
My mother raised my nephew he is 26 years old she is 77 years old now. In the past while I was sitting on her bed talking and helping her with something he attacked me really bad and went to prison, however I’ve the buse for so many years and go through so much depression bc she won’t allow me help her she turns on me very badly lately I noticed he breaks all her things like her coffee pot her can opener He guards her conversations he turns down the TV to listen to me and my mother. I try not to upset him for one bc she well say I can’t deal with this just leave. He broke her phone so she couldn’t reach me or anyone!! I finally got in ordered her a new phone bc I did everything to recharge the old phone buying a none cord charger and it appeared to be charging the next day am surprise I got in to the house she said it won’t help I woke up and maybe the dog pee on the phone it was all wet irrated bc I knew that was not the problem bc I taken it to the in table so it would not fallen. Off. We’ll I went to check b to see if she had her phone and there he was angrily requesting presureing her to give back the old phone bc he wanted the SIM card I couldn’t believe it like really I could see she was scared!! I’ve realized she is forgetting things and I’ve noticed do to him mentally pressure if her so bad she is having a hard time however she well not admire it at all I called the police she tells them with him standing over her aggressively to make me live I also no this is gang afilation now she is talking about going out of state to live next with his sister which is nuts bc I No what I see and she well not listen I can’t think straight bc I’m very scared for her I No this sounds crazy but I promise you what iam saying is true Just recently she dog died I took her and the dog to the vet they said her dog was pistioned which I’m sure he did it! If I try to help her she makes me live I’m scared if she leaves out of state how can I get to her I did this once when my niece came out her told her she had this big house for her and boom it was all bad for a few years now I can’t sleep or think bc I see what there doing to her but she knows het name birthday so the police say she wants you to leave and now it’s way way worse what can I do I’m sad very depressed you name it bc she turns on me very ugly when I’m trying to help her

You need to call APS and tell them Mom is vulnerable. I so hope you have the report her dog was poisoned. He needs to be taken out of the home. A restraining order placed. At 26 he is capable of being on his own. Seems your nephew has mental problems and Mom is sympathetic to him. But, if he can poison an animal, he could hurt her. There may be nothing you can do for her ifvshe sides with him.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29

I think we can't make much judgement on what's going on for you, and I am going to refer you back to authorities in your own area.

Your message to us is confused and rambling in the writing and thought process. It makes me think that something is going on for you that we cannot be aware of, and certainly as a Forum of strangers can't much help you with other than to send you our sympathy, and sadness that you are going through so much pain.

You have already reached out to the police. The police have told you, after speaking to your mom, that she wants you to let her alone. I would do that. I would send flowers and beautiful cards with a message expressing only briefly that I love her and hope she's feeling well. You might call Adult Protective Services in your area (APS) and ask for a wellness check on your mother to make sure she's comfortable in her nephew's care.

I encourage you to seek help for yourself in counseling with a Social Worker in private practice or with a psychologist, and I hope that your own doctor will help you find such a person. I am very sorry for what you're going through and I wish you good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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