
I'm tired of cooking/preparing 3 meals a day. It's just the two of us but boy oh boy can that woman eat!! She stays slimish, I get fattish. It's bad enough I do everything here much less start making her one thing and me the other. At times I feel guilty when I buy her fast food cuz of the nutritional value....not to mention I eat it too.

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So little brother must of been upset because mommy is being nice to me, and he told on me. 😂.

I got pot leaf cookies cutters from someone, and little bro told mommy I have a weed business. 😂.

True but not true, I make Carmel, and sell them really cheep to a few good friends, absolutely nothing illegal.

The thing is the only one it hurts is mom, and that sucks

Jim I do not know of one, you can have your mom join here. Ask her to call center for the aging they may have some suggestions. Support during caregiver is very important.

My mom needs support group caring for her elderly mom.
Is there a zoom meeting anyone can recommend?
Thank you

Psue - Trust your mom didn't sustain any serious injury from her fall. Bruised tailbones can be very painful. Glad your bro's stents are in place. I hope he doesn't have any lasting damage to his heart. Getting paid??? Oh, dear. Wishing you and yours some peace for the next few days and a smooth transition into the AL when that time comes.

Thanks Eva, Nacy, Golden. It was a whiney morning for sure. Mom slipped on the deck stairs going down to put on the hose bib cover and landed on her tailbone. I live 5 minutes away! And she’s seen me without makeup and in my pjs; I don’t know why she didn’t call!
Brother will be going home tomorrow with 2 shiny new stents in his arteries. Blood flow has been restored and he’s doing fine. No news yet as to whether there was much heart muscle damage. Time will tell.
DH has been mostly lucid all day although he did ask me how much I was getting paid to put him in AL. Hah; some joke.

Eva, wrong thread but how is your husband today - are they getting his pain under control? I’m sorry this is going to be such a difficult holiday season for you two.

Nacy, I hope your guy is feeling well enough to enjoy Christmas Eve.

Golden, I’m so glad R made it through the awful headaches and I hope you both have a lovely Christmas.

Ali and Llama, sending blessings……

To all the whiners on this thread, I wish you peace and joy this holiday season, and on we all go, until we don’t.

I am so sorry about your hubby. Hope he gets better as I recall you have cruise planned.
I am going to quote Golden, life is a B***h.
Too much for you to take for sure.
Hope Mom and brother will be well.
Hubby will adjust eventually. Takes at least two weeks or so, but I know it is hard on you.
This is not good month or year for most!

nacy - I'm sorry your hub is not recovering faster. Hope being out and in the fresh air did him some good.

Psue - Sometimes life's a b****h and it sounds like that for you. Emergency stents sound scary. Hope your mom recovers quickly, and bro too. I know that's not in the books for dh. I am sorry his first visit did not go well, but doubt that indicates how well he will do when he is settled there. But for you that's too much. Ex wife or whoever can give you a shoulder to cry on - doesn't matter. Lean on who you need to, ((((((Hugs)))).

Wow peasuep I'm so sorry that is so much going on at once! I wish I had some better words for you, glad moms ok. Keep us posted on your brother.

Your phone call with the x wife is very very sweet. Look at Demi Moore and how she helps out with Bruce Willis.


Things are not going well here. Too much at once. Mom slipped and hurt herself (not severely but she’s 89), brother is in the hospital in CA having emergency coronary stents placed, hubs did not do too well on his first visit to the AL facility, and I cried on the phone with his ex-wife! His EX-WIFE! I feel like Chicken Little.

That's great Golden, my hubby is still dragging, and has zero taste, he got a bit moody last night, just tired of having no energy. Sending him to the store today get him out for some fresh air.

Golden that’s wonderful - what a relief!

Yes thank you, all. He looks and acts 10 yrs younger. Now to keep him this way.

Golden: Such great news about R.

So good to hear R is doing better!

Oh golden I'm so glad, I was wondering if it has something to do with the dryer air, not causing it but making it worse.

Golden, that's REALLY good to hear R is doing better. You're in my thoughts.

Many, many thanks for prayers. As of yesterday, R is much better. We had a great family brunch this morning then drove south, His head is pretty good. He is now delivering presents to a grandson for his birthday. I am enjoying some quiet. So thankful he is better.


Yes, and I was confident that I would find an answer here. Safety pins didn't sound too good for socks, but clips did. I have a compression sock aid that helps me put them on. I fold them inside out over this half tube, press it down some, and then point my foot to place my foot in that hole. I pull up on the two sides of the aid, and when I remember to spray my legs or use baby powder, the socks slide right on.

Golden, I think your H and mine are brothers, from another mother. 😆

I think I finally got hubby to accept the fact that when he gets the sniffles, he has to test for the flu and covid, ASAP and get on anti viral meds. I'm going to have to keep reminding him, when he is healthy, so I don't get issues when he is sick and grumpy.

They sell flu and covid test kits now, more expensive but, what else is new

Thx again for prayers. He is too good at tolerating pain so doesn't say anything until it is pretty bad. It's more effective to take meds sooner for pain, but he doesn't like to take pills. Catch 22!

@yoda, Oh good , many heads are better than one, when peasuep mentioned safety pins, It triggered my brain to think of clips.


Thanks for the clips idea. I found our small metal ones and they worked. Now, I can put them on much easier!

Golden, I’m thinking about you and R tonight. I hope some relief can be found for his pain and you both can get some sleep.

Golden: You're welcome. I hope and pray that R can get some relief soon.

Llama - thx for the prayers. R 's head is very bad again this evening. Trying to find something that helps.

Way I'm so sorry you are going through this. I hope the drs find some meds that help her. There is not much more that can be done. I know it's hard to hear her anger and blame. Please look after yourself and don't get too weighed down by this. It is out of your hands. (((((((hugs)))))

Ali - I used to use nail polish on panty hose too. Don't think I have used it for anything else but it is a good idea.

Psue - I am with you!

nacy - she pretty well did her own thing anyway didn't she?

TB welcome. Glad you are getting your mom into a facility. Caregiving often falls in one person's shoulders.

TB, welcome to are forum, 🙂, when you get time go to your profile and fill it out, that way we can get to know you better.

My whine: I’m new to caregiving, my mom is 81, and we’re in the process of getting her into a retirement community. I’m the daughter (2 brothers), childless, semi-retired, and live closest to where she’ll be, so thus far, the bulk of the work has fallen on me. My brothers want to help, but one lives about 8 hours away, the other 2, and both have more standard work schedules. I’m trying to dole out some of the responsibilities, but it ends up being easier just to do it all myself. I’m not necessarily asking for advice, just whining!

Peasuep, that the one thing I would of left the royal family for. Meghan Markle should have ran the minute they pulled out those bloody pantyhose . 😂

Ali, I never want to hear the word “pantyhose” again. ( ;-b)

Way, I'm so sorry you and your nephew are going through this. Ive never been though that , I can only imagine how hard this is. We all just want to fix this for you, some things just can't be fix. 😢

I'm still not sick! 😁. Hubby definitely has some recovery to do now, much much better but it's gonna take him a bit longer than he thinks to be 100 percent. Coughed a lot during the night so he got up so I could sleep. But he slept for like 48 hours straight, so it was my turn last night.

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