He lives by himself in the same town, still drives and approaches my partner and children in public. I have told him to stay away from our house, he still drives past frequently. We have had things stolen lately and I believe its also him. His fowl language and threats are scary. I don't really want to get the police involved, but I'm not sure of who to contact or what is the correct procedure.
Why, exactly, would you not want to involve the police?
Also, have your Dad checked for a urinary track infection as that can cause some strange behavior in elders.
Just a quick note to always remember you and your families safety. First. Every time.
He may have an infection/delirium and be unwell and thus behaving in such a way, but your safety is always important.
If you feel threatened or concerned by his behavior call an ambulance who can evaluate him and treat him if required.
Sounds very stressful.
All the Best.
He sounds like a threat to himself (living alone and driving) and a threat to you. Contact APS with your concerns. Explain that you want the best for him but you are concerned with him living alone, and about threats he makes to your family. They may not be able to do anything if they visit him and he claims everything is OK, but I think you should try.