I'm single and sole caregiver for mom who is 91 and lives with me now. She had a stroke in 2016, moved from cane to walker, was recovering well, but was injured during therapy in 2017 causing a torn rotary cuff, ganglion cyst on shoulder that cannot be removed, and additional issues and fears developed. Since the stroke, she's on Plevix and baby aspirin. She is truly allergic to almost everything and cannot take pain meds so only lives on aspirin for pain. Recently, her arthritis pain, muscle pain have taken it's toll and she seems in constant pain. For her age, she's active and we have moved around more than most on drives, shopping, trips, but this past 3 or 4 weeks, arthritis is fierce. Thanks, Marc
I would do a couple things. 1st do some research on how alkalizing her system is achieved. Lemon water is a good way to cut the bodies acid. Apple cider vinegar with local honey is another really good option, I make a kind of lemonade drink with it and sip throughout the day. This will help internally to reduce the inflammation and high acidity that arthritis lives on, helping reduce her pain. Be sure and get a good quality apple cider vinegar with the mother in it.
For external relief my mom uses a patch called salonpas on her knees and her shoulder, she had a torn rotator cuff that has been repaired, she buys them by the case so she doesn't run out. You can leave them on for 8 hours and they are a gentle deep warmth. I used them on a sore muscle and I was quite impressed with the warmth and pain relief. I keep them around now. I have food and external product sensitivity and I have never had a problem with my skin.
I hope you find something that helps her, that just wears you out being in pain.
When I recently had a knee injury, a friend gave me something called Biofreeze. It's a topical roll on that really seemed to help my pain, but, not sure that would be helpful to someone with extreme pain. My physical therapist really helped me with pain too. Has she had physical therapy? Before my pain got better, I had considered accupuncture. There is also something called dry needling. You can check it out. It's a procedure that's designed to help with stimulating pain relief.
I bought an arnica salve once when I was having knee pain, but it's so long ago I don't remember if it helped. It's another partially natural remedy.
Another concept to evaluate is food choice. Some foods can intensify arthritic pain.
You might also check out foods with resveratrol.
Scholarly articles:
Read up on it online before you buy it if you decide to try it. You might even check with your PCP.
there is also a product called "PENNSAID". It is by prescription only. And it is very expensive. $3500.00 for a 3.8 oz. container. You should check with your PCP to see if there is a free sample you could try. since we got ours I have seen it in smaller containers. It is not rubbed onto the skin but is patted onto the aching spot.
I have some rose scented with alie vera, lovely. Nature's gift.
My hub's physical therapist recommended a high concentration of menthol in an over the counter cream. He does not like the creams, nor the odor.
A friend uses a heating pad, but it is not recommended in the elderly....can cause burns.
I use ice, sitting or laying on a gel ice pack until it loses it's cold. Often helps me fall asleep as the pain subsides. Takes some fortitude to tolerate the ice at first.
Gentle massage helps too.
Sitting in a warm bath of epsom salts helps too.
Heat is soothing, especially low-filled hot water bottles to take to bed, but cold is supposed to work better. I just don't have Sendhelp's fortitude! I've never had safety trouble with hot water bottles, but you can fill them yourself for your mother, put them into an absorbent cover or towel and then into a plastic bag if you want to take extra care. NSAIDS like Nurofen are great anti-inflammatory drugs, but about 10% of people have quite severe adverse reactions of stomach damage (including me).
Because of my NSAIDS problem, I use Turmeric (which is a respectable natural anti-inflammatory) in the morning, plus when I become uncomfortable. For maximum effect, make up a batch of powdered turmeric, black pepper, and ginger in proportions 7: 2: 1. It doesn't have to be exact - I put tablespoons of each into a large jar and then shake the jar. Then use a teaspoon-full of this, mixed in a cup with yoghurt or anything else that helps you to swallow it. It works very well unless the pain is too intense, then I go for codeine and bed. It tastes pretty dreadful, but you get used to it. There’s an expensive commercial version called Turmerix, with added snake oil, but ordinary turmeric/black pepper/ginger works just as well and is very cheap. A kilo of turmeric from the local restaurant supply place costs me $8 for the cooking version or $18 for the stuff they say is top-of -the- range (presumably harvested by virgins). The black pepper and ginger are also cheap as long as you don’t get a tiny packet in the supermarket. A few people report loose bowels with it, so it might be worth trying a little first and having some imodium in stock, but it doesn’t bother me. I hope it works for your mother, and send best wishes to you both.
1) pinterest
2)young living
3)Dr. Josh Axe (luv him)
I hope I have been some help to you!
Aspircream works very well. So do lidocaine patches you can get those over the counter or by prescription.
I have not had much luck with Aspricream but that's just me.
Lidocaine worked well for a few friends of mine. If you need stronger than the over the counter one that is 5% but you can get higher you have to "look out side the box" for the higher % . Go to the section of the store that sells condoms and there is a product that will desensitize.....The lidocaine in those products is almost 10%.
By the way when you say she "seems in constant pain" what are the indications? At some point some people will complain about pain even if there is little pain. If she is active and doing day to day activities I would not worry much. If she stops those activities that would be a concern. Pay attention to facial cues. Grimace, furrowed brow are two indications.
Would she be a candidate for something like a cortisone injection that might help? Then again you do not want to cause more pain by trying to alleviate some.
Happy to hear we help, that is what we all want?
Help one another?
we are all together in age?
Some folks do well with the OTC preparations with capascin (hot peppers) that increase circulation to the area. Those irritate my skin too much.
Heat helps loosen the joints as well. My hubby likes a hot shower in the morning for his back arthritis.
Cold helps with pain after exercise. I have used a cold solid rubber ball that I keep in the freezer to "roll on" sore points.
Also, physical therapists remind me that "motion is lubricant". I find my stiffness is worst in the morning, but moving helps "loosen" it up. Try gently moving all her joints in all directions in the mornings (called passive range of motion, Your mom should move all her joints in all directions throughout the day (called active range of motion which also works her muscles). You can also ask a doctor to write prescription for physical therapy to learn exercises that she can do that will help strengthen muscles and protect her joints.
I also use Topricin My Fibro Cream, it is a lotion you can use on face, no odor. Check out the Topricin website as they have a variety of pain creams etc.
Mom can't take most pain meds but found Tylenol helped a lot during a spell with acute back pain from degenerative disk.
If your mother is 91, she is certainly entitled to HomeHealth and St. Lukes also does Home Hospice. Look into it and ask what they have for pain.