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@katiekay You're right about looking into counseling for yourself. The support group I just joined had the same consensus; I Need help too. I have talk my insc co to see if I can get some of it paid for since the costs for that have skyrocketed in the last 5 years. In the interim, this site is going to have to supplement that and I really hope it can replace it just due to the cost. Stress and depression ARE one of the major issues with being a caregiver for a family member and I'm just finding that out that the stress Will effect Our memory too. Get help asap either thru a support group or thru counseling.
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Report glad you found your Franklin. Mine is my life saver. Take care.
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Sonny, I so agree. I would love to go to counseling but when you are semi retired the costs are prohibitive and not sure Social Security would cover it. When I first found this site I was ready to run down the street screaming as I had no one to talk to. (Can't talk to my honey as I don't want to upset him) Since finding this great group of people, I feel so much more relaxed. It means a lot finding out that there are others who are going through the same thing.
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Dusti22 - You mentioned in a post that you are 66, so you are covered under Medicare. Visits to a mental health professional are covered when they’re provided by a health care provider who accepts Medicare. I am in the process of setting up visits for my mom who is 93 and in assisted living. Therapy has helped me. I have a great support group of friends, but the benefit of seeing a mental health professional is that it’s their job to reserve judgment and guide you toward what’s best for you. Here's a link to SS and mental health coverage;
Take care of yourself.
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Hi Autumn... know I already replied. Thank you so much for your post and information. I just updated "not sure what to think" with the latest happenings. I am definitely going to check it out as he is becoming more and more verbally abusive ( I was calling it verbally mean but can no longer do that.) and it so out of character for him up until the last 6 months. It is hard when there is no family close and no one to talk to.
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If you're like many of us - you are suffering sleep deprivation on top of all you are doing.

When I had to start getting up every couple of hours to help my DH void, I was staggering around the house worse than he was.

The fact you know you have a problem - means the problem probably isn't as bad as you fear. Start making notes, it helps a lot. And I haven't known what day it is since *forever* but life still continues.

Hang in there honey, it ain't just you.
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Tyred2, could you have Attention Deficit Syndrome?
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Treeartist, I have also thought I saw something I didn't. I attributed to lack of sleep but I also need glasses and am going through an age-related process called posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). You might want to get your eyes checked.
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JoAnnS, I think that it takes more than just four months to get your zip back. Give yourself even more of a break. :)
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My husband told me I’m off the rails memory wise. I think it’s a medicine’s side effect plus, he admits, I’ve been very ill plus in a lot of pain. Pain will scramble your thought processes the med for it will too.

But don’t be afraid you’re losing your faculties. Caring for ill people will put you in a brain fog. You feel as confused as the patient. But stop worrying about your faculties. Your nerves are probably shot too.

Xanax is not a good nerve medicine however; it causes memory loss. Blackouts even.
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During the month of April and May, twice I thought Mother’s Day was the weekend coming up. I don’t know why. The second time I had to laugh.

I wanted to go see my mom but health wise it didn’t work out and the family chaos also threw a monkey wrench in any plans.
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I will also have to raise my hand! I am 59 and I think I am so frightened that I might get Alzheimer's and have the same end of life as my Mom had, that I worry incessantly every time I forget the slightest thing. I also, like many, make lists because I forget things that need to be done, and there always seems to be a very long list! I wonder if I am just being over sensitive because I took care of Mom for so many years, or if there really is something I should be worried about. Mom has been gone for a little over two years. I also am recovering from all that it took. I sleep weird hours because that is all that I could do when Mom was alive. Trying to get that back to normal. I try and read, and play games that make you have to think, or count. So far so good, but I totally understand the worry and how you feel. Maybe Garden Artist is right...we should rename this the Missing Memory Group, but then we'll never remember the name! :)
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I’m in the same boat. I left my job four years ago to care for my husband who has fronto-temporal dementia. It really does seem extreme and would concern me more if I didn’t have so many other things to worry about. Hoping for the best for all of us in this situation.
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