I guess I'll go first with this one.
The thing that stands out the most for me about MIL with alzheimers.......
Everything is ALL ABOUT HER. I could cut my arm off and be bleeding on the floor right beside her and she would worry about who was going to bring her a cookie.
I am treated as" a nothing" in her world.
Then I feel guilty for thinking she's an old battleaxe.
Well that's my confession.
How about yours?
I miss being able to visit for a couple of hours then leave. Im ashamed to admit that I dont get to enjoy the fact that he cannot drive far on his own, and would not have been able to bother me if I were still in my own place.
One of my "friends" told me not too long ago (via message on FB, as they don't ever come to visit) but they told me that "I had changed".....heck yes I have changed...and probably will never be the same again...and I have to say I don't dislike the change because I have been too dang nice my entire life and I finally found my voice.....
I understand when you say you feel "abnormal". I describe it as my arms and legs are made of cement. It's too hard to even hold your arms up to wash your hair. It comes and goes with me. Mine is a combination of a thyroid problem and depression. It might me easily fixed with a pill.Try to get yourself to a Dr. to find the reason and TREAT it. Good luck!
Marialake is well aware of the Alzheimer's Association and support groups. As are the rest of us. I don't know about you but I need to find humor in all this dementia sadness, it's helps me get thru the 24/7.
This question was just posted as a way for us to give off steam!
My trouble was I didn't know which bugbear to pick! But I think I've boiled it down: the one thing that bothers me most about caregiving is the constant feeling that I'm really not very good at it. My poor mother :(
And after a couple of years I noticed I was having more health issues than that of my very aging parents. This can't be right. But the stress was affecting my immune system so I was going down hill fast. I honestly thought my parents would outlive me.
If I answered 3 years ago, and my answer is the same, should I repeat it? Or do people really go back and read hundreds of answers?
It would be nice if there was a section for new threads so the old ones don't keep re-cycling every time someone responds to it.
Thanks. Just venting. Aunt Rose is appreciative and thanks me.
Mother had been diagnosed with alzheimer's, and passed away at 87 years, 2 years---6 months after being diagnosed.
Caregiving is dreadful difficult but We only do it out of pure love and respect, and gratitude for all Mother had done for me throughout my entire Life.
The one thing that used to really p..s me of was the invasion of Family on lookers Who came every Sunday to sit and play with Their new I-phones, chatter among each other while completely ignoring Mother which I thought was terrible disresptful, ( I RE NAMED SUNDAYS INSPECTION DAY ). then I would set the table and pour the tea for all. Mother and I felt a great relief when They had left to return home. Seeing My Family leave with a broad smile of satisfaction stuck to their faces as They felt They had Their duty. God love them. I never expressed to them how I felt, and I was by Moms side 24/7 for the entire time, simply because I adored Mom. We were best Friends, and though I cried my heart out for months when Mother slipped away suddenly but so peacefully without pain, I can feel the greatest peace.