
I took my 83 yr old mother to her hair dresser a few days ago, and a woman who works there commented "that I should look into social security paying me, for taking care of my parents." She claims she has a neighbor who was paid by the feds, in order to take care of her elderly parents. The hair dresser lady said, "that the Federal Government would rather pay you; to take care of your parents, then to run up medicare charges for nursing home fees."
This doesn't seem possible to me, so I thought I would ask the experts here? I live in north east IL, if that plays into the equation with social security? As as side note, I have been taking care of my parents full time since 2006. My mom is 83, and my dad is 84. I had to quite my job in 2006 into order to care for them full time.
Any input on the matter is appreciated!

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It was in the recent questions sections. Not marked closed for answers.
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Administration is suppose to allow these questions to stay up but not be answered.
I try to look at the month and year posted. Also if there are tons of answers. Also, the last time the OP posted. Some post and never post again.
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Should not have replied to this - It’s an OLD question.
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Social security does not pay for caregiving. The person may be the representative payee for her mother. However, if that is the case her SS should only be used for her expenses and annual reports have to be filed to show that is where the SS money if going. You may, if she qualifies be able to get a few hours a week paid at about $12.00 an. But even if approved may not be able to get a waiver because there are long waiting lists. States are cutting Medicaid budgets. Many taxpayers do not want to support federal safety net programs. The federal government along with most states, want to cut programs, not expand them. The government wants individuals and families to support and save for their own needs. Most caregivers who are paid are paid by their parent or parents out of their own savings and income.
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I get paid to take care of my mother so yes they do pay you. Have your parent call their social security coordinator and they will send someone out to talk to y'all.
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worriedinCali Aug 2018
Social security is not paying you to take care of your mother. They don’t pay for that.
I am out of work taking care of my father who is 83 can I get paid for being his caregiver??? my cousin said you can oh by the way I am in NV. Thanks Miss Dana Glass
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I am in Kentucky, my dad moved in with me March 2017 almost a year a go, I am his full time caregiver with very little other family help. I did call the Social Security office to see if they would pay and they told me no since I am his daughter but they would pay for a stranger to stay with him or a faculty. He is also in Hospice care and they told me that there is something call a hardship case where I could get paid but then I'd have to drop Hospice. I need hospice, more than me getting paid, he will not go outdoors, It's like he has a phobia about going anywhere's little long him going outside, anyways I hope this helps you.
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I have to care for my elderly mom but need to work to support my children! It’s impossible to do both
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I'm taking care of my 85 yer old mother with colorectal cancer, can I get SS help for her healthcare expenses? She currently receives SS monthly payments for retirement.
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anonymous439773 Aug 2018
You need to apply for Medicaid. Social Security does not pay for medical expenses.
Oh & my mom qualifies for home health care because she had 4 strokes & is now limited her mobility. Just FYI she is 84 yrs old, gets around $800 in SS a month which just covers her mortgage. Hope that helps clarify things.
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My sister & niece applied to the agency that was sending CNA's (certified nursing aid) to care for my mom at home. She quaIifies for 27 hrs a week after she had been evaluated. I think they just needed to complete a CPR course, get a TB test, background check. I'm not totally sure who pays for it, state or fed but it's not SS. Her Medicaid/Medicare manager does home visits & is a wonderful lady. She gave us the info for the agency to contact. That way my sister & niece could be there to take care of her & get paid too! Since my mom is so difficult they had to split the time between them.
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Would my elderly mother would lose her social security benefit if she participates in the IHSS program?
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kathasharit, if Mom is not on it yet, the first step is to apply for Medicaid.

If Mom is now on Medicaid, make an appointment with the case worker to come in and discuss Mom's current needs. The case worker will determine what kind of in-home help Mom is eligible for. (This can vary wildly by state.) For example, they may conclude that by their guidelines she is eligible to get 12 hours help per week, plus cleaning and laundry service. Then the next step is to arrange for the services authorized. In your case you'd probably want to use those hypothetical hours on Saturday and Sunday.
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yes, she is.
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kathasharit, is your mother eligible for Medicaid? That program does provide for some in-home care.
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Hello, I am in Georgia. My elderly mom stays with me. I have to go out of state for my business during the weekends. My mom has to stay with my husband who cannot give all the support. I wonder if I can get any help for the time when I am out,
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For one, nobody got a $250.00 death benefit check with a spouse of family member who was on Social Security. I hear it is only for minor children when their parents die, but I never called to confirm it. As for the comment on Meals on Wheels, my Mother was getting meals on wheels and became malnourished because the food was bland and unappetizing. I was told by Senior Disabled Services that when a senior goes into a nursing home to live, that the home gets all but $60.00 of their monies. That won't even cover a hair cut, a couple of clothing items per month and toiletries that don't dry your skin out like the cheap products that nursing homes provide. Then Medicaid pays them another $6,000 per month. So I do 24/7 care for my parent that includes separate meals because we don't eat the same food, double laundry because my parent is incontinent, medication aide, bath aide, wound care; WC at the hospital gets $800 to $1200 per visits once a week, I do it 6 days a week for my parent where is my $7200 for doing just the wound care? Not to mention money to pay for all my other duties.
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I believe that a Representative payee in Social Security is only a way that you could receive the social security check for your parent....with the expectation that you would manage the paying of their bills and their care needs with their money. I do not think it is an ADDITIONAL payment to you on top of them getting their social security checks. I do know, that in Arizona, at least, IF your parents were on Medicaid, they can be paid money via Medicaid to cover the cost of caregivers in the home...which amounts to about 4 hours/day in AZ....and that, YES, with some application process and approval, you could be the one who receives that payment, but I do think the requirements include you being educated as a certified nurses aid, and completing certain skills such as becoming CPR certified. In other words....they won't pay the money to just anyone living in the home....the person doing the 'caregiving', but be fully trained in how to be a caregiver.
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Yes there is something called Representative pay, call your local SSI office and inquire about receiving it since you're taking care of matters for your parent.
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Please note the vast majority of grown children do NOT get paid for taking care of their parent(s).... unless the parent can pay from their own retirement fund.

One can call their State Medicaid office to see if the parent(s) could qualify for any of the State Medicaid programs. If yes, please note that each State has their own rules, regulations, and programs. What was available maybe years ago might not be available today, or there might be new programs but there is a waiting list, etc.
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I take care of my mom who is 90 and over see my dad who is also 90. I was told sst would help me
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It it 7.18 per TWO WEEKS............,.

------------------------------AND CAREGIVERS WORK FOR CLIENTS. .........
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In California, if your loved one has medi - cal, food stamps, you can get evaluated by the case worker from IHHS = in home health services. The pay is $10.30 per hour but YOU MUST PROVE THAT THE ELDERLY PERSON NEEDS WHAT YOU CLAIM.The rep inspects the home, living quarters, opens the fridge, and makes a bunch of notes.
I care for mom 24/7, and I get a whopping 7.18 hrs per WEEK to cover what I do . Yes, it is better than zero, but is tantamount to humiliation. Less than ONE hr. Per day.
M88 in sunny California. Broken♥, empty pockets.
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My mom is currently on ALTCS and lives in Arizona in a group home. I asked the social worker what would happened to the money being given to the group home if I took her home and she said it would go to me since I would be taking care of her.
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I am 51yrs. Old, and I have neurapathy, chronic back pain, ..I sometimes have problems getting in and out of the bath tub. I have accidents sometimes because I can't reach the restroom. I'm in remission from cancer. I was wondering if my daughter whom is an experienced caregiver can become my caregiver? I am on SSI and SSD. Help.
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I care for my dad who doesn't need that much assistance but is 82 and has a prosthetic leg to the top of his thigh
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Can I get a gov grant for needed adjustments to the home I live in .even if the home isn't in my name ?
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In Arizona, if a parent or spouse is on Medicaid, there is money from Medicaid for in home care, but it amounts to about 20 hours/week. My Dad could be placed in a Memory Care facility and they would cover that fee fully, but to keep him home, we would only get 20 hours/week. Also, IF mom was married to a veteran who had served just one day in an authorized war, there is a benefit called AID and ATTENDANCE that can be applied for. We are doing that now for my Mom. It comes to $1149/mo...paid directly to the person for the rest of their lives, and can be used for either help with agency payment or for caregivers coming into the home. There are some qualifications in terms of the person needing help with self care daily OR having a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's or other condition that affects their mental abilities. So, it doesn't work for someone basically healthy and able to be responsible for their own daily physical care, unless they are homebound ....meaning, basically, unable to drive or other wise ambulate outside their home, in order to go shopping for food etc. And on top of those ideas, as others have said, if you call your local council on aging, they will be able to tell you about other community services for the elderly that might be available and would either be free or have a very small cost attached....things like Meals on Wheels for food, Day Care, which comes and picks up and delivers elderly to a day program for about 6 hrs per day for free or a small daily cost. or volunteers to come and visit for an hour or so, or to do some chores around the house. Hope this helps.
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Madge, if you could find press information on that it would be helpful, as I cannot find anything about Mayor de Blasio's wife Chirlane McCray, and here I am a researcher. I would really appreciate that :)

The Federal government already offers free telephone service to those who cannot afford a telephone, this was placed into service by President Ronald Reagan back in the 1980's.
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I heard that if you have an elderly parent at home and are unemployed or under employed, you can qualify for the new "Charmagne Card" in New York City. It was the brain-child of the first lady of the city, Charmagne McCray (Mayor DeBlasio's wife). It entitles poor city residents (usually minorities) to a free cell phone with 350 minutes a month, a free laptop (value up to $ 399.), free Medicaid, a monthly allowance, foodstamps, and free prescriptions. This enables the adult children of seniors on Medicare to help care for their elderly parents and keep them at home.
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