I just recently moved back in with my parents at the age of 45. My mother has diabetes, end stage renal disease, hateful disease among other problems. She does not walk, cannot dress herself and is almost completely total care. My father was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and in my opinion is unable to care for her full time, not to mention his condition requires rest, etc.
My mother has never liked me and I am adopted. She has never shown me love or affection.
A little background. Childhood was picture perfect to the outsider looking in, church every Sunday, her involved in school, etc. But behind the curtain I always felt left out. My older brother, also adopted, was always the preferred one by her.
My brother became an alcoholic at age 15 and it took his life 2 days before his 40th birthday. She was by his side every second of that.
I became pregnant at 16 and they adopted my daughter and also raised her.
I became a drug addict at the age of 21 and have been off drugs for several years. I tried to get help and she was not there for me.
Now that I have moved back home she has been more hateful than ever, even though I do so much for her.
She told me this morning she didn't care if I was alive or dead.
I am at wits end and don't know what to do.
Lots of questions, I know, but I'm wondering if your mom is resentful of your presence because you have a relationship with your dad and possibly with your daughter.
You mom may also be angry that her health is failing and she can no longer care for herself. She may have decided that she is going to take those disappointments out on you. How long have you been living with them?
It's a shame that you mom doesn't offer you more kindness and appreciation for your efforts to help her. Unfortunately, she is who she is and that's not your fault. Maybe it would be best for you to find employment and live on your own. You don't need to be punished by her on a daily basis.
It might be helpful if you contact your local Area on Aging and see if your parents would qualify for some in home care so you can reduce the amount of time you have to spend with her.
You've had a tough life, made some mistakes, like all of us, and are heading in the right direction. You have years ahead of you to enjoy. Maybe you could get some counseling to help you accept your mom for who she is and release some of the disappointment of what she can't be.
Hugs to you, Smurf. Cattails
Here is the part that always puzzles me: Why did you move back in with your parents? Once I know that I'd like to continue "talking" to you. Compassion for your father's caregiving role? Hope of reconciliation? Financial need? Closure? Probably something else altogether, and if you don't mind sharing it that will give us all a little more to go on.
A few people have Normal Rockwell childhoods. Most people have parents who love them, find raising a family to be very challenging and very rewarding, and who manage to muddle through in a mostly nurturing way. Some people have one or both parents who don't or aren't capable of showing love to them, and/or are overtly abusive, and who blame them for everything that isn't perfect in the world.
I am truly sorry that you got adopted into that last kind of family. Obviously that was NOT YOUR FAULT, but the guilt burden is often overwhelming. You should be very, very proud of taking steps to turn your life around.
Whatever needs to be done, I bet you have the strength to do it!
We all are here to learn to love and embarce ourself not to Abuse ourself.
I have so much I want to tell you......
I feel you if you need support or talk just give me a wink.
Listen to your little girl inside she Knows what she want or not want to do always listen and follow her advice.
Big hug miapia stockholm sweden
i have a horrible relationship with my mother too. i'd either live on the streets or cut both femoral arteries and bleed out before i had to move in with her.
so all i can think is, why the heck would you do this?
My Mother is a B... She has been mean and hateful to me all of my life.I married an abusive (mostly mental abuse) husband and stayed with him for 33 years until he died of a heart attack in 2005 and left me penniless with two children still in school. I am on disability from chronic depression and Fibromyalgia. I've been fighting depression most of my life. It runs in my family. So please read on.I know where your are coming from.
I congratulate you on being off drugs. You've done that on your own, and you need to remember what it took for you to do it on your own, without parental help or support. It is one of the most difficult if not the most difficult thing you will ever do. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. Look at yourself in the mirror everyday stand up straight and know you are a good person doing right by your parents, no matter what your Mom says to you.
I moved back in with both my parents, and that my Mother and I sometimes cannot be in the same room together because of her constant bitching and complaining and picking on me and everything being my fault. If I say the sky is blue, she will say it is red just to disagree with me. She will lie, cheat, steal, and do anything she can to make me miserable. I cannot tell you how many times in the last 6 months she has made me cry.
My Mother and I have NEVER gotten along. I had a most painful upbringing, but I have long since let all of that stuff go. It is just too much stuff, too much time, and too many lives wasted because of what she did to me. But like I said, I have finally let it go and just deal with her day by day. I will not allow her poison to spread any further, or hurt me or my children. She is 82 and either Alzheimer's or dementia is slowly taking her mind, and what is left is a bitter lonely old woman that I truly feel sorry for. I love her because she is my Mom, and even tho we have fought, she, in the end, was always there for me. And here is the rub for you, your Mom has been there for you too. You wrote it yourself. She took in and raised YOUR child as her own when you could not, or would not for whatever reason.
Remember this, do not assign blame to anyone. What is in the past is gone, what YOU do with tomorrow is under YOUR control.
Do not let your mother's bitterness poison you. I'd almost bet that you became an addict to try to take away the pain you felt for not having the family you wanted, or thought you wanted. I'd also say that you were your father's favorite. And that the reason you moved back with them, back to a household that YOU KNEW would be hostile, was to help your father. Where is your daughter now?
You need to be strong for yourself and maintain your sobriety. Attend meetings if that is how you got clean, and if it helps you. Do not let your Mother's bitterness and poison spread back into your psychological health. Remain balanced.
Remember, your Mother is approaching the end of her life, she is, by your own word, helpless. You are in control now, not her, and that alone may be one of the reasons why she is lashing out at you. You are better than everything she can ever say to you to try to pull you down. Just be there quietly taking care of what needs to be done. If you feel badly because she is being bitchy, WALK AWAY. Go to your room close the door, then go back later, after the situation has calmed some, and try again. Be a rock. You are now the anchor for your family. Be proud of that.
You can listen to everyone else here and move out. But what good would that do? Where would that leave your Dad?
Think about what would happen to your father if you leave. Do you really want to put him in a home? Maybe the best answer is to put your Mom in a skilled nursing facility and concentrate on taking care of your father.
I know there are so many questions.... All of us here that have answered your post feel your pain. We all want the best for you and for you to feel good about yourself.
Be well. Please answer, I'd really like to know how you are doing.