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Maybe when they do a drunk driving commercial about the effects of driving drunk, they should add a commercial about , awareness of aging driving

“Ah bundle of joy - I get why she plead not guilty, what I don't get is why after all the evidence presented her apology was basically that she is sorry she hit those children but I deny it was my fault. Plus she's not even being sent to jail, she got house arrest and a driving ban.”

because if she had said anything else, she might have gone to jail, for example for manslaughter.

it matters what you say before, during and even after trial — even what you say years later.

there are also potential civil lawsuits, like wrongful death.

hence, she says what she says.

If it was not a mechanical problem with her car she was at fault. That woman is a callous idiot.

Being a NYC girl I took mass transit to work my whole career. I would never dream of driving into Manhattan during the rush hour.When I moved to the Bay Area I drove to work but decided the train was better for me. It took a bit longer but I could read or relax and did not have the stress.

we only have one car here in Cali and I let my husband use 95% of the The time. I drive occasionally just mostly for practice. I have become proficient using BART and love the half price Clipper card.

I can hang up my car keys any time and it will be fine with me.

We will see what kind of shape MIL is in when we go in two weeks . I’m guessing she’s worse than 6 months ago when we went last . I’ve also been thinking about having DH call is aunt and uncle that live down south to talk to MIL on the phone about quitting driving , once we can say how she seemed to us during our next visit , so we have a current assessment to report . The aunt told us her driving was bad when she last visited .

Ah bundle of joy - I get why she plead not guilty, what I don't get is why after all the evidence presented her apology was basically that she is sorry she hit those children but I deny it was my fault. Plus she's not even being sent to jail, she got house arrest and a driving ban.

before she gets to that point, hopefully she doesn’t hurt anyone while driving.

way - not at all. It would be a great solution -being unable to get out or get in.

Is it mean that I’ve been hoping MIL literally can’t get out of the car one day because her mobility is so bad ?? It would hopefully end her driving .

there are many reasons why in court, when faced with a judge and possible conviction, you might not admit to something.

imagine she even did it on purpose. would she, or anyone, really admit to a judge, “i pressed that gas pedal on purpose. i was having fun speeding.”…?

of course not. people lie in front of judges all the time.

Annabanana - I think the speed was the result of her shoving the gas pedal to the floor and that's also why she lost control. Initially I felt a little sympathy because we've all made mistakes driving that only by luck didn't result in anything major, but her complete lack of acknowledgement that she's the one who screwed up dried that up and has me wondering if there's some level of dementia.

Cwillie , as long as she keeps telling herself it’s the car’s fault, she can absolve herself of her responsibility for killing that child (and seriously injuring others) plus future at-fault crashes. I read she was doing 120km/hr on Wonderland. (mostly a 60 zone)

I read a common remark in her case, plus Peter Nygard’s and more, involving criminal trials of old people, that galls me. The defence not wanting jail time due to their risk of dying in jail. I think some arrogant, irresponsible people need prison time to reflect upon their actions. Or their behaviours continue because there is no lifestyle altering consequence. I am having difficulty feeling sorry for them.

cwillie: Misery:
I know you both know it, but this is one of the most common things out there. Here in SF a woman hit the gas instead of break and plowed into an entire group of people waiting for a MUNI bus. 3 are dead including a child, and a baby remaining hospitalized.
My mother hit the gas and plowed through an entire plant nursery taking out a bunch of young trees rather than young kids.
My brother drove his pickup back and forth, back and forth between a truck-size dumpster and a palm tree until his head was smashed up front, back and side, then was lying in the arms of his neighbor saying "I knew something was wrong; I knew something was wrong".

This happened so often in my own family that I gave up my license in my early 70s, knowing I drove to infrequently to be a good driver with an impaired left eye.

Denial is a powerful thing. There is a local woman who hit the gas instead of the brakes and plowed into a group of children on the sidewalk, killing one. Even though she went through a trial and she's been convicted of criminal negligence she still insists she did nothing wrong and she hit the brake.

Way, it so hard when you know what's going to happen and you're hand are tied and no one will listen.

Of course she didn't tell DH, maybe now after an accident you can try DMV .

I think it's been a while since you and DH have been there. She may have gotten pretty frail since last time. People can really cover up things through a phone.

She really has things sewed up, doesn't she?


No response from DMV is frustrating too.

Doesn't seem like there is much you can do. Maybe another call to DMV?

Must be awful waiting for a crisis to happen. ((((hugs))))

Of course she should quit driving . She can barely walk . I don’t know how she sees over the steering wheel , she’s so stooped over and short . Nothing we can do .She refuses to draw up a POA . Already reported her to DMV months ago with no response . She would never give us keys . I’m sure she has the second set hidden for this very reason . If we disabled the car she would call to have it towed and fixed . It’s a leased car , so we can’t steal it from her forever . We do not know any of her doctors .

Not hearing from mil sounds like a good thing, "Side swiped" not so good. Hiding it from dh - whatever, She is playing her games. Prob time she quit driving, don't you think?

Not really a whine but ……Hadn’t heard from MIL in over a week .
Today DH found out through the grapevine why he hasn’t heard from her .

It seems ( according to MIL) she got sideswiped while driving . At least that is what she told her other son . I’ll take that description with a grain of salt considering MIL’s lifelong distorted accounts of happenings where , She’s always innocent . 🙄🙄🙄

DH called his mother today to see if she would mention it to him and she didn’t . She still thinks DH doesn’t know .
It will be interesting to see if DH asks her about it when we visit her in two weeks . Hmmm 🤔🤨🧐

Venting, I hope your today is better than your yesterday.

Venting--sending some love your way. Always so happy when I see you return to AC.

Hang in there Venting. 💌

THANK YOU. You have no idea how much your (Gershun, Beatty) words warm my heart. Thank you! I will return to the forum later.


Venting, thinking of you 🥰

I’m going through an extremely hard time today. (Nothing to do with caregiving). I hope things turn around for me soon.

Ana - exactly. We are not the support system for anyone unless we choose to be.
It seems to me it's a victim's "poor me" game.

Golden, we recently advertised to hire - very specific (uncommon) knowledge and experience. An applicant interviewed, but was not selected. Now we’re receiving daily emails - guilt trips of great detail - about why we have to hire him. His life story is certainly unfortunate but we are not his lifeline.

Just me whining these days it seems.

I advertised on a Ft Mc site free furniture which includes a real leather chair and love seat in very good condition. Just pick it up at the arranged time.

Well long story short it didn't work out a couple of times with one person. I got the excuses, the health history, the child problems and so on, but no arrangement to pick up until I said too late. Then seemingly they found someone in 5 minutes.

So I got a long fb message explaining yada, yada yada. I sent one back saying it wasn't all about her. I had things to arrange to and if she couldn't follow up at the times she said, I couldn't deal with her.

I really wonder what this was really about.

On to the next person who wants it and hope I can get it done. I am relying on the good nature of the lady who has been cleaning and keeping an eye out on the place for me to be there to let people in to take the furniture and I can't waste her time and good will.

IMO R is not really ready to drive up even if I did some of the driving or we could do it. If we can move most of the stuff, before coming up, say next month when he is stronger, the rest will be one trip to the dump which I have a good company for and one trip to the Thrift shop, then bring a few things here. Sounds simple doesn't it, but when dealing with people it often isn't!

send -as long as it works, I guess it's worth keeping. Glad you've got your flyer printed. We did complete everything finally.

I like your phrase. lol.

Lol Golden!
We are experiencing same here, then ran out of paper.
But I have my flyer printed up early.

I usually console myself with the phrase:
"What can be done with paperwork can be undone by more paperwork."

The printer was given to us instead of throwing it away. My dH is in charge of keeping it running.

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