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we went to a medical supply store near us who helped a lot. We bought a unit that I think someone here stated as well, it fits over the toilet and has handles on each side. It helped my dad get up and down on his own. We also used a walker infront of him to grab onto once standing to help his balance.
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As others mentioned, I would recommend a raised toilet seat with arms. Drive Medical and Carex make good ones with pads on the arms to help with comfort when getting up. If you don't want to add something to the toilet itself, you can add a grab bar/ safety bar. These come in a variety of sizes and materials to give people more options on what will work best for them.
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Any suggestions of videos to help with technique? We are being challenged at the toilet helping hold up mom and at the same time pulling her pants up and down.
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cwillie Nov 2018
I think that your mom needs to be able to support herself for at least several seconds in order for you to continue attempting to toilet her, there is no way to hold someone up and assist dressing and undressing them unless there are two caregivers, and even then it would be almost impossible to support someone who won't bear any weight on their legs. If you don't want to use disposable open sided briefs and change her in bed then you will need to acquire a lift and toileting sling.
Why not get commode in his room, with a night light if he is still able. The fall risk is less toilet close to bed less accidents.
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If you are fortunate enough to have the V.A. help they can be a great asset. When they evaluated my husband after a diagnosis of ALZ. they questioned our safety preparations in the house. They sent a safety specialist to our house to walk around and make suggestions as to how to improve the safety aspect. One suggestion was to add more safety rails in the bathroom. They sent someone out with 5 additional rails and installed 4 in the bathroom and 1 in the garage. Frankly, I was a bit upset because I thought the bathroom would look like a jungle gym but now I find that the rails have saved him several falls and I even admit to using them myself. For all the negative remarks I have heard about the V.A., I have found them great.
Good luck
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Consider placing the commode over the toilet and removing the pot hence your Husband will have the use of the arms to help Him stand up, or have your Carpenter build a timber unit around the toilet to make the toilet firm and steady.
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anonymous275053 Dec 2018
SorryWorriedSpouse I had been reading another Question and I got my wires crossed.
I would suggest ask Your Occupational Therapist for a raised toilet seat which is fixed on top of the toilet also a raised mobile frame with raised arms to support Your Husband as He is getting back into a stand up position. This equipment is an absolute God send and will make a huge difference to Your Lives.
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