
SO has been told masks will not be required for staff afterward. Nor will people have to queue to answer covid questions.

Unclear whether free covid testing on site will continue or whether they’ll maintain a policy of sending infected workers home for a minimum of five days, Day 1 being the day after you tested positive.

There are workers missing from every department who tested positive at work. So was one of them. I got covid from him. I still have it a week later.

So what do we think about this? Should the workers still mask and go home? What do you think your facility should do?

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We appear to be rapidly moving toward a weakened virus that is not killing. Just was reading the stats in This Week. So much less deadly at this point. I think now we will move to a time when choice will be it for this virus. We will be met with another at some point should we live long enough. For now it is individual choice for protection.

I as an 80 year old will still be masking; I haven't had even a sniffle to more than three years at this point. Kind of used to it. Kind of like it. So, on buses, in crowded stores I will make the choice to mask. And will continue to get what vaccinations are recommended by the CDC. And on I go. I will trust ALL OTHER PERSONS to make their own choices for their own lives.


I’m very sorry that you got Covid. I hope that you recover quickly and start to feel better soon.

Who knows what the protocols for masks wearing will be? What they decide depends on several factors.

For awhile the ‘masks wearing’ rules kept changing back and forth in our area.

Now, it seems like masks wearing is more of a personal preference with the exception of certain areas.

My husband has to have his PSA levels checked every six months due to having had prostate cancer. Everyone is required to wear masks in the cancer centers.

I do feel like testing should remain in place. Certainly, quarantining is necessary for those who become infected. Hopefully, Covid will continue to be studied seriously.

My brother’s doctor has asked him to participate in a long term Covid study at NYU because he has had Covid three times and is experiencing complications.

He had underlying health issues before getting Covid which include, diabetes, heart disease, in remission from colon cancer, high blood pressure, etc.

He lives in D. C. and first got Covid before the vaccine was out. He nearly died, was on a ventilator in the hospital and was very ill. Then, after he got the vaccine he caught Covid again. He always wears a mask.

He has been dealing with serious health issues since having Covid and I hope that he and others who are dealing with similar issues will get the help they need to improve their quality of life.

I have been vaccinated and boosted. Some people don’t wish to be vaccinated or cannot be vaccinated due to certain health conditions.

I don’t have any problem with wearing a mask when needed. As you know, others don’t wish to wear a mask.

Best wishes to you and your SO.

Obviously masks and vaccines dont work so lets stop the charade and encourage proper hand washing protocols which are far more effective then people wearing masks and constantly pulling the mask up and not washing their hands after doing that.

My favorite was seeing someone sneeze while wearing a mask like they though they were wearing a giant tissue on their face. Absolutely disgusting.

And let's not forget peoole who wore the same mask 3, 4 or more times because kerping said germ riddled mask sanitized it. Ummm nope. I don't think so.

You and SO have had COVID how many times now?

Thanks so much, needs help. So sorry about your brothers troubles with covid, and certainly these long term studies will help, because we really don’t know how it’ll affect people broadly.

My in laws have had it twice. Mil was undergoing chemo the first time, and it happened after her first shot of Modena. She was given Remdesivir Iv at the hospital and sent home. She was symptomatic for 10 days. Fil also became infected about a week after his j&j shot. Totally asymptomatic though he had as many health issues as her.

The same occurred after their second booster. This time, they took Pavloxid, but only she was symptomatic.

So went back to work and is fine, whereas I’m still popping a fever seven days out. When I had chickenpox, or Fort Dix flu, or any other flu, that hasn’t happened.

So it’s puzzling.

When are they going to do long term studies on people who got injured by the vaccine and boosters?

We know they won't study and compare those with serious covid related long term effects with their vaccination and booster status.

The problem for us is that people make choices for their own lives that could affect LO and me. Such as invading our personal space while not wearing a mask and then wiping their nose with their thumb and then resting their hand on the chair arm where someone else will soon sit and rest their hands and then wipe their mouth and guess what? “We don’t know how we picked up Covid!”

We mask properly and have stayed well. So many don’t know how and then say masks don’t protect them. I’m losing my patience with folks who don’t care enough to figure out how to prevent disease in themselves and others.

What about the people wearing masks who touch said mask and then touch other things? Arent they contaminating things too? I would think the front of the mask would pick up a lot of germs.


The first time was in Jan 2022. Five months after our booster. For him it was a day of back pain. For me, it was a couple sniffles.

We only tested because mil was insisting on having a birthday dinner at home for him and we’d just spent 3 days in a casino, not bc we felt sick.

So we didn’t go back to get the bivalent shot. We’d just had it and nothing happened.

This time was decidedly different. SO was on the roof checking machines when he suddenly felt feverish and dizzy. He took his temp with his hot water tester. 101.2. Thank God he hadn’t gone in any senior units that day mask or not.

Do you guys take any supplements?

I didnt know you could take your temperature with a hot water tester. Should i ask where he stuck that to get a reading? 😅


He told me when he was going to NY to participate in the study. I don’t remember the exact date. I’m not sure how detailed the study will be. His doctor encouraged him to participate in it.

He lived in NY awhile back. He moved there directly after graduating from Tulane University here in New Orleans. He’s an investment banker and living in NY and D. C. was a better choice for his career.

My brother is a germ freak like me. He constantly washes his hands and always wears fresh masks.

The vaccine will not prevent anyone from getting Covid. Hopefully, it will reduce symptoms. The thing is that Covid affects everyone differently. Underlying issues make a difference as well.

Thanks, PeggySue for your kind words regarding my brother. I appreciate it.

I hope that you will start to feel better soon.

I agree Need.

It’s like a long metal probe. No no he took the temperature orally.

We take one a day vitamins.


I’ve had numerous people in my family who have had Covid. My daughters have had it too, several nieces and nephews, cousins as well. All had varying symptoms.

I am especially empathic towards the people who were caring for these individuals and caught Covid. It’s upsetting to hear unfair criticism of hospital staff members who worked tirelessly trying to save others.

I lost a dear friend who was on staff at a hospital for many years. I’m sad for his widow and children. I’m very proud of his wife for starting a support group for women who became widows due to Covid.

My daughter was premed and changed her major to business before Covid hit. I know that she was glad that she didn’t get caught up in the stress of being in a medical field during that time. A couple of her friends who were nurses ended up leaving the field due to high stress levels. Most stayed and dealt with it as best as they could. Yeah, tough times for everyone involved.


So true! We come in contact with germs all the time.

Most people don’t even realize that they are contaminating others. Even when they are told they don’t change their behavior.

My hands are incredibly dry at times from my constant hand washing but I would rather have dry hands than Covid.

I have always been a huge believer in washing our hands often. My mom and grandma engrained this behavior into us!

I agree with Fawnby. It will disturb many residents to have unmasked people coming into their personal space. It’s going to be tricky frankly to avoid conflict in the common areas as half the residents mask, but that isn’t their personal space.

As for places now eliminating the need to wear masks, it is a choice. My sig-other who works part-time at a cemetery [his third career], he plans to wear a mask if customers are in the office.

New weekly covid cases are trending down along with hospitalizations, good news. But new weekly covid deaths are trending up. And I was surprised to learn only 16.4% of the U.S. population has have all of their shots/boosters.

I believe the debate about getting covid shots is now similar to the debate about getting flu shots. My parents lived to be 90 something. They were getting their flu shots ever since such shots became available, thus decades. They never got the flu, in fact I never recall either getting a bad cold. And they did volunteer work at a regional hospital for 20 years in their later years. So in their case, the vaccine worked well. They had passed before covid ever got started. Knowing them, they would have gotten their shots/boosters.

Around here (Missouri), most places started relaxing masking a while back. My mom got COVID while getting PT at a day institute. Lost of the people there no longer wore a mask.. She did and has had all her vaccines and boosters, as have I, my husband, and our 12 year old son. We all ended up catching it. Luckily my husband and said had mild cold symptoms. I had a fever and flu like symptoms, but not as bad as when I've had the flu (which we also always vaccinate for.) My mom did OK until her 02 sat dropped at my house and that was what started the chain of events that resulted in her now residing in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
She broke her hip Thursday, had a partial hip replacement Friday. She has been out of it but better today.
About 1% of the hospital workers have been wearing a mask. They relaxed that requirement the week before she fractured the hip. I'm still wearing mine for her protection.
She has something going on with her lungs right now too. She doesn't need to get COVID again.

PeggySue put this under the ‘questions’ category. I remember answering the post earlier. I wonder why it was moved to the ‘discussion’ area.

How are you feeling, PeggySue?

Needs, I’m feeling a bit better from yesterday. My fevers down and I actually ate like 10. Green beans. This is progress from when I’d down the Pavloxid with Ensure and hope I didn’t throw it up.

The whole experience has been eye opening as I don’t recall being that sick for that long with any resp virus.

I wish they’d left this in questions as I asked one to the group. Namely, how do we feel about facilities dropping all restrictions to protect seniors from covid? most content was in nested replies, which admin has erased due to their move.

Today, SO was called to the unit of a woman who had covid, had called 911, and was transferred. Today, there were masks available. After the third, who knows?


I am glad that you are feeling a little better. When Covid is active I believe masks should be made available.

I have had questions moved to the discussion area after I specifically placed them in the question area. It’s annoying because the responses are then not in the same order.

I guess that you could repost the question back in the question section and maybe reword it differently.

People don’t generally view the discussion section as much as the question section. Plus, discussions doesn’t allow responses directly to another poster.

The post below is a really bad advertisment for vaccinating. Every time any one got a vaccine or boost, they got covid right afterwards ????

Peggy Sue wrote:
"My in laws have had it twice. Mil was undergoing chemo the first time, and it happened after her first shot of Modena. She was given Remdesivir Iv at the hospital and sent home. She was symptomatic for 10 days. Fil also became infected about a week after his j&j shot. Totally asymptomatic though he had as many health issues as her.

The same occurred after their second booster. This time, they took Pavloxid, but only she was symptomatic."

Nah, PatPaul, to answer your questions, we just love to argue.
That's why occ. when we are bored we mention "Covid". It's kind of like Carter's Little Liver Pills for us.

Pat Paul, The way we see it is that the vaccinations have done their job in that no ones been hospitalized for covid or died.

Jeffrey, my next door neighbor was unvaccinated. He was in his 70s and active, riding bikes, golfing, etc. then got covid and died.

My vaccinated in laws were hospitalized probably 20 times, but not for covid.

My hubs facility required vaccination and booster prior to employment so he had to have them.

If you don’t want to vax, then don’t. I’m not here to preach Vaccination. I’m just wondering what we expect of facilities now that the state is not making them have protocols anymore.

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