
At this time of year, let's think of all the good things that are going on. I know that my mom is in a better location and she can do so much more. She is almost 89 and won't have that many more years left on this earth. The place where she is, is more pleasant than where she was.

Everyone try and have a super holiday season and thank God for all that you have. Even if it isn't very much. Something is better than nothing. Hugs to all!

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im so friggin merry
as merry as marion berry.
dancing around here like some kind of fairy
every day is like little house on the prairie .
singing happy songs like debby harry
all my desserts are topped with a cherry.
bills are paid , i dont have a care - y
why the hell then am i so swear - ey ?

yes , very merry fellow .

i got a rhyming diction - ary !

Merry Christmas Judy! I am particularly grateful for my life and my family this year. My step daughter & 3 y/o granddaughter are flying in from Texas tomorrow for a week and I have the house all decorated and festive. Mom's doing fine in Memory Care, and we're taking lasagna over there on Christmas Eve rather than taking her home to my house where the stress levels will be too much for her.
Wishing you all the best for the New Year and many blessings in 2020!


Hahaha, yes he was. That was a big story for quite awhile.

Merry Christmas to you, Judy 🎄

Merry Christmas, Judy!

I'm grateful for traditions that live on and family at this time of year. Being a part of my g'children's lives and the excitement of Christmas through a child's eye.

And most exciting of all, our youngest daughter is about to be proposed to (she doesn't know it yet). She will accept, that is a given. So we will be planning a wedding in the coming months. Life and it's stages and pivotal moments.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!

Jesus came for us all!!!

I'm enjoying seeing these positive posts. This year things around me have been VERY challenging (so many friends and colleagues suffered severe health crisis, like sudden cardiac arrests, strokes, etc.) but, I have been tremendously blessed with a major improvement in a health issue, so things are looking up and I am so grateful. Life is truly unpredictable.

We will be celebrating with the big family gathering on Christmas Eve with a small gathering on Christmas Day. Later on Christmas Day I'll go see my LO in the MC.

Merry Christmas to you all! Best wishes for a wonderful new year.

I think caregivers spend a lot of their time living in the moment, bouncing from one task to another before tumbling into bed for some (hopefully) oblivious rest. Holidays like Christmas can be especially hard when they are measured against the prevalent hype and expectations or lost past traditions, especially for caregivers who feel compelled to try to fulfill them.
I join you in hoping every caregiver is able to allow themselves to step back and find a measure of peace, comfort and joy in their lives, not just for Christmas but every day.

You are right Cwillie. I think that this year for some reason, I have felt like my life was not my own. Oh, the difference in the way I think, respond and make plans. My New Year's resolution is to figure out how to change that.

💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 Merry Christmas on our Saviour's birth.

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