She wrote a letter to the daughter of her friend, telling her that food was being withheld (I monitor her diet for salt, sugar, starch & carbs as she is diabetic and has high blood pressure); there was no privacy (for us!! not her); that she never got out (unless you call four trips a week to the hairdresser, bank, grocery, WalMart being confined) and that people were opening her mail and listening to her phone conversations etc.
The letter was forwarded to the police which resulted in visits by them and the supervisor of her care agency. Needless to say, this was a shock and bad surprise for me.......I immediately called a meeting with my brother and of course, she went on the defensive and was angry to have been discovered.
When asked why she wrote the letter and didn't voice her complaints, she said "it wasn't meant for publication". I was angry and ashamed of her that she took this action especially after I had created a 3-bedroom apartment in my large home for her with every luxury!
I discovered she had been phoning all kinds of people to obtain sympathy for herself. The wake-up call came when she went to visit two care facilities and discovered just how the seniors there were treated - and especially when she found out what kind of food they were served!!
A NH would be a better place for her now.
My own experience is that this will not improve. Her behavior will continue to get worse, and AP will have to investigate every time it happens.
If your siblings think they should take her....make sure they are warned. This is going to be the way she interacts with any caregiver.
Find a place for her now.
That would be me, too. And I might even take it a step further, that if my mother ever told ANYONE (and then that person wanted to speak privately to me about it to chastise me) about how she doesn't like something I've said or done, that would be the time I'd start limiting even further my involvement with her.
So far she wants to keep up the appearance of the "perfect family" (ha!) and will not even speak ill of me to my brothers. She has complained about me to my H. (That doesn't matter; he knows the truth.) And of course complained about me to me!
Your mom’s behavior sounds familiar. It’s the type of thing my mom has done and my mom has NPD/ BPD.
This kind of person is an actors/ actress and some people buy their lies. They are very different in public and private. Do not expect change but do put boundaries in place. I would not allow her to live with you. Why help someone who has shown themselves to be ungrateful and malicious. Don’t be a doormat or she will take advantage of it. Don’t expect approval from the parent that does this. If they sense that’s what you crave then that’s what they will withhold or use to manipulate you.
Her behavior is clearly that of an ill mind (and sounds like she believes her own lies- mine does too) and she should be treated as such. Firmly.
As a diabetic I think I can lend a helping hand to that. I would love to be able to eat biscuits and gravy but those foods can cause some serious damage to me. Starting with blurry vision and it just goes down hill from there.
An occasional cheat meal is not know to cause permanent damage but a regular routine of it can and eventually, it will.
And please don't throw that line about when I am old and my kids etc. I am 70 years old and have no kids or relatives to step in to care for me. Neither does my wife.
So there.
Her step kids were all she cared for and neglected and abandoned her two kids. The stepson took their house, vehicle and money step daughter refused to help her so she called up her last surviving kid for help after the husband died.
This resulted in a lawsuit to recover a small amount of the assets taken.
She now spends her remaining money on Publishers Clearing House useless junk. Around 2,000 dollars in past four months. She is rapidly running out of money. She refused to listen to reason that it's a scam and is sure she will win.
She lives with me as she has absolutely no other place to go.
I am retired and in poor health. She doesn't cook, do laundry or do any other activity. I have no help with her. My children despise her. She tried to keep us separated as much as she can with her obnoxious behavior.
For three years I have had her 24 hours a day without a break.
She went to the fifth grade and never had any common sense.
She lent a neighbor 10,000 dollars and it wasn't repaid. Made loans to people she hardly knew and was never repaid.
She's 98 and thought a 62 year old gay man was in love with her and was going to ask her to marry him. She wanted to buy a new car and drive it three states away to live with him. Unbeknownst to the man in question.
She believes she is more knowledgeable than the doctors treating her and won't take meds as they are prescribed but takes them how she wants.
She can carry on a conversation for a short time and sound normal but soon lapses into conversations that are completely in appropriate. She will make loud comments about developmentally disabled children in public so their parents can hear. Talk about sex with her husband loudly in the doctors office waiting room. Talks discriptively about every trip to the toilet especially in public and when people are eating. She has no filter whatsoever.
Her entire life has been a series of poor decisions. The husband was the brains of their operation. She has squandered what money they had left since he died and she got access.
I am no longer able to take care of her. She's up all nite long, there's no sleeping ever. I am exhausted physically and mentally.
I dislike her. She was never a mother. She left both her kids with their abusive drunken father's because it " was just too much for her" . It was ok for us though.
I want her to go to a nursing home before she squanders the money she still has she doesn't want to spend it on the nursing home.
I don't want her in my house and I am sick of her demanding self-absorbed behavior. I owe her nothing. I don't feel bad for saying that. Everything is about her. She has ruined my retirement and my health. She refuses to go to a nursing home but wants to go to one three states so she can renew her "love affair" with the man she was fixated on.
I just want her out of my house
and mine and my children's lives.
She is not capable of driving cooking, managing her finances or caring for herself and is increasingly incontinent of bladder and bowel and she is also very nasty. She has a cat whose litter she won't change or let anyone else and she refuses to flush her toilet regularly. She is just gross and has to get watched 24/7.
This was supposed to be a temporary arrangment but now she feels she should be permanently housed here.
I have tried talking to her health care provider but they aren't interested in listening.
I hate to get up in the morning and I am more depressed every day. There is no quality of life or retirement for me.
My advice to others is to send them to a nursing home. They won't ever change.
I am sorry that she treated and continues to treat you so contemptuously. Find a way to reclaim your life and home!
I talked to the healthcare provider and related the problem it was causing. Instead of re-evaluating her medication they sent two patrol cars out to check on her welfare.
They had no concern that she was up all night with these medications that would snow a horse or that she had been a drug seeker/hoarder since she was 50 yrs old. (Or that she refused to destroy her deceased husband's old medication. )
The officers thought she was well cared for and by no means neglected. They reported she was in no distress and had a clean living situation. Her appearance and good physical condition is because she ties up every waking minute of my time. ( I have not one minute she's now wanting something or complaining about a non existent problem.)
That was how the healthcare provider addressed to he problem. She is up all night and the breakers have to be turned off on the stove. Money, keys, medication has to be hidden. She requires 24/7 observation. She is combative much of the time and noncompliant with everything prescribed.
I worked as a psych RN for 40 years. Am still licensed and in good standing. My health problems forced me to retire. Still no one would listen.
I changed her health care providers because if this incident. I am consulting an elder law attorney now because I can't stay awake 24 hours a day and she has to go to a care home.
I would not wish putting her on anyone but they get paid for caring for her and there are three shifts to deal with her behavior.
I am glad I decided to do this. Sometimes u just have to say enough and move on. I have no guilt and am sorry I didn't do this two years ago. Some people are just toxic.