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Colorsue, how was your Sunday? Mine was on AC a lot, and having a nice lunch when hubby arrived home after church.

So nice of you to ask. The water was perfect and my sister and I shelled and saw lots of interesting live creatures in and out of shells. Found some unusual shells, too. I loved it! Got a bad sunburn by trying to protect my face. Burnt my back despite strong sunscreen. Then my cousin from Mich. came for a nice visit with 9 of our family here!
Every day for 4 days we have the AC repairmen out because one of the systems isn't working right. Trouble in paradise! We have window units and fans to help us through.

I feel left out of the "whine" topic because it's turned into a great talk among a circle of friends. I just am not one of those friends. It is a good thing for them, and you are one of them. I just accept that that topic is closed to me. I get ignored if I post anything! I need to stay out of it & find some other topic. ;o)

Keep well and God bless!

Is your husband's arthritis severe enough to interfere with everyday life? Mine has RA and it's painful at times but he manages to work around it. He also has the help of his Rheumy.

COLORESUE, Oh No! Please don't feel that way, I'm fairly new on here and am just getting my feet wet, and getting to know people! For such a long time I used to feel as if I were intruding in on other people's lives, and I would just hit the LIKE Button here or there, but I have come to know some folks, and unfortunately i tend to gravitate to the familiar. So I'm definitely sorry if I made you feel pushed out, and Please come back, I would Love to get to know you too! Also with lots of people changing up their names, I'm Still not sure who's who! Sincerely, Stacey B

Coloresue...Noooooo! like Stacey said, I tend to go to the thread where I feel most familiar, and I post a lot of times and feel like I am just posting to myself...but then again, there are topics where I join in and have fun...but doesn't matter what you post....and I try to comment on most folks posts but my mind gets so messed up these days I can't remember things and I forget about a topic and by the time I remember it the conversation has moved to something else...and yet, we always circle back's a fun thread...but I pop in and out on others as well...but please come're always welcome .... :)

Colorescu I used to read the whine thread and then I just started posting. You keep posting and people will include you. We don't leave people out.

I love Thunderstorms...really rumbling cozy thunderstorms...and we are having one right now...with a ton of much needed rain.

So kind of all of you: Stacey, Hope22 and Gershun, for writing encouraging words to me to keep posting on this thread. Thanks much!! ;o) I have tried but I have gotten little to no response on this particular topic lately except from Sendme. Yay Sendme!! I don't hold it against anyone, you just know each other better and I don't have words that fit into the conversations many times.
Thank you for all the encouraging words me to keep at it. I'll look for openings, but I have to have something to say and I'm often at a loss due to the ongoing personal conversations.
Hope22....I love thunderstorms too!!! Every bit of them, unless I'm driving and have to get out of the car in the rain. Being inside, all cozy and dry, is the perfect place to hear and see thunderstorms washing the world clean and green.

My error, I meant to refer to the "whine" thread!

I agree Coloresue...they do seem to wash the air and everything else all shiny and new...Daddy loved them too and I think sometimes they just make me feel like he is close by as well...Hey, about the whine thread...there are a lot of times what I come out with is totally off topic to what is going on, but I just get on there when I need to "get it out" you are more than welcome always :)

Another thing I love are ice pops...I think I may have mentioned that on here...if so...oops...but today, I found the ones i love the most at half price!!! yay!! Double the love!!!

Colorsue! Thanks for asking about my hubby's arthritis. He only had a pain management doctor who diagnosed him via MRI. Reading the MRI is almost scary, but he has P.T. and a chiropractor. He doesn't complain, but I notice when he is in pain when I can. Then, its a fight to get him to know when to stop working. He is on disability.
You are not the only one who has commented on what seems to be everyone's FAVORITE, the whine thread. You can post anywhere, say anything you want! Have you tried Caregivers & Dysfunctional Families, How are you? (Started by Cmagnum?) One of my favorite things is to welcome people wherever I see them. Everyone is sincere asking you to keep posting. So keep sharing, Colorsue! I try to check this post every time I am feeling unsettled or sad, or in a bad mood, hoping someone will have posted some good, even about the weather, plants, or, like I tried to put across earlier in this thread, even if we have a complaint or sorrow, turn it to positive. I am positive that I was in a bad mood today but reading the nice things people have said here has changed me to thankful!
Have a good night, Colorsue. Goodnight Johnboy, goodnight Gershen, Goodnight Luckylu, Goodnight Hope, Goodnight Windy, Goodnight Cwillie, Goodnight Glad, Goodnight Golden, Goodnight Falcon, Goodnight Veronica, Goodnight JesseBelle, Goodnight Jeanne, Goodnight Oregongirl, Goodnight Gospelgirl, Goodnight Stacey, Goodnight Garden, Fregflyer, Vstephens, Cmagnum, Countrymouse,
and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. everyone, you have been great to know.

Luckylu, it is going to be one of my favorite things to search you out later tonight, unless you have let others know you are ok. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, every day.

COLORESUE, you have got to jump right in, that's what I did, and it 4ook me awhile too, but when I did, everybody was wonderful! I read all the blogs for such a long time, only liking posts here and there, and now finally I'm getting quite comfortable anywhere too! I have found a comfortable niche on The Whime, but only because I persisted, and I just Love everyone everywhere! Just keep on keeping on! Oh, and now sometimes I get behind and feel out of the loop, but I don't always have the time to go back and read every post, I am trying to learn to just keep moving it forward! I'm glad you will come back though! Good Peeps!

sendme... LOVE the new avatar!! Shoot, I wish I was wherever that picture was taken right now!! Water, for me, is one of my favorite things. Love to drink it, splash in it, float in it, fish in it and play with my dog in it.

Another one of my favorite things is star gazing... last nights spectacular was exhilarating!! Nice and dark so the stars were bright and truly felt one with the universe and felt at peace.

In my next life, I would like to come back as a steelhead salmon. Those are basically large ocean run trout. This way I can explore both the ocean and rivers. :) How awesome would that be?!?!

My mother wanted to come back as a hummingbird. We hung 5 hummingbird feeders out back, now every evening loads of them come by for a drink with me :)

One of my favorite lines is from "My Fair Lady" -- "Get me to the church on time"! Some of my favorite things are being by the ocean, black raspberry chocolate chip frozen yogurt, listening to classical music and old movies. I have a long list, but these "favorite things" are near the top. Thanks everyone for sharing some positive thoughts.

I'm going to be thinking of the sea and ocean avatars as the next heat wave moves in. Even just wading and wandering through shallow waters will seem appealing. raspberry chocolate chip frozen yogurt?? OMG - that's got to be heaven for any chocolate lover! What brand is it and where to do you get it - grocery store? frozen yogurt stand?

Let's make it wandering through shallow waters, sipping on a black raspberry chocolate chip frozen yogurt while listening to classical music - that's got to be at the top of favorite things!

CENTRALMASSACH1, I love old Musicals too! To Sir With Love, High Society, two of my fav's! Oh, I would love to know that Brand of the Black Raspberry ChocolateFFrozen Yogurt too! Yummy, that sounds so good!

Stacey, maybe we should leave the Black Raspberry Chocolate Frozen Yogurt issue alone - I've been thinking about it since I posted and am really developing a desire for something chocolate! So now 2 of us are thinking about that tempting treat.

And perhaps Stacey will tempt us even more by changing her avatar to a photo of the yogurt - then we're done for!

The ocean, the movie The notebook, listening to rain, quiet moments, strong coffees, ice cream, going shopping, family, Christmas & most holidays, caring for others, learning new things, LOVE to travel, and doesn't really matter where as long as I get to stay few days when get there:) Few things I love!!!! Thanks for this post, its nice to think of what, and Who makes you the happiest!!!!

Well, great. Just as I'm leaving to do some grocery I have to add the frozen yogurt to my list and check if they have it.

Just get the black rasberry chocolate chip frozen yogurt, leave the rest!

A walk in the mountains after a rain, the smell of pine trees, playing music very loud while I clean the house, dancing in the kitchen so my dog barks at craziness!!

Spending time with nh twin grandsons ......vacation is coming soon so I can do that, roaming around in early am hours taking pictures of nature...all is good and peaceful.

Central, there's a recipe online, and products to buy readymade of that unmentionable dessert. I know Garden will be happy to research it, and it comes in low fat for me! Dark chocolate for it's anti-oxidant properties. Move this over to "What's for Dinner" thread, it will be my favorite recipe!

Colorsue, have you visited that thread yet? Gluttons, all of us. Maybe you have a favorite food? Put it here!

Here is why changing my avatar was not such a good idea:
I love your avatar, is that your pup?
Yes it is, ONLY now it is feet! Dog tired?

Recipe, tuna, correction,Packed in water.
Only now it is feet! Packed in water, really?

Once you change your avatar, it is changed historically in all the past posts. Who knows what you've said that changes the meaning with each change of the avatar/photo!

I'm sure NO ONE UNDERSTANDS, they're not even my feet!
I don't know where the water in the hot springs is, nor how to get there!

Well !! That was a total I thought they were your feet and you'd been somewhere fabulous relaxing :/ Now I think you really must find this place and GO!!

Hey, did you also change you screen name?

You really have a fun yet wicked sense of humor!!

Send you need to find that hot springs so we can all go there!!

It's pouring right now and I and much of my extended family are either inside or on the 2nd floor covered porch watching the thunderstorm!! So awesome! I'm thinking of your Dad right now. I'm fortunate that mine is still here. I believe his and my Mom's advancing years are the reason they arranged this vacation.

You are so right about "getting it out" on the whine thread. I have almost no where to vent, so I was occasionally venting there. Maybe I'll continue, I'm not sure...I'll just go with my needs and how strong they are. Thanks so much for writing! ;o)

Jeanette, Yes, fun but wicked. That's me. No, I didn't change my screen name, it has always been Sendme2help, I came on here with the standard little blue avatar, but DH has been helping me put up new ones, my white American Eskimo pup, the feet in the hot springs. I was impressed when Bookluvr started changing her avatar so often to really interesting photos that she took herself.

Pamz, yes, I am going on a quest to find the hot springs anytime soon. A vacation, I think they call it, its been forever, over 10 years. I found the photo on istock photos, free.

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