hello all, my dad who has advanced dementia after 2 strokes, is being cared for at home. He can no longer use his lower body. He hates being moved to use the commode or toilet or shower. It's like torture for him. We have a lift transfer chair and it helps alot. Im getting him another wheelchair with built in commode, this wheelchair can also recline all the way back like a stretcher so he can lay down. Now comes the question...i know it's dangerous to sit too long on the toilet. But is it ok to sometimes just let him be diaper free and recline in that wheelchair with the commode? (he had prostate surgery before that made him lost control of his bladder, so urine would drip at all times.) wouldn't being diaper free sitting on the commode be good to air things out?? Did anyone here ever did something like that? Thank you so much!
Is that due to pain and discomfort or fear?
If it is due to pain maybe a Hoyer Lift would be easier on him the whole body sling would cradle him rather than a harness and lifting him (I am guessing the lift chair is like the Sit to Stand I used for my Husband.)
Also if it is due to pain if he is taking pain meds would it be possible to time changes around medication so about the time the pain meds kick in you have to change him.
The Suprapubic catheter is not like the condom catheter. The Suprapubic is surgically done. It would not be viable option if he would pull at it.
Therefore, whatever works best for HIM and for the CAREGIVERS is what goes.
Be certain to use stool softeners and consider citrucel it this can be given. It both supplies roughage for an urge to go and a sort of mucilagenous lining that makes stool pass with ease. It also tends to give a normal semi formed stool.
This is a time for experimentation as to what works for a particular individual, and much like a "bad back" the remedies are almost always as unique and diverse as an individual's fingerprint.
Good luck.
Don't worry at this late stage about "too long on the toilet". That's for a younger group.
Best of luck.
Has there been any discussion of a Suprapubic catheter? As with anything there are Pro's and Con's.