
We visited Walgreens to have our latest Covid booster this morning, the one that protects against the latest variants (FLIRT and J-1). The manager checked us in at a register. I handed him forms, and he proceeded to lick his thumb repeatedly as he flipped through them.
I asked him to please not lick his thumb. I mean, REALLY? He was working behind the pharmacy desk, manages a place supposedly dedicated to helping us stay healthy, AND HE'S LICKING HIS FINGERS, GETTING HIS SPIT ON MY FORMS, AND HANDING THEM BACK OVER THE COUNTER TO ME?
I had already filled the forms online, but my form didn't submit when I clicked, so I'd printed it and took it with me along with a list of meds. He wanted to see both.
I can't think of a better way to spread Covid, RSV, or flu, other than licking peoples' faces. Employees should be trained better.

Being from NY I'm just shocked at how many all share a cannabis joint. You would be shocked how many people pass it around. And act like your being rude, if you say no.

I'm like seriously you don't go to a bar and all share the same drink with the whole bar.
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Reply to Anxietynacy
waytomisery Sep 10, 2024
Why don’t they just each have their own ? Like a cigarette ? Why are they still sharing like it’s 1968? Are they Old hippies ?
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When I worked at middle school , 12-14 year olds . I was shocked at how many kids …

1) Did not know how to blow their nose. Still wiping their noses on a sleeve like toddlers .
2) Did not wash hands after blowing their nose.

The problem starts with the parents .
My kids were good handwashers from an early age .
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Reply to waytomisery

He is more likely to catch something then spread something doing this.

I have to say, I am still gobsmacked that people had to be taught to wash their hands, what has America come too?
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal
Fawnby Sep 10, 2024
Yes, he should be worried about catching something! So how many times has he licked his fingers today since 9:00 a.m. and passed on what he may have caught from all of us? How many customers does he deal with all day? Fifty? Who have all been exposed to his spit as well as 49 others’ germs? My H had a cold sore last week. It’s been gone for days but did this guy pick up herpes simplex from something H might have touched then and given it to YOU?

It’s so sad because we know at this time in history how diseases spread. If everyone practiced safe hygiene, fewer people would get sick. This is why I aspire to be a hermit.
I learned I did that to open the plastic bags for vegetables, didn't even realize it, until I had a face mask on.

But I did learn my lesson. 😆
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Reply to Anxietynacy
freqflyer Sep 10, 2024
Was just thinking about that. I learned to just blow my breath onto my fingers and that opened the plastic bags, well most of the time :)
Yuck !!
However , I’m not surprised . I’ve seen alot of YUCK that proves many didn’t learn a thing from a pandemic .
I guess it was too much to ask for people’s gross habits to improve .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to waytomisery

Yeah, sign up online for free face licks at your local pharmacy! Walk-ins accepted if you're goodlooking.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby

Oh, my god. That's kind of funny.
Except that it ISN'T!
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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