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I'm seeing a pattern here. And it's not all your fault.

You said you keep getting scammed and taken advantage of. And you are. The good news is, you recognize this happens. So, let's look at how this keeps happening, at least from the info you've given:

You saw a person who needed help. You stepped in and truly wanted to help her, and that is admirable. Now you see how it's all gone wrong, but you're still insisting Debbie needs help and you just can't leave her. You've gotten attached these past few months, even with her issues. Does she serve as something of a mother figure for you, physically present but emotionally absent? Did you grow up in an unstable home?

Your husband is 8 years older. Not a HUGE difference, but life in your mid-20s is a lot different than your mid-30s. I wasn't super responsible at 25 myself. If you're newlyweds, you either married because you were pregnant, or got pregnant very soon afterwards-- either way, doesn't sound like this was planned. Surprises can be wonderful beginning of a new family, but being married AND becoming a parent in such a short time are huge changes. If he truly loved you and had priorities straight, he would have gotten his act together about two seconds after you told him you're pregnant. Sh*t doesn't get more real than this.

He'd have gotten you out of that house and given the landlord hell until those keys were in his hand. He'd do anything to make sure his wife and kid were in a safe, stable home. Not be content for all of you to live in this house and let Debbie do whatever, just to keep the peace. As Barb mentioned, it looks like you're doing this alone. He's working and that's awesome, but in every other respect he's not interested and you feel powerless to say "no". In some ways he's already left you to fend for yourself. If becoming a husband and father hasn't motivated him to get in gear, nothing else will. And I'm sorry to say it, but it's not likely he will be with you 5, 10, 15 years down the road. I know that is harsh and I hope I am wrong. Because you and your baby deserve better than this.

The common thread here is you wanting to help others (which is great) but you keep finding people who walk all over you (not great). It sounds like you have love to give; it's just going to the wrong people. There is a hole in your heart you need fill, and only you can know what caused it. It's okay; we all have these empty places.

Do you feel like crappy treatment is what you deserve on some level? That ANYONE by you is still better than no one at all? Maybe it's too scary to separate yourself from not-so-good people, because then you lose what little love you've been able to get. And the baby is a godsend, because now you will have the unconditional given/received love you've wanted for so long?

Would you want your baby to have the life you have now when they turn 25?
If it's a girl, would you want her to marry someone like your husband?
If it's a boy, would you want him to be just like your husband?

I know I've asked a zillion questions and you don't have to answer them here, or ever. Just stuff to ponder.

PS: If your doctor recommends meds after the baby, please consider their advice. Depression can't be willed away. No need to be afraid of meds you need. You wouldn't withhold medicine your baby needed because you "don't believe" in it, right? Same with mental health. It's real and can be treated!
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So, I'm guessing this situation has been resolved?
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