
After reading the list of risks, I am afraid to even take one tablet of either one. I certainly will not take a narcotic (Tramadol). I just wanted something MILD for irritating intermittent although regular pain (peraformis / sciatic nerve issue) over the last couple of months. It IS getting better although I don't want to take something that carries the risk of DEATH or heart attacks. Recommendations of something else / milder with less medical / health risks are appreciated.

I rarely take ANY meds being holistic in general. Although I am not hard nose about it. We need what we need. Thank you.

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I hope that you find a good solution for your pain.
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Get the book Treat Your Own Back by Robin Mackenzie if you are looking for a natural approach to treating sciatic pain
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I am so sorry, I did not mean to upset you at all. I also deleted my last post
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I have sacroiliac joint pain which is pretty bad in the morning (probably arthritis) and the best thing I've found is ibuprufen, an nsaid. Unfortunately I have somewhat elevated blood pressure and nsaids are not not recommended. I've had PT, and do a lot of stretching in the mornings, but that doesn't really take away all the pain and I really want to get moving when I wake up! My Dr recommended the voltaren gel and she suggested I try putting it on before going to bed to see if it would help with the morning pain. For the high blood pressure, apparently the gel form does not have the same side effect as oral nsaids.
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I wouldn't be, if it was prescribed.
The box warnings on tramadol can sound scary, but legally those have to be there. It 's a favorite drug of some addicts, who like to snort or inject crushed up tablets. The box warnings reflect that, but it should be fine under the guidance of your healthcare provider. As you know, every med carries risks, even herbals, if taken injudiciously.
My experience, with a back pull, is that 25 mg of tramadol provided a good 6-8 hours of solid pain coverage without the grogginess and brain fog I'd experienced in the past from percocet. I could actually keep working, and initiate some mild stretching, rather than just sit on the couch in a bit of a fog. It seemed to work best with the addition of 250 mg of acetaminophen.
The naprosyn is basically a stronger ibuprofen...It never worked well for me because I'd take it on an empty stomach with coffee and it would make my stomach ache--my fault, but I was never a big breakfast person.
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My Mom had hallucinations from Tramadol in her 80s. Its not recomnended for the elderly. A friend was in his 50s and and had hallucinations and stopped it. It was recommended for my then 60 something year old husband for pain after a procedure and I would not get the script filled. My husband had no problems that Advil did not take care of.
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TouchMatters Nov 25, 2023
Thank you. I am very grateful for your feedback / response. Gena
I have 8 herniated back disc and I take a low dose Tramadol every am {1 daily}. combined with 2 arthritis tylenol to keep me comfortable. I have had no issues with tolerance or addiction in the 10 years of use. I need to feel comfortable to help my mom with her issues. I am an anti med person.
Helpful Answer (4)
lealonnie1 Nov 25, 2023
I've taken 1 Tramadol a day for back pain for 5 years or more now w/o issue. So did my 90 to 95 yo mother.
Are you getting PT?

Alternating ice and heat is usually recommended.
Helpful Answer (2)
TouchMatters Nov 25, 2023
Yes. Still in PT and doing exercises daily.
I should do 2x/day. I am at least doing once.
I believe what I feel that irritates me is the sciatic nerve right under the piroformis. I am experiencing MOMENTS of no pain at all and then the irritating 'nerve pain' (?) comes back as a walk. It is not awful, it can hurt a bit and is a major nuisance and irritant. I am grateful that I finally asked for a DMV Placard for a couple of months. Although I REALLY NEEDED IT two months ago and never thought of it until a couple of weeks ago.

The way I feel now, I feel this pain / nerve 'din' will be with me forever.
I am used to being in excellent health (rarely ever had / have a back pain), am a slow jogger at 72, and a massage therapist (although that is very limited now to people sitting on a chair). No more crawling around a person either with them on a table or me / them on the floor doing shiastu. Gena
CBD oil was amazing for my periformis pain. And it worked right away. I’ve never had it again.
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TouchMatters Nov 25, 2023
Thank YOU. I will get this for sure. Plants. So amazing. So healing. g
But really, it’s better to ask a doctor who knows you. I hope your pain goes away soon!
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anonymous1768885 Nov 25, 2023
Just a heads up Voltaran can cause kidney failure with too much use. It's like taking a NASID only topically.
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