
Documents signed by paid attorney years ago while person was competent. What gives a judge the legal right to not follow the law of a particular State? This causes to many nursing home early admissions when there are family members in most cases ready, willing and able to take loving care of the vulnerable elder and adult disabled loved one. Court appointed Professional guardian &/or Conservator is not in most cases allow ward to live at home or with family. Why?! If Mediation was Mandatory before Petition was accepted in Probate court would that eliminate so many deaths in nursing homes and they would still be alive living with family or other loved ones? Maybe with the help of home care and Medicare covering home care instead of just nursing home would make things a lot easier it seems especially with Covid-19!

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LC, families who take their laundry to court fighting over an elder should BOTH loose. I believe when this happens it should be taken out of the hands of ALL of the squabbling family and give them a good wave goodbye. My opinion. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for squabbling families. They almost never have the best interests of the elder at the forefront. Follow the money where they are concerned, and take it completely out of their hands. Put it into the hands of the court, of the paid fiduciary who reports to the court. That's my opinion. You made a generalization on the Courts and their actions. So I return to you a generalization on the families and THEIR actions. And with that I am done with this. After one more "Thank Goodness for the Court System". As to you and me? We will agree to disagree completely with one another. Will give you the last word, which I won't be back to read on this thread.

AlvaDeer exactly what some professional guardians do! You are to be respected for what you have done for the elderly. The reason most families disagree is because someone in the family in most cases is being unreasonable or greedy. A judge does not have time to figure out the truth that is why I suggest Mandatory Mediation to get to the truth of the matter. I have seen Petitioner lie directly to the Judge and their own attorney and because opposing party had no attorney nobody questioned the lies or allowed opposing party to respond. I know it is hard to believe and that is why it continues. Saying a whole family is at fault is like saying they are all guilty, because one of them lied to win favor with the court.

Yes, LC, exactly. It is a forum for you to seek knowledge and advice. I was so certain that was what you were here for, that I just willingly and happily gave you some. Advice, that is.
As to a personal issue? Yes, absolutely. I spent my career as a nurse and I witnessed far too many families at war over the fragile, failing bodies of their elders. Usually "Siblings at War" attempting to pull their dying elders apart with their own deathbed drama. We often had to call security guards to usher them out the door.
The court often had to step in to sweep the family members out with the rest of the detritus. And happily so. The courts will ALWAYS choose a family to serve a failing elder if that family is competent mentally and intellectually to do so. If they are no so busy bickering over the bones of their poor elders that they can't see straight.
Indeed for me it is very personal when someone starts throwing around very faulty information. I will always be ready with the "Fickle Finger of Nonsense". In olden times when "Saints" were dying, or those thought to be headed toward Sainthood, people would come and try to pull off hair, or worse, as they lay dying. Relics, don't you know. I have witnessed some families pretty close to doing this, but more the wallets they are reaching for. It is extremely sad. I say again, thank goodness for the Courts.

You seem to have a personal issue with this. I thought this is a public forum to help caregivers and for them to help you with advise and knowledge. I am speaking to the public that is doing what is best for the person they are taken care of nobody else that has a problem with what I know is a fact. I look beyond myself it is a society issue not one I personally can solve. I have no issue with anybody on this forum trying to help.

LC, once again I'll will ask you if you have a private situation that troubles you. I can look up nonsense on the internet any day I like. But this page is to help people in need of help. Are you in need of help? Or are you trying to help an individual in his or her individual need and situation? If you are only here to make outlandish accusations we are capable of finding outlandish all on our own.
I guess you got the LC reference? Because most people would say THAT is outlandish. Looks like it caught a big Phish this time. With a Capital P.
Again, if you would like to advise us about your own personal trauma and need of help we are all ears. There are many here who can give you great advice. But for myself, if a Judge just denied you, I stand with him (or her). I know some licensed fiduciaries. They are honorable people in my state licensed to do a good job, and a very difficult one to be sure. In fact, loonie-tune relatives come out of the woodwork, and out from under rocks at them so very often that they cannot post their addresses, and at times live in fear of nutjobs endangering their very lives because they just lost control of their grannie's money.
Wishing you the best. LC.

Being uninformed and warning people to not pay attention sounds odd. Look into what happened in Las Vegas and Michigan and it happens everyday. Just because it did not happen to your family or someone you care about does not mean it does not happen. Read between the lines however you like, but it does not change the truth of the facts written. It does not matter about just me it is the scenario nationwide. Keep an open mind. It is hard to believe anybody has not heard about this no matter what it is called. How about elder guardianship abuse by family member. Results most likely the same!

Didn't someone, actually one of the gentleman posters on the site, warn of the LC thing? I don't know. Something to watch for on twitter. Anything with LC in it, apparently some kind of call out to conspiracy theorists.
No, I am sorry. I don't believe in elder trafficking. I think it is nonsense.
Courts lean over backward to protect elders from predatory families especially, and from other predation, and almost always error in considering even impaired elders opinion on things. That's the fact overall in our wonderful country, and thank goodness for it.
LC, sounds a bit like some sort of conspiracy theory you have going there, but those are pretty common today, and if nothing else they are entertaining. W
hereas the abuse by judges is rare as hen's teeth. If you would like us to understand, however, HOW ABUSED YOU ARE, why not write us out the facts? They may go a long way, even if only YOUR side.

It is called elder trafficking and it happens nationwide. Someone Petitions the court for guardianship for profit and no due process is allowed. Yes it happened to someone I care about and I was once like others in the dark, because most people do not believe it happens until it does. Research and learn and then respond when you find out why some judges do not follow the law and nothing is done.

Sorry, but the fact is that courts do not give guardianship to the State when family is ready, willing, and ABLE to function as guardian. I think that the "able" may be at issue here. Guardianship is very difficult. You are responsible for everything as well as meticulous record keeping and yearly accounting of every dime of expenditure. There must be a family member who has petitioned for guardianship who can prove that they have an established and loving relationship with the person, that the person, if mentally cognizant would want this person to act for them, and that this person is ready to prove to the court that they can "tick all the boxes". The court also doesn't look kindly on families at war over a sadly incompetent adult; the court doesn't (in my opinion rightly so) trust ANY of them in this instance.
Often what happens when families come in with this complaint is that there has been a family squabble over an adult and over control of that adult and his or her money. The court doesn't look kindly on these squabbles, and will not mediate such things. The court will simply appoint, as you say, a STRANGER who is a Fiduciary (in California licensed by the state) to serve without any skin in the game on any side, but with only the BEST INTERESTS of the adult in mind. This person answers to the COURT and not to the family.
It is almost ALWAYS best for the poor adult, who is no longer competent, to have an uninterested party rather than siblings at war and a need for Solomon and his sword to divide the baby (or in this case, the adult).
Why not tell us exactly what happened in this instance where family was refused the right to serve as guardian for a needy adult?

I don't think anyone can really respond specifically w/o knowing what happened.   You offer some suppositions and conclusions, but not specific facts, which are needed to address your particular situation.

LCPELC, what exactly happened in your case? Are you saying that your LO had a legitimately executed PoA but then the county pursued guardianship anyway and then the LO was moved to a facility? What was the reason the county pursued guardianship? "Family ready and willing" doesn't supersede the issue of legal authority to act on a person's behalf. The county doesn't have enough money to cover in-home care for every elder/disabled person it's responsible for. Most cost-effective is for them to be in a facility, plus it removes the layer of non-legal guardians that complicate care situations. No legitimate nursing home would accept someone who wasn't a candidate for LTC or MC. Which one of these was your LO placed in? You seem to want to rally people to your cause without giving enough pertinent detail of what happened in your case in order for them to come to an objective conclusion. You have posted several times on this site...what's your goal in this? You don't give a "call to action". In other words you are lamenting a problem and telling people over and over it's a problem and you've suggested a solution but you don't direct people on what to do if they are inspired to help: go to a website and sign a petition? Contact our legislator (and then what)? Vote for or against something/someone? Readers need more direction.

Hi there thank you for your info I am not sure what state you are in. It seems to me with such a major life changing decision to appoint a complete stranger over a persons choice a reason should be given to both the person and Opposing party in writing in case there was no due process for accusations to be investigated and proven in a court of law not hidden by someone that may be trying to win favor with the court by false accusations possibly nobody else that needs to know doesn’t. That is why maybe mandatory Mediation would be best, so all truth can be told as most court hearings there is not enough time to get all the facts when it could be a matter of life or death and that is just not acceptable to a vulnerable elder or adult disabled that depends on someone looking out for their best interest not the bottom line.

I am sorry if your loved one was caught up in this.  IME, the only people in nursing homes are the ones who need it.  But you suggest that home care should be provided instead.  Many states do provide for SOME home care, but 24/7 is more expensive than NHs, and many states are limiting home care.  There is only so much money

There may be documentation if APS was involved. APS investigation results are sealed, the judge is the only one to see those, at least in my state. The same could be with nursing homes.

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