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My husband has a buffet of spots all over his back and left thigh/crotch area. Some look like blisters and the rest looks like prickly heat. What it amounts to is a urine rash. Walgreens has an excellent barrier cream in the adult incontinence supply department. I also use baby powder on him, plus calamine lotion, Pinxav and Desetin.

But do get it checked out. Even if we were medical professionals here, we cannot diagnose through a computer. And take the back scratcher away from her. That promotes irritation and infection.
Helpful Answer (7)

Are you sure it's just on her back? I can't remember your situation Smeshque but is there any possibility of bed bugs?
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My Mom has a lot of itching which is due to (I think) impaired liver function (she has liver cancer). Likely unrelated to your case, but I thought it was worth mentioning as I had not previously known about the liver-itchy-skin connection. In my mom's case (i.e. caused by liver issue) there is a medication - cholestyramine resin - which helps.
Helpful Answer (2)

Yes I have experience with those little blood filled red spots. I have them mostly on my chest. I did not see a Dr. about them but during another exam the Dr did examine them and told me what they were and not to worry.
That was my experience but as the others have said, get them checked by a Dr., as well as the itching.
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Yes, get her checked out asap. You want to make sure she doesn't have some kind of infection also.
Helpful Answer (6)

Your Mom needs to see her doctor ASAP. GET AN APPOINTMENT for your Mom on TUESDAY!! I cannot diagnose or give any accurate suggestions just be reading about it. There are many possibilities--the red spots could be from your Mom scratching herself, the red spots could be bedbug bites or scabies or mites or a rash due to an allergy or ???, or it could be shingles? Only your Mom's doctor can determine what the problem is and treat it appropriately.
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