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POA is a tool. Its there to carry out the decisions the person has made iff can no longer make them. Helps when they no longer can pay bills. Mine allows me to buy and sell. But, it does not give u the right to make decisions if the person can still do it for themselves. A POA can be revolked by the person who had it issued.
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Someone asked how a POA can be abused. If someone is POA and also caregiver and heir, they might not spend money on things that the person would like, maybe vacations or new bedding or nice clothes. Maybe they would look out for the person's physical well being, make sure they are well fed and get to any doctor's appointments. Any money not spent after all goes into their inheritance. Also, the POA might be the caregiver who accidentally restricts access to the person so that she never has to deal with scrutiny and always has the elevated rol of the "only one who cares". I often am told how and what to say to such a person, because POA doesn't want person to become "worked up". Just one possible scenario that keeps me up at night. And in this case, it is all at a subliminal level, POA really thinks it's the right thing to do, because they know best. My way or the high way.
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POAs can include a variety of things if individually drawn up. A medical and legal POA can be combined into one document. A POA can go into effect immediately, such as when a person is homebound but still in their right mind. It can state that the agent can specify who can see the patient while in the hospital. I don't know about other places. That is for use only when contentious family members or others upset the patient. No one has the "right" to read or have a copy of the POA but the signers of the document.
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ThereIsNoTry: That was the OP who asked that.
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well, first she told her son(POA) the my granddaughter will move in and take care of me and he said ok. Then I quit me job(working 10pm to 6am shift) cause it was taking a toll on me. My gram said I do not want any money, I am here taking care of her and no body else is willing they just want me to move out, and my son will take care of you( I lived with her a little over 6yrs) . Boy she was wrong! when she was not feeling well and she did not want to go but we called the ambulance. so a few days went by and I called her son ask did you find out what is wrong(I have been taken her to all her doctor apt. and dealing with and always let him know how she was doing but the main problem was depression on count of no coming to visit. I tried everything to even go take her to visit them and got ok I let you know. Their was one daughter and grant that came on the weekend but always complaint about the parking and the students. She also never had patience with her would yell at her. Well any way no unsure and I say she will come right. unsure at this point, well I said she wants to. Left it at that but 15mins later as I pull up to my gram's house and he was outside waiting for me. Soon as I got out of the car he was in my face saying I'm in charge you have no say what happens. I replied her wish is to come and he said she never told me that .A liar he is cause my gram asked if I will take care of her then there is no reasons they have to move me out. My gram just wanted to be home to pass away. so the last time I went to see her in the hospital. my aunt and cousin was there and when I asked my gram I find what is going on so we can get you home my cousin jump up screaming no she is not and have a fit and when I tried to ask more of my gram and what is going on. My starts next on me, so I said to my lets go It is not fair to gram. Thinking I come back when no one is around. Well I got back to gram's house were I lived. My one uncle who never came to visit with the other one who is POA. Came to the house and told me to get out. I said call the cops. Well here the hole time my gram was dying and did not tell me or my mother(the oldest). He called my mom that next day and told her she is being moved to a hospice. I was mad and by the I got there, they had her drugged up. I told I was sorry and new it was not what you wanted. On the way out I said to my uncle well now you come to visit and you know she wants to pass at home and walked out. So I was going to take the dogs to my sister's to watch and come back to stay with her until she passes away, but I got a phone call and was told I am not aloud back. That next day I tried to apologize so I could be there with her. My mom got a call that she passed away. I could not believe they could not bring her home. Now the day after they called my mom again to tell her to get your daughter out of the house .I do not want to stay but I have things to move out , animals to worry about and no job at this time. If my gram knew that my uncle used me like this. I sure she would of had it in writing.
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Please give us readers a break. Long endless posts are impossible to read.While I for one am interested and enjoy helping if the posts are short sections it helps. This Not a personal attack or criticism we all have to learn about posting. The observation applies to all posts.
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My sister tricked my mom. She was suppose to be signing a payable upon death but when she handed my mom the pen, she put her other hand over the top of the form. My mom had dementia by the way. She wanted to make all the decisions and to be able to sign documents and get her grubby hands on my moms money, which she did. And she put her mental daughter as first medical poa. They used and abused my mom. Mom couldn't even leave us anything because my sister claim it as her own. It got so bad that my mom said she wished my sister would die. My mom passed away on May 13, 2016. She died sad and lonely and scared because of my sister. I tried everything I could to get Mom help but APS chose to believe her. For my moms sake and so she didn't die in vain, I'm pursuing charges on her and her daughter. When it comes to lying, they are the best but I'm hoping, like the last judge, they will be able to see through her lies. So yes, POA in the wrong hands can be deadly. What happened to family sitting down and discussing $h#t and granting last wishes?
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I see a lot of similar posts. Who would be the best authority to report your observations? How would you keep yourself being sued for false accusations?
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