
It's been 8 months now since Mom passed in January, since then, I have been in extreme TCB mode getting things done...some days are good and others are like an emotional train wreck when the grieving starts rhyme or reason for just many good memories. Joined a grief support group recently and that seems to give me some perspective that everybody grieves in their own way and time. Grieving is not easy.

No it is not, however you seem to be doing the right things. Sending support your way!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MeDolly

It's only been 8 months, and this rollercoaster of emotions will continue for some time to come, and that's ok.
If we didn't truly love the person we lost, we'd have no reason to grieve them. It is the price of love.
So keep doing what you're doing and over time you'll discover that it gets a little easier. Never completely goes away, but it does get easier.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

Indeed you are right. I call it being blindsided by the grief. You can go along for some time feeling quite OK, and then for no reason you can see, BOOM. There it is again.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Grieving takes time, you had your mom your whole life and have only been without her for eight months. No need to rush your grief.
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Reply to EmotionallyNumb

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