
Hi all, so obviously tax season is upon us. We have to file my late MILs tax return this year so my question is, does social security send out a 1099 or something? My MILs SS is taxable so we will need some sort of document for when we file her taxes next month. Also does anyone know when they send out the tax document? Thank you!

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Yes. But depending on your other income, it may not have to pay taxes on all or part of it.
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worriedinCali Jan 2019
Its for my MIL and she has to pay taxes on 50% of it. Last year she paid taxes on 85% of it.
Hi worried-
Yes, they send out 1099-ssa every year. They send them out in January. Sorry it is so vague, and not more specific than that. So far, I haven't received the ones my parents get yet.
Hope this helps.
Sparkles ✨
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worriedinCali Jan 2019
Thank you! I will keep an eye on the mail :)
Yes, Social Security should sent out a 1099 for last year's social security income. I got mine the other day. It doesn't come in a regular envelope but one of those tear here, tear there, flip open style envelope.... not all that easy for an older person to open :P

If you don't receive the 1099 by the end of the month, call Social Security.

My heartfelt sympathy to your and your family for your mother-in-law's passing.
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worriedinCali Jan 2019
Thank you! The 1099s from the retirement plan came in the same tear here tear there flip open envelope and i almost ripped them trying to get them open! I’ll be on the lookout for a similar envelope from SS
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