
my dad is currently in the hospital with many medical issues. some dementia had set in. been confused but only getting worse. my brothers and I are concerned there are no documents in place such as a will, end of life plan among other forms that should be in place and arent. My dad opted out of Medicare plan and only has supplemental insurance. Dont believe he realized he did this and let no one know. believe eldercare lawyer is next step to get legal stuff out if the way. once this is figured out then can just focus on the care and comfort of our father.

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I found my Elder Law attorney here on AgingCare. Scroll down to the box where you put in your city and state.

Find someone quickly before the Attorney decides that your Dad can no longer understand what is on the legal documents, thus cannot sign the paperwork.
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Go to and you can find a certified elder law attorney in your area.

I found a certified elder law attorney more knowledgeable and better rates because it is their actual specialty.

Interview all of them and go with the one that fits best.
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You can also check with your local bar association for referrals. is a good source as MACinCT recommended.
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Look up Trust and Estate Attorney, Elder Care attorney on for your area. If you're on Facebook, look to see if there's a group for your area or neighborhood and ask for recommendations there. Also, the NextDoor app, as Alva mentioned is a possibility (although the one in our area is only good for people losing their minds over a coyote sighting and fears that their chihuahua will be eaten. :-) )

This is a good reminder to get these documents done for yourself as well. My husband and I had our documents done when we were still in our 30s with three small kids, and we updated them again a few years ago in our late 50s. It's never too soon to plan for the inevitable.
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Basically you are down to referrals in your area from friends or others, or just go ahead and look up elder law attorneys in that area and make a few phone calls. It may come clear to you in these calls who might work out best for you. Some areas have NextDoor sites in which people are familiar with, have used attorneys in your area. This worked well for me. Best of luck.
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