
She started on the third day wanting to go home. She has a mild cognitive disorder and doesn't understand that there's more to her therapy than walking to the nurse's station and back. We keep telling her it's up to the doctor/staff when she will be released, but she doesn't believe us. Now she's on day 20, and they are saying they are concerned about her safety living alone so they want to keep her a while longer. She can't qualify for Medicaid to pay for AL due to slightly exceeding the income limit. She asks daily if she is going home today, and the staff is so vague and won't give us any kind of timeline. Do I keep her there being miserable but safe, or take her out against medical advice where she may be unsafe at home but happy? I can only afford someone to look in on her for about 10 hours a week. Family visits on the weekend.

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If rehab is more than walking to the nursing station and back, then how is she going to get that therapy at home?

Do you actually plan on moving her home to live alone? SHE pays for the caregiver at home -- not you -- so can she afford that?

Rehab stinks. It stinks for everyone who goes to it, but it's something to get through while working as hard as possible for a successful discharge. Perhaps empathizing with Mom's misery and pointing out that she really does need to work hard to avoid having to return once she's sprung would have some effect. While she's still in there, you could be consulting an attorney who specializes in Medicaid to determine how to get Mom into care, because I have a feeling that's really where she's headed -- not home.
Helpful Answer (5)

Your mom has more than 'a mild cognitive disorder' at play if she doesn't understand what's going on and keeps repeating the same questions over & over again since day 3 of rehab! That said, it's not safe for her to live alone with only 10 hours a week of care and family visits during the weekend, based JUST on the cognitive issues alone. You have to consider that the SNF may want to keep her for a valid reason, in their long term care section. If she 'slightly exceeds the income limit', you need to talk to a Medicaid attorney (Elder Care) to see if that excess income can be put into a Miller Trust so she CAN qualify for long term care under Medicaid. This needs to be about safety now and not mom being 'happy' at home alone. She needs more care than she'll get at home, and unless you can arrange that, she needs to stay put where she's at. Mom should be paying for ALL of her care, whether it's in home or in a facility.

My father faced the exact same situation when he was in rehab back in 2014, so I had a choice as to whether to place him (and mom) in Assisted Living or leave him in the long term care section of the SNF he was in for rehab. I chose Assisted Living and had to hustle to move them out of Independent Living and into AL together. Safety is the #1 goal with elderly parents.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (7)

Please look into whether a Miller Trust is available in your state. It’s a way to deal with extra income so that a person can qualify for Medicaid.

ETA that Lealonnie1 beat me to it, with additional great info as well. 😊
Helpful Answer (6)

Safety first ALWAYS.

MOST newly placed residents, regardless of the type of facility, suffer difficult periods of adjustment when entering care.

Typically, we as caregivers suffer more than they do. I know that was the case when my LO entered her very nice MC.

After a few months, she loved the “hotel” where she was living.

Risking the damage that can occur from a fall risk is not worth putting an LO through the pain.
Helpful Answer (6)
Cover999 Sep 2022
Medication probably helped as well.
She's not ready to go home and even more so if she can't understand that.
Helpful Answer (5)

Getting the care she needs and her safety is the priority, not just how happy she is or isn't. And as others have said, if she does not understand her condition and the needed treatment, this may be more than just "a mild cognitive disorder." In time, a full work up of her cognitive status should be done (a geriatric psychiatrist, neurologist and maybe a psychologist would be involved). If she has dementia (regardless of the type) the cognitive decline will just continue. And as others have said, she may not qualify for Medicaid immediately but one can "spend down assets" over time to qualify.

Get with an Elder Care lawyer licensed in your state to work through this before making any concrete decisions. Hopefully you have a durable power of attorney so you can handle your mom's financial issues and spend her funds as needed for "HER care" and to spend down if needed. Ditto for an Advanced Directive to make medical decisions if needed or to serve as her "medical agent."

Her care team should really be given time to do a full assessment, physical and cognitive/mental status and determine her real condition and IF it is safe for her to be home. Can she live independently -- handle all activities of daily living/ADLs like toileting, bathing, dressing, managing her Rx w/out any help and feed herself and IADLs (instrumental activities of daily living -- driving, shopping for food, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, making competent medical and financial decisions, etc)? If not, what level of help does she need: aid twice a week to help with bathing OR she can do it all on her one safely all the time?

BUT DO NOT discharge her against doctor's orders. If you do that, the insurance coverage for what has been provided thus far may be denied!

This happened to a cousin of mine. He broke his back, had surgery and was discharged from the hospital to a "rehab facility" post op because he was in no shape to go home and they wanted to teach him how to put on and take off his back brace (to be worn 24/7 for 8 weeks). How to move (no bending/twisting/lifting) etc. To do PT with him and to handle IV post op antibiotics and pain meds (back surgery is very painful). NOPE, cousin hated the rehab facility and 24 hours later called his father to come get him (cousin is 50, uncle is 81), probably the post op IV pain meds gave him the feeling he was OK. And his dumb father agreed to drive him hom. Cousin discharged himself against doctor's orders and went home with his dad. 2 days later, uncle had to call 911 as they had no hospital bed at home and no appropriate pain meds much less antibiotics. So while trying to sleep in a recliner (dumb, beyond dumb) the stitches broke open and he was in agony. 911 took cousin back to the hospital and a 2nd surgery had to happen as he was NOT wearing the required back brace had not been fitted yet for his (each is specially fitted based on size). And the wound was all infected too as there were no IV antibiotics "at home." TOTAL HOT MESS

INSURANCE said NOT covering as you discharged yourself against doctor's orders! You can imagine the bill....
Helpful Answer (6)

"Now she's on day 20, and they are saying they are concerned about her safety living alone so they want to keep her a while longer."

They have to justify it to keep her longer. Is she continuing to make progress with rehab?

"My sister and I are caring for our Aunt and Mother who are both in their mid 80's and still live in their homes. My sister and I both work. Our Aunt and Mother live about 45 minutes away from us."

So what kind of caregiving and how much of it do your and your sister do? And you are doing this for your mother AND aunt? How long did you think you could keep this up, and what are/were the plans for when it became too much? (Seems like you are already there with your mother now.)
Helpful Answer (2)
Cover999 Sep 2022
They're subtly trying to get her to stay there permanently.
Miserable and safe!
Helpful Answer (2)

Get a social worker to talk with her.
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When my aunt was in rehab, they wouldn't discharge her, and her independent living facility wouldn't let her return unless she had 24/7 caregivers. She had mild dementia and wasn't taking care of herself. Rehab will probably want to discharge her when Medicare will no longer pay for it. Find out how many days Medicare will cover. Make sure that rehab is giving her physical therapy and preparing her to return home, especially in her last month there. If she has cognitive disorder, is it safe for her to live alone? Is there any way to reduce her income or assets so that she qualifies for Medicaid? Let her pay for in-home care until she spends down her assets, if she prefers to live at home, then have her apply for Medicaid. Connect with a local social worker to learn what her options are, given her finances. She may qualify for some in-home care paid by Medicare. Maybe it's time to look into a memory care facility. The advantage of these facilities is skilled staff who know how to care for people with dementia, people her own age around, they will take care of her meals, housekeeping and laundry, and they organize appropriate activities. While she is still able to sign legal documents, make sure that all of her paperwork is in order. She needs to set up powers of attorney for medical and financial matters, have a living will with her advance medical directives, and a will, if she has assets. All the best to you and your mom!
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Good morning,
Follow the physician and facility recommendation for her care. It is natural for patients to " want to go home" and, often put family on a
" guilt trip" when they visit. Her safety is the priority. When you visit her, gently redirect the conversation to something positive when she starts to complain. If necessary tell her you are following medical direction for her safety and, then redirect the conversation. If she persists kindly express your love and tell her that you will see her again soon and, leave. Stay in communication with the physician, facility and interdisciplinary care team to make decisions. Are you the designated PCG or POA ?
Practice good self care; pray and or meditate. Involve her and/ or your faith leaders if you have them . If not, consider a facility Chaplain for support. Peace. JNM
Helpful Answer (2)

Sign her out and get Medicare to come in twice a week for P/T. It sounds like the rehab facility is milking her insurance. I've heard too many stories about elderly getting 40 minutes of p/t while in rehab, and spending the rest of the day alone and neglected. She is just a number to them. Safe? People fall, get D-diff and worse in rehab all the time. The longer she is there, the more confused and agitated and less independent she will be. Get her out and do everything you can to keep her safe in her own home. btw, please go see a elder law attorney to get moms assets and health proxy in order and see what mom needs to do in order to qualify for AL care.
Helpful Answer (3)
Cover999 Sep 2022
Exactly $$$
Would mom be safe at home 24/7 without someone there all the time?
If the answer to that is no then you have 2 options.
She remains where she is until she it is determined she is safely able to be at home alone. OR She will be safe with caregivers coming into the home. (For how many hours would have to be determined)
"Mild cognitive disorders" rarely remain static, there is always a decline. So looking into Memory Care or if necessary Skilled Nursing is probably something that should be done. It might be worth discussing with a Social Worker.
Helpful Answer (2)

("Sigh"), I'm sorry, I'm tired of seeing "she can't qualify for Medicaid because of exceeding the limit". She needs to go on Nursing home Medicaid or LTC Medicaid. If she is a danger to herself at home and has trouble with ADL'S, she absolutely can qualify for LTC Medicaid. She will not be safe at home, so home is out of the question. The staff at the NH will realize this and cannot send her to an unsafe environment. Just keep telling her "Mom, you need to get a little stronger, keep doing what the nurse tells you to do". Do not take her out of there! You will be stuck and will soon be in over your head.
Helpful Answer (6)

Rehab just discharged my mom after a miserable 20 days. She made only minimal progress with her mobility because she was drugged with a sleep aid after we asked for none because they create brain fog for her. PT then was not effective because she was weak and not alert. Interesting enough on discharge day we were told she would benefit for 2 more weeks self pay of course.

She is home now with family and sitters. Home PT, OT is much more effective. Most seniors rebound in their own homes as long as they have monitoring and care even temporarily. Often it does takes weeks to get back to their pre rehab routine.
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1. Yes you keep her safe. Think of a minor child who is miserable. Do you test letting a kid play in traffic and hope for the best?

2. You may have to get doctor help to get court approved guardianship status for your Mom so you make decisions when she is cognitively impaired.

3. If she has a driver's license and access to a credit card to discharge herself, get a ride home and drive or rent a car, you could have a bigger issue.

OR 4. she could rack up big shopping bills if mentally she isn't her better self.

Yes, always error toward safety and you can't end up with a criminal charge for elder abandonment or neglect.

5. Medicaid for home care has in home support services. It covers about 100 hours/ mo.

That is why you would have to find and hire outside help for remaining shifts 24/7. Going rate for experienced quality care average is $28/ hr on up.

With cognitive impairment she can wander and get lost. She may need to be locked in residence.

There is a national shortage of locked facilities assisted living. Start searching now and get her waitlisted.

With guardianship status you can choose an assisted living for a temp stay or long term permanent. Do look at several. Contact licensing and go review the "fines file." How many. how often and for what? Some are nuisance fines, like a paper was filed a day late. Forgive that. Look for notable safety issues.

You are in role reversal now. It is your turn to be the parent. If you have her move in with you, it may be difficult to later say "no, it is time to go to assisted living. I can't give up my career responsibilities to help you or I won't have my retirement for myself and my family. The impact on my marriage/ relationship or children would be too heavy. Instead of being the loving adult kid you spend quality time with, I would be the one frustrating you often in order to protect you. You will be happier in assisted living."

Assisted Livings accept Social Security and SSI, not Medicaid. Skilled Nursing, Nursing Homes and Hospice take Medicaid.

As for Medicaid asset limit... if Social Security is paid direct to assisted living, her income assets will be lower and she should qualify. What counts is what hits her bank account. OR set up a Miller's Trust aka Special Needs Trust and Trust account accepts all income, then pays her a small amount monthly for incidentals after assisted living is paid.

Try to avoid nursing homes. Most are not good. Usually are depressing places.

Board and Cares can be okay, but your mom will likely be kept more active at assisted living. Most have physical therapy and / or a gym. Some have pools.

Memory care will cost $5000-7000/ mo as of Aug 2022. Avoid consigning to pay financial commitments. Sign as Power of Atty or Guardian and write that after your name once you have that status. You don't want your own assets at risk of lien.

The Trust can also sign as it has same rights as a person. Then any authorized board member(s) - whatever the Bylaws say - can sign as the financial party.

See an eldercare lawyer for Legal Advice. I am not a lawyer. I consult on eldercare legislation.

If you send your mom home, she can easily fall multiple times and not call for help. Seniors often have medical alert buttons but won't use them because they are afraid it costs more money or they don't want to incur an ambulance cost or bother anyone.

Trust the doctor. Not interns. Interns can make dumb mistakes... like trying to release my 93 year old father from hospital, who was high on pain killers, and weak, to drive himself home from hospital- Friday night rush hour traffic - to make an hour freeway drive.

I called at the "right time " in the middle of this, ( I was west coast, he was eastern US), found out was happening. Reached Physical Therapy Director who said he hadn't released him! He would stop this immediately- and did - while I was on phone hearing him chew out the intern.

He did go home Saturday. Had many falls. Died next week.
Helpful Answer (4)

I did that to my wife. My reason was she would get rehab before she came home and I wanted her as strong as possible because I knew she would not continue to exercise once she was home. In reality she just need to say no and they would skip the rehab session. She did not get the rehab she needed. I put her through a very bad experience for nothing. She is now bed ridden
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Good Morning,

I went through the same thing with my mother...keep in mind--IMPORTANT--if they come home (your mother) too early the insurance will not cover any of the time spent there.

Be sure you know "beforehand" what you are doing. It broke my heart when mother had to go for 10-days during Eastertime for a "short-term rehab" directly upon discharge from the hospital.

It was in the neighborhood, during the Pandemic--the people were wonderful but Mom was like a kid going off to Summer camp and calls to come home.

I simply showed up everyday, held her hand, told her she has a family who loves her and a home and will be coming home once she has her rehab for going up stairs.

You are allowed to "switch" facilities. When I had the VNA come prior to this illness, they "the VNA" were always able to get Mom back on her feet. This time it didn't work so I Mom had to do the "short-term" rehab (10) days which seemed like eternity.

No facility is going to discharge without a "safe discharge". No one wants the liability. I don't blame them. They have to follow their protocol.

Nighttime is the problem when the elderly live alone. There are "day" respite programs but who would stay with your mother at night? This is usually the issue.

If your dad was a Veteran there may be assistance there. Half of the country is going through this. They are in the middle financially,--not rich, nor poor but need help because they have to work and it breaks your heart when they call to come home.

You don't want Mom wander out in the wintertime or turn on the oven or forget to lock the door. It's just not feasible, you have to protect them and think of their safety first and foremost.

If your mother is close to the end I "think" hospice will provide around the clock care. I heard of this a lady in NYC. She wanted to return home--I think though you have to be on Medicaid. You would have to find out about this. I would speak to a social worker, elder attorney and primary care doctor.

There is help out there for you. This forum is great for people to share resources and you can decide what is the best situation for your loved one.

Meet with a social worker, elder attorney and primary care doc for an assessment. The doc at the rehab will have a say too
Helpful Answer (2)
Grandma1954 Sep 2022
In home Hospice does not provide round the clock care.
In Patient Hospice will provide round the clock care but while Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance will cover the cost of Hospice it will not cover the In Patient portion so you would pay for that out of pocket. That would be the room, bed, food just as you would pay for an AL, IL, or MC facility.
Sample, this is true, they can say No but only 3x and then the person id discharged. You wife may have been able to get PT at home. You maybe still able to get it, ask her doctor.
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Rehab is usually only paid for for a limited amount of time and only if progress is being made in the specific condition the doctor sent her there for. It is not a free holding area. Unless the doctor gives renewed rehab orders, you would probably have to pay out of pocket for a longer stay, but, as you day, at least she would be safe. Rehab is definitely not The Ritz and most of her complaints are probably legitimate.

IF your mother is never able to live on her own again, you might need to doing some longer range planning.
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The Miller Trust in some States is called a Qualifying Income Trust (QIT). Not all States allow them. The amount over the income cap is put into the Trust. When the person passes, it reverts back to Medicaid.

Day 20 is the last day that Medicare will pay 100%. The 21st to the 100th day Medicare only pays 50%. The other 50% is paid by the patient or their secondary insurance fully or partially. When my Mom was in Rehab just to get her strength back I told them there was no money after the 20th day. Moms secondary did not cover the 50% balance. She was discharged on the 18th day. She had Dementia and all I heard from the therapist was she couldn't follow instructions or remember her exercises from day to day. Duh, she had Dementia.

Medicaid does not pay for AL. Unless your lucky to live it a State that does. In my State u need to pay privately for at least 2 years to have Medicaid pay.

While Mom is in Rehab have her evaluated for 24/7 care. She may not be able to be on her own anymore. She can go right from rehab to LTC or an AL.
Helpful Answer (5)

What’s motivating the facility to keep her? Ask what their rehab census is…number of beds and number of occupied beds. They could be delaying the decision that she has reached”maximum medical recovery” for financial reasons. It happens. More than likely, though, they are hoping you find a better solution than going home to live alone.

What can be gained by her staying longer? Is she getting stronger? More importantly, are they trying to tell you it’s an unsafe discharge no matter how long she stays. If she can’t afford assisted living, you might need to think about bringing her to your house until she becomes eligible for Medicaid nursing home care. Your explanation about her eligibility for assisted living also doesn’t seem correct. Have you actually applied or are you taking someone else’s advise or experience?
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YOU shouldn't pay for anything. What can Mom pay for? Is that enough for her to be safe at home? Unless you are full POA you have no say. (Don't tell Mom.) If she is an unsafe discharge, she can't go home. Meet with a social worker and get help planning for long term care.
Helpful Answer (3)

Have the two of you met with a Geriatric Psychiatrist who can evaluate the situation and prescribe medications where necessary?
Helpful Answer (1)

She is NOT going to get better if you keep her in a place where she is miserable. Please get her out as fast as you can. Do NOT trust the staff there. I have found them to often lie about what is really going on. The neglect and abuse in these places is horrible.

It would be good if you could look into what kind of things her insurance will cover that is not income based. For example a visiting nurse and what therapies are needed. That way you can get her care right at home. The 10 hours a week may not seem like much, but it really can be. Find out what times of day she needs the most care and arrange for them to come at those times.

God Bless you! Praying you can help your mom get out soon!
Helpful Answer (2)
LoopyLoo Sep 2022
She needs the rehab. You are beyond wrong about rehab!
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get her out of there asap. rehab only cares about the money. some rehab nurses are great others have no compassion what ever. i opted to go home ALONE to my apartment rather than allow rehab to make me sicker. 2 hours a week is ample for her with meals on wheels or Angel heart meals, a TV and a computer besides a telephone and alert button. she may be lonely but its better than putting up with some of the nurses in rehab.
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LoopyLoo Sep 2022
This is patently false. OP, please don't heed this.
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Work with Social Worker to get all equipment & supplies/meds needed & referral for home care w physical. Hugs 🤗
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I’m in the exact same situation as we speak. However, my mother lives with me. I told her with improvements she will come home so she’s working hard at therapy. I couldn’t let her be alone.
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What a hard decision. Why is your Mom in rehab? In your opinion, is she getting better or not?

In 2019, my Mom, living completely independently prior to this, fell and had a compound fracture of her leg. To this day, she and we have no idea what she did. She was 97 years old and was forgetful, but nothing to make us think she had dementia.

She had to be moved out of the hospital, so we got her into the first rehab hospital where she could only stay for 11 days. She hated the place, however, they had her up and walking for 100 feet by the end of the 11 days. I could transfer her in and out of the car. She was in severe pain and tolerable pain the whole time.

She was then transferred to another rehab hospital because there was no one at home to take care of her. The PT saw that she was 97 years old and said I should be thankful she is alive (I relish the day when he is in intense pain and someone else tells him that). The nurses used to come into her room and hide out while they looked at their phone. They would tell her to ask for cookies and snacks so that my Mom would give it to them to eat. She liked the breakfast, but hated all the other food as it was over-salted and overcooked. She would call for the nurses and they would NOT come in a timely manner, hence she went in her diapers a lot. She was in constant pain and PT was not helping her with balance or walking.

I cut a trip early so that I could get her out after about 30 days. She couldn't even hold herself up to walk to the bathroom from her bed. She slumped over in her wheelchair. She couldn't stand for more than 5 seconds, not even with her walker. She had the look of a zombie and in my opinion, she was worse off than when she was admitted.

You can read my other posts about what I did to rehab her to get her out of the wheelchair.

Fast forward 1.5 years. All those behaviors that we thought was old age (going to the bathroom throughout the night, repeating, unable to remember events, etc), was diagnosed as MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment). She has no memory of rehab hospital #1. Her memory of rehab hospital #2 was that it was such a nice place, the food was excellent and the people who worked there always came when she rang the bell. Yes, she doesn't remember the pain or any of the complaints she had. She claims I am lying.

So, the question of whether you take her out or move her, is a decision only you can make. To make it, requires you to be there and see what is going on and decide how much you want to be involved.
a. Is she improving? Is she improving fast enough for what you are expecting?
b. What are her specific complaints? (usually it is because people don't come fast enough....yet when she is home, it probably is not going to be the way she imagines it to be either). Can you address her specific complaints?
c. If she is not in good enough shape to go home, is there another rehab hospital that you can move her to, that will get the improvements needed so that she can go home?
d. I suspect the reason why the staff is so vague is because her MCI is bad enough that she really does require 24 x 7 help at this time.

Rehab hospitals do have social workers and people who do help place their patients in other facilities.

Your Mom may never be happy, even in her own home. She probably has no idea what she is and is not capable of. My Mom insisted she could dress herself, yet, we had to help her put on her clothes. She insisted she could bathe herself, however, she barely got wet. My Mom attempted to wash dishes to prove she could take care of herself, and crumpled to the floor when she couldn't stand at the sink longer than 30 seconds. Then she couldn't get up because her muscles were too weak. That was when she realized some of her limitations.

I would have a heart-to-heart talk with the social worker (or patient advocate) at the rehab hospital and see what they recommend.

Best wishes.
Helpful Answer (1)

If you bring her home AMA, you are responsible for her safety. Since you know she has cognitive issues and is not able to live home alone, you will be held responsible to find safe options for her living arrangements. Personally, I would not want to risk any legal repercussions - being brought up on charges of neglect.

A better approach may be to start discussions with her about how to make her current living arrangement more enjoyable for her. Then, follow through with whatever options the administration will allow and that will make her happier.
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