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If the 4/20/16 check was for the month of March and not the month of April, I believe (I'm not a financial professional) you are entitled to that check. You won't receive a check for any of April even though she lived for 14 of that month's days. Hopefully they'll just redeposit it on their own very soon. Meanwhile, maybe start in with the hoops they say you must go through and hope you don't have continue with that route.
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Bogacz is correct....unless she lived the entire month, she is not entitled to receive a Social Security check. Also, remember that the SS money belonged to your MOTHER, not to you, even though you had a "joint" checking account. Also, you said that she died on the 14th, but the check was deposited on the 20th. Therefore, your rmother was already 6 days dead when the SS check came through. SS is not in the habit of paying money to deceased people.
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The mother lived during the whole month of March. So March's check should be paid. If March's check was paid April 20, then that check should have been and hopefully will be deposited. If the April 20 SS deposit was in fact for the month of April instead of the month of March, then there's no payment for the 14 days she lived in April. There was no need, dragonflower, to be so rude. There are many financial situations where payments round up for the final payment, or are prorated for the final month based on the number of days in that last month. It was a fair question and your attitude doesn't belong on a site for supporting people during such difficult times.
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When Social Security went into effect, people born well before that date who had paid into the system got benefits. I recall my dad, who was born in 1886, applying for social security--somehow he didn't have a birth certificate available, so he got an affidavit from his mother. He also got benefits for Mom and I, because I was still young enough.
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Hi Partsmom. Your Dad, Mom, and you were one of the families Social Security was created to assist. Born in 1896, your Dad would have been 54 years old when Congress passed Social Security legislation in 1940. So, if and when your Dad reached the retirement age of 65 he would only have paid into the system for 12 years; if he died before that time, he would have contributed even less. If your Mom was a widow caring for a child (you?) under age 16 Social Security would pay her monthly benefits. Also, an unmarried child under 18 could receive benefits.

Social Security may pay a family benefits far in excess of amounts they may have paid in. For this reason, it is not like a personal savings account, but more like an insurance plan - also known as OASI (Old Age and Survivors' Insurance). Sounds like it was a help for your family, like so many others - just when they need it most!
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Looks likes it depends on whether she was receiving Social Security on her own work record or as a widow benefit from a deceased husband.
If on her own work record..then the check for the previous month would be payable. If her checks was a widows benefit from her husband work record then that check is not awarded.
Hope this helps
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I forgot to add that i dont know what the answer would be if she was receiving an amt that was based on BOTH her own work record and husbands as this can be the case when both spouses paid into social security.
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My husband and I started collecting at age 62, him two years before me. You have to work 40 qtrs to collect SS. Since I had worked I collect what I put in. Since my husband was already collecting they would have brought me up to half of his benefit but it was already there. Ex: I recieved 750 and if my husband had been bringing in 2000 they would have brought me up to 1000. He was bringing in 1500 so I already had half. If he dies before me I will get his 1500 and my 750 drops. If I die before he keeps his and mine drops off. Whichever is more.
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A good idea would be to get the booklet that SS publishes. This way there r no surprises.
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I agree with JoAnn, get the booklet. Also you might want to visit a social security office to see what they say. I could tell you what I think but it may be wrong.
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so, Joann, you get your husband's whole amount when he passes away? - the 1/2 only applies as long as he's still alive?
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Social Security always pays the month following -- you have to be alive for the whole month to qualify, as people have pointed out. So if it was the April deposit that was canceled, there is something wrong.

I would start first with the local Social Security office and point out the mistake. If for some reason that is not successful, I would urge you to contact your Congressional Representative's local office. This is exactly what the case workers on staff are for. They have a relationship with Social Security and should be able to "fix" it. Let us know what happens!
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I had a similar situation and SS didn't take out the last check from Mother's account. They did send a letter to me requesting that I pay any amount that I still had remaining in my possession. The day my mother died, I cleaned out that account and paid for her funeral. The VA did send another check and after about 2 weeks they retrieved it. I've not heard another word from SS. Hopefully I never will.
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Sherry, knowing SS, it wouldn't be surprising if they catch up with you somehow. Be prepared! Yes, the VA in Mom's case was very good also, they redacted the money within the week. SS did not and of course blamed the bank, expecting the bank to do it without a request. Since I'm having a problem getting the deposit back from the NH, I don't need any more issues and just had the bank do it to get SS off my back some time in the future.
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When you have a problem with SS you need to go to the nearest office and sit down with a representative. When my husband retired, there was a problem with a voucher he received. The notice we received was from Philadelphia, we live in NJ. We took the info to SS in Del. (closest to us). They said no problem, took copies and handled it from there. Never heard from Phila. again. Never heard of SS asking for money back that was unused. Have no idea how you would figure that out but then all Moms goes to keeping a house up. As said earlier, the check you get in May is your April check. If u die in April, its either not sent for May or if issued, they take it back. If you die in May, you should receive Mays check but then I've heard that depends on the time of the month u die. Like I said, any problems go to their offices. Better talking in person. As children, we r not respondible for our parents debts. So, u take the money that is left. Pay the bills you can and prove to the rest that there is no money.
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No, you do not get to keep it.
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debdaughter, just saw ur post. Yes to ur question if ur husband receives mor SS than u. You don't collect both and either will he. My husband gets 1500 I get 750. If he dies before me, my SS ck is discontinued and I get what he was receiving, 1500.
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I'm sorry you lost your Mother.Sorry your having to go through all this too on top of loosing her.Take care.
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My husband died on Dec. 4th. I relied of his November check to pay for some of the funeral costs. His checks were coming in on the second wed. of the month. So when I went to take the money out for Nov. there was nothing there? Isn't this money what is put in for retirement?
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