
My husband is the oldest of his family. His sister is the youngest & is married. She never moved out of family home that was owned by my disabled mother in law who is completely blind. My sister in law or her daughter took my mother in law to a notary to sign a quick claim deed adding my sister in law to deed. It's not mentioned that she's blind & there was no witness. Then once she was on the deed, quick claimed mother off. Then added her husband & now she quick claimed it to him as sole owner. Meanwhile my mother in law's health has deteriorated & is in a coma still under sister in laws care & now she's her guardian. The house isn't paid off, the loan is in her husband's name mean while she isn't going to give my husband a dime. My mother-in-law hated the son in law & wanted the house to be equally divided once she was dead. What can be done? Have copies of deeds & trail of transactions.

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Talk to an elder law attorney. If you suspect financial abuse or if this transaction was done improperly, the attorney can fight to have it voided.

Going through this with my sister right now. I am mom's guardian but my sister had her name added to the deed to mom's house while mom was already determined to be incapacitated. Mom's attorney is working on having it voided and restoring the title to the house as it was, in mom's name only.
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In my jurisdiction, deeds MUST be witnessed. The alleged quit (not "quick" ) claim deed, might be recorded; it might not be. An alert clerk could return it for lack of proper presentation and/or proper recording requirements.

In the meantime, from what you describe, possible pressure was exerted, so there is a legal/financial elder abuse factor.

Is the husband who's borrower the husband of the SIL? Or your MIL? It's kind of confusing. If so, he's still obligated as borrower on the loan, regardless of any conveyances.

He should report this conveyance to the lender; it might call the loan, and in fact, probably would accelerate the indebtedness b/c of an improper conveyance. If the balance of the loan is accelerated, it becomes due and payable after a certain period of time; I think it used to be about 3 months for residential mortgages. If the balance or deficit isn't paid in full, foreclosure proceedings are started.

So the data thieves may end up losing what they sought, and ruin their credit in the process.

You can also contact a good real estate attorney, even though this seems to be an elder abuse situation. What you want is someone who can review the so-called quit claim deeds and determine a course of action, either to institute criminal or elder abuse charges, or to find a way to nullify the transfers.

Another issue would arise in that the new title holders will need to get insurance for the home. The existing fee holder would need to cancel the insurance. Contact MIL's insurance agent right away to address this as you don't want her to be paying HO insurance on a house that's apparently been fraudulently deeded away from her.
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