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Both of you need an alert that you wear all the time. A fall can happen to anyone, young or old. Your concern is quite valid - if the caregiver can't get up or get to a phone, there are at least 2 people in trouble.

The best one I found was called 5star/Great Call. You can purchase at Walmart and then register with all the info online. When you push that button, someone immediately answers to see what kind of help you need. The list of contacts you provide online allows them to call 911 or any of the people you listed. So someone that lives close by would be a good contact to list. It is not limited to use only in the home. You can call from anywhere for help and has GPS to provide your location. The price is more reasonable than other devices I checked on - about $23 a month. Well worth the feeling of security.

Also, you can use the alert to ask for help other than medical. If you were driving and car broke down you can use it as notification that you need help. (In case you couldn't use phone or get to the phone)
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Just a heads up for everyone counting on and recommending a cell phone.

We had a lady in our church that didn't go anywhere without her cell phone. Fell outside her home, could not move and was laying on her cell phone in her pocket. She died there.

Any vulnerable person should have a medical alert system that notifies of any falls without your participation, because you can not always participate, even to push a button.

This precious woman would not have laid in the heat for who knows how long, had she had one of these systems.
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Might be worth getting a Life Alert for just such an occasion.
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I am only 64 but I sometimes get a little unstable due to past broken ankle and living in the country with an uneven yard. I take my cell phone with me everytime I walk the dog,, or go out in the yard. Hubs may not hear me right away, and he doesnot carry his phone everywhere,, but I still feel like its better than nothing! And I could "phone a friend" who lives nearby.
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The mere fact you asked this question means it is definitely time for a notification medallion such as life alert or a like system. Best to you.
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