My dad passed away Monday. My routine for the past 4 years was a short visit to dad at least 5 days a week. Yesterday I took a mental health break and when I was driving home I glanced at the clock and thought I’m going to visit dad a bit late today. I realized then that I won’t have to do that anymore. How do I stop this thought process. I’m sure it’s part of the grieving process.
Whenever you miss him, it might help to remind yourself that he is likely surrounded by the relatives and friends that he knew, when he was young and healthy.
When my grandfather died, I was standing in front of his coffin and suddenly, but briefly, it seemed as if a window opened over the coffin and I saw images of my grandfather and grandmother in their 20s.
Inside the window they were running in a beautiful field chasing each other like children and when they each caught the other they would hug and kiss, and then the image disappeared.
I like to believe that image was glimpse into the afterworld that my grandfather gave me as a gift, rather than simply my imagination.
The fact that they looked young sort of clinched it for me, because I only saw one photograph of them in their youth and they were both well into their 50s, when I was born.
I always remember this window glimpse and it gives me comfort.