . And really there is nothing I Can do .... Horrible so Please protect them there really are rotten people in the world and sometimes it is your relatives - Whats More heartbreaking is I took care of her since she was a newborn and gave her a Lot of attention and Love But she turned Out to be a Psychopath . Very sad what greed does to people . I Hope your brother gets better .
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Reply to KNance72

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