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I have my MIL for 7 years now and her health has declined. She is 99. What a mistake that was!! No privacy, no vacations in the last 3 years and husband won't put her in a home because he thinks she won't make it there. He is her caregiver 95% of the time and it has been a nightmare. She is in her our living, our diners and everywhere else. We have to watch her constantly because she might fall. We did get help from Medicare, 23 hours a week. My husband and I run out the door once the girl arrives. Thank God we have been married for 51 years (both are 71) and God keeps us strong to handle this. You need to stop this train before it crashes. Find a place close by and start the paperwork necessary to get Medicaid. Good Luck.
Helpful Answer (26)
Nonni2012eli Dec 2019
Not to be brutal, but if she is 99, she's not going to make it anywhere! She has already outlived the average lifespan of an American woman (rounded up to 80). So hard to watch our parents decline. Does he just want to make sure he's with her when she takes he last breath? I can certainly sympathize with that, and I'm glad you have the faith to see this through. Praying that you have the health to get some traveling and "couple time" once she's passed. Love and hugs.
Well, your mother-in-law has already cost you about 100 grand, just from your wife retiring two years early. Start thinking about the financial and emotional toll she is taking on you personally, and on your marriage. Your mother-in-law definitely should be paying rent, and helping out with utilities and upkeep of the house. This should have been discussed Before the move-in, but you can only look forward now, at this point.
Helpful Answer (10)
edward22 Dec 2019
Sorry if I made it sound that my wife has officially retired..she has not but on leave ans still contemplating it. Time will tell, MIL is paying her share and given us POA.
Your MIL has COPD and that's not curable. You and your wife are in for a future of COPD-related emergencies. COPD also worsens the muscles around the pelvic floor, which leads to urinary incontinence. You don't like living with Dora now. How do you think you will feel once she starts peeing all over your furniture?

I'm no expert on entitlements but Dora qualifies for Medicaid and other services for the aged in Florida where she paid whatever taxes one pays and property taxes.

"She has a few dollars in the bank. Less then 10k and property in Fl. which maybe is worth 25k." Why not buy her another trailer that's in better shape, or a new one that can be financed and place it on the property in Florida?
Helpful Answer (8)
lealonnie1 Dec 2019
It's not funny, really, but I just spit coffee out all over my desk when I read "How do you think you will feel once she starts peeing all over your furniture?" Hopefully Edward has those clear plastic furniture covers we all grew up with that stuck to our bee-hinds & thighs in the summer when we stood up. You know what I'm tawkin' about if ya from NY like I am. LOL

Ah, The Things We Don't Think About Until It's Too Late. We could write a book on the subject.

Edward: Listen to what NYDaughterInLaw is telling you here, k?
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When I was 18, my parents moved my mom's mom into their house. They did it willingly and grandma spent 6 months a year there and 6 months a year at another child's home. At my parents' house, it was the same thing as you describe. She had a private bedroom/bathroom/kitchenette set-up but chose to hover around the main part of the house other than at bedtime. It created a stressful household. This arrangement ended after close to a decade, but my parents never stopped arguing over who did, or didn't do what, and why/how the situation devolved over the years. My parents marriage was never the same and they were STILL arguing about it a decade after grandma died. This is not a good situation for you and your future, guaranteed!
Helpful Answer (25)

If Dora has a decent space set up to include a nice lounge chair and her own TV, then there is NO reason for her to be dominating your living room! Her daughter is the one who needs to be telling her, under no uncertain terms that she needs to retire to her bedroom after supper so that daughter can have some private time with her hubby. And there is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with wanting and needing this to keep the marriage strong and happy!
Helpful Answer (17)

Edward; I understand that Dora was unable to live in the conditions that existed in her home in Florida.

How did that morph into "she had to move into our home"?

That's where we are all having a problem figuring out the thought process that went into this.

The first thing to do now is to get her a "needs assessment". You can request this from her doctor or from the local Area Agency on Aging.

You need a dispassionate and professional person's advice on whether she can live independently or needs a certain level of facility care.

Once you know what her needs are, you ascertain her resources and what financial help she is qualified for.

There is no "have to". Especially not in NY.
Helpful Answer (18)

You don't want Dora to feel unwanted, but she IS unwanted. You already told her you wouldn't be taking her in if her husband died before her, and here you are, having taken her in! And having your wife quit her job 2 years before retirement??? That makes NO sense!

Figure out how to get your MIL out of your house and how to get your lives back on track before it's too late.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (23)

Just tell her it’s not working out for you and move her into a facility. Period. That’s the short answer.
Helpful Answer (19)

How did Dora end up living with you? Your wife made the decision out of guilt? Leaving her job 2 years before retirement...does that really make an logical sense?

Me, I would apply for Medicaid for her and find her a place to move to.

You have probably already figured it out...this is not going to work. Good Luck!
Helpful Answer (20)

Can she have a professional come help for a few hours? Or Adult day care? That might help.
Eventually, she is going to need other arrangements.
You can tell her that you care about her and want to help, but you cant do it alone and need help to help her.
Helpful Answer (8)

Do you own a home with some property? You might be able to get her one of those Elder Cottages and have it placed in your yard.
Helpful Answer (4)
IsntEasy Dec 2019
Those “elder cottages” are ridiculous.
What would prevent MIL from toddling right into their living room, just as she is now? unless she’s somewhere that she can engage with others daily, she’s going to try to put herself “where the action is” whether she’s welcome there or not.
Human beings are social animals. We need interaction.
Not sure about your second question, first one, adult day care. She'll be out of the house for most of the day, for a few hours, and have something to do; she may even find someone that she would like to get to know better.
Helpful Answer (8)

Who told Dora it was okay to stay for more than a night or two?

You all sound very timid about saying "this isn't working out for us". What are you afraid of?
Helpful Answer (21)


Is there a paragraph missing?

Para 1 you give your MIL a perfectly clear, sound explanation of why you will not be allowing her or FIL to come and live in your home once one of them is widowed.

Para 2, all of a sudden, MIL is widowed and has been living in your house for three months.

What went wrong? You were out and your wife got ambushed or something? - how did MIL get into the house?

There are various ways to approach the question of how much Dora should be paying. Here is one straightforward way, easy to keep records for Medicaid and simple to work out. If she is, say, a third of the household then she contributes a third of shared expenses: taxes, utilities, groceries (if they're pooled and you all eat together) etc. If you also have three teenagers and a toddler living with you, then obviously her share of the household costs diminishes. Medicaid isn't going to get antsy about a single cellphone bill, they want a justified rationale of what she's been paying out and what for, and you have to show that she was paying her fair way.

You say you don't want Dora to feel unwanted. Unfortunately, Dora IS unwanted. Especially after supper, apparently.

I do honestly think you'd better make another plan. Please explain what happened and maybe forum members will spot how the family can retrace its steps.
Helpful Answer (13)
edward22 Dec 2019
We weren't ambushed. Her house had become unlivable over the yrs. FIL always in denial trying to fix the roof by himself never trusted anyone.
We could not leave MIL in those conditions. We live in upstate NY her in Fl.
We had to fly down and drive back. We had no choice at the time were to relocate Dora. What happened, happened.
We will be figuring all the money situation out shortly once her SS check is current and up to date. It was not the right amount for the last 3 months but should be correct next check. The county has sent us a form to fill out and we'll go from there.
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So first you did tell us that you made it clear that Dora would not be coming to live with you when she (jokingly?) said she would do JUST that.
Then you skipped to she is living with you.
So yes, it seems this is a done deal. I do hope you and your wife spoke about it before it happened. Because quite honestly it is too late now.
I would schedule a meeting with your wife once a week in which you sit together over a nice glass of wine (or two) and discuss how it is going for EACH of you. What is the UPside. What is the DOWNside. And if it is not working, what is not working and can it be fixed. If not, then you need to go to Dora and say that you are sorry but it is not working to have her living with you. That the three of you will now begin to explore her options of where to stay on her own nearby or in some level of care. But that there is NO option to stay with you.
That's about the only choices isn't it? You let her stay and you make it work, or you don't let her stay. This is all made more difficult by the fact none of these things were discussed BEFORE she came, including what her costs would be moving in. If she is to pay to income in exchange for care, or income to you for staying with you, it needs to be done by contract drawn up, and I would use a lawyer, because of course there are tax implications and you will need to find out what they are.
Wishing you all good luck and hope you will update us as you go. Every caregiving experience on the forum is an education to others on this journey.
Helpful Answer (17)
edward22 Dec 2019
Thanks for all the advice. When Dora's husband died they were living in a trailer in Florida that needed and still needs major repair to be livable. Mainly the roof has gotten worse over the yrs and needs to be replaced. They were always in denial. We really had no time to discuss what the living arrangements would be at our house before she moved in. We had to fly to Florida and drive back to upstate NY due to her COPD.
She has a few dollars in the bank. Less then 10k and property in Fl. which maybe is worth 25k. We are both now listed on her bank account and her SS check goes toward her shared expenses with us. My wife and myself have come to realize that we need to talk to her about our space. That we need more alone time. We plan on doing this after the holidays. But you're right about keeping the channels of communication open with my wife about the overall situation at least once a week. Once we find out exactly what her income is (SS was not correct the last 3 months but should be in her next check) and what her health expenses are we plan to fill out the paperwork that our local county has sent us. After we find out what she is eligible for and if the situation worsens then we would need to discuss her future living arrangements would be at a that point.

Thank you and everyone for sharing their advice.
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