
I received a call from LO today from the NH. She's been in steady decline for several months and we have addressed issues as they have come up via several outside Dr appts and two other tests scheduled/pending at this time. This morning, the call from her was almost unintelligible. Very slurred and mostly it was just her struggling/trying to talk. Said something about waiting to use the bathroom and about someone having to make a "deal" in order for her to stay at NH. I am filling in most of the words for her. She sounded awful and getting info from her was going to be futile so I made up a story that I'd talk to those nurses about why it took so long to take her to the bathroom. Called nurses station to request they check on her re the slurred speech - no one answered the phone (this is common, but the nurses are usually on the move and not just sitting to answer the phone and each wing does not have a secretary). Was able to reach an independent practitioner who knows her and she said her colleague will respond to this and someone will contact me when there is info and these people super reliable so I know they will. It's been nearly 2 hours since the initial phone call and I'm scared. However, I'm thinking if it's really, really bad I'd have been called by now. I'm hoping she simply woke up, didn't know she was confused (she's confused almost all the time at this point), needed the restroom, and called me instead of hitting her call light. I just don't know what to think. My mind is going everywhere. I don't really have a question - just needed to tell someone.

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I hear you.

It's sooo hard to wait on a call back.

My mother is in a GREAT facility, but I don't always get a call back. They are crazy busy. I just call again.

2 hours seems enough time to wait to get a call back.

Best wishes, Mystery.

Is there an update, MysterShopper?

I really thought the end was here for her today. I started going through a range of emotions stemming from "all these years on this planet and today is her day" and all sorts of things. Well, the call came. It was the practitioner (whose colleague was going to respond to the crisis but she ended up doing so herself) and she told me she was on speaker phone. With whom? A doctor/administrator/director to help deliver the news that LO was gone? That's what I thought, but that's not who it was. It was LO on the speaker phone - who did not sound great, but sounded better than earlier. I was shocked. LO remembered calling me, but was more understandable and told me she was confused about when her next Dr appt was and she had not slept well, etc. We are in the process of diagnosing a sleep problem - which the confusion, etc is being attributed to. I am in the middle of helping to coordinate all of this, so I am aware of it... but that call this morning seemed to be an over-the-top drastic change. Wow. So, the plan is to get some other routine-ish tests in the short term(not sure which ones, but I'll get that straight at some point) and proceed with the other tests we were already planning to have done. In my mind, I was already figuring out how to tell her kids she was gone. What a day. I just don't know what to say or think except... what a day.

MS, I'm so glad your mom is feeling better. What a day!!

Understatement of the year, right!?!?

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