
The nursing home billed Medicaid. All my mom's Social Security checks for the past 5 years went into my mom's checking account. My sister is also on my mom's account should Medicaid want the money back? What now?

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I have to say that in all reality it was the DPOAs responsibility to ensure that everything was set up properly. The NH screwed up but they weren't responsible to ensure that moms money was going for her care, they obviously didn't know about this account or her SS payments would have come out over 5 years because her assets would have been accumulating and making her ineligible for Medicaid. Unless her money was being taken monthly.

There is obviously something going on, Medicaid doesn't miss disclosed information.

Who ever did this year after year is in for a rodeo.
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RetiredGranny Jul 2019
My sister was on moms checking account and was drawing money out. But she was also gambling it away. My other sister lived with this sister and found out what was going on and told her she would be in trouble, The bank was supicious of the tranactions not made by mom, called my sister and sister said mom was living with her couldn't talk on the phone Has demettia, and she ( my sister) was using the money for moms care. Which was a big lie to cover her self Mom was already in a nursing home. I found out all this information after mom passed. and mom trusted my sister. what a mess.
Retired granny, I would contact Medicaid and tell them that you just want to report an error that needs to be known to them.

Honestly the more you share the more this looks like intentional fraud and I agree, she needs to be held accountable. Medicaid is for people that truly don't have the money for their care. Situations like this leave someone that is truly poor fighting for assistance and the program will go broke because people are stealing from it. You can only tax people so much before it doesn't make sense for them to work.

I commend you for doing what is right and holding your sister accountable.

As a taxpayer I thank you.
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Yes, they will now be looking into any accounts held by your mother, even if your sister is also on the account. I don't know what the outcome will be. You will want to visit an elder law attorney now to find out how to report this, and to whom, and what will come of it. So sorry for your grief and your sister's. So appreciate if you update us with what you find out.
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You are saying that moms social security check was deposited into an account that is your moms and sisters and your sister spent all of the money while mom was in a nursing home that Medicaid was paying for? Is that correct?

I would encourage my sister to contact social security and Medicaid to find out how to deal with this situation.

It is probably not going to be pleasant and I am sure that you guys are aware of the potential problems or you wouldn't be asking.

I do believe that they are more likely to work with you if you approach them, if they have to go looking for you, they are gonna be less gracious.

I am sorry for your loss.
Helpful Answer (1)
RetiredGranny Jul 2019
I don't know how much money is in the account I myself dont have access to that information., and I do know that my sister made some withdrawels but not how much. My sister dosen't seem to understand and is mad at us for even asking her any questions. Sister also has a gambling problem and has over a few years gambled away 50,000 that mom had stached away in cash, and given to my sister for safe keeping. sis did give one sister some of that as that was moms wish. I really don't want to get involved but I feel she should be held accountable for her actions. She )sister is spending like there is no tomorrow new car furniture etc.
The NH could have asked the family whether they want the SS$ to go directly to them or the family would need to write a check to the NH monthly. Sister could have refused or dragged her feet when mother was admitted.
We can’t assume the NH “screwed up” either. 5 years? Hmmm.
If I were your sister I would be looking for the monthly banking statements for the last 60 months. The onus may be on her to prove what she did with mom’s SS$.
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The nursing home admitted they made the error by not notifiny SS and billed Medicaid instead, but they don't care as they were paid for moms care. Social Security was notified and they don't care they just sent her checks to her account and know she has passed. I guess I have to notify Medicaid. my sister is in denial and thinks the money is now hers.
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worriedinCali Jul 2019
Social security has no reason to care. It’s Medicaid that was defrauded thanks to the nursing homes mistake. Your sister must leave the money in the bank. It needs to go to Medicaid.
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I am sorry for your loss.

Who completed the Medicaid applications? Are you certain that the preparer of the application knew about mom's account and social security income? It seems strange to me that Medicaid would not check on the social security benefit. It would be highly unusual not to have one.

Sis is in for quite the journey.
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