I have a new resident that about 2 months ago is unable to stand or maintain her balance. She is no longer able to use a walker. Her head droops to her chest. Lat night she had me up all night needing to pee. I would stand her up pivot her to the commode and sit her down. She would pee and then right after I got her cleaned and back in bed she would say oh hurry I have to go again and I can't hold it. She would either pee herself or we would get her back on hte commode just in time. This went on all night. This morning she was shivering and said she was cold, she felt warm to the touch and she was babbling incoherently. I sent her to the hospital. They found a slight bladder infection but nother more. Oh did I mention that for the last 2 months she keeps fallin because she trys to get herself up to the bathroom and just keels over because she has no strenght in her legs. The ER found nothing wrong with her, but I know there is something wrong as well as her family. Anyone have any ideas as to what this mystery ailment could be?
I wouldn't try to guess what is wrong with her legs. Does she have a primary care physician? She needs a good physical and perhaps a neurological evaluation. It may be a deficiency in her diet or fluids, but it could be a weakening of her nervous and muscular system. It would be nice if the doctors could find what is causing the problem. Maybe she would be able to get back on her feet again.
I think this lady needs a more thorough blood work-up with interested family in attendance so that the ER personnel know that someone cares. This could be very dangerous for this poor woman. If her infection is cleared up, she won't need to pee so often. Don't let her remain in her pee-soaked clothing or bedding for long either.