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Reported as SPAM, or is it a nigerian prince scam?
Won't we get infected with malware if we send a hug?

Gersh, Glad, and Hope,
Now that I am cheered up, I can go water my sunflower with the rainwater we saved.

ICE POPS! I love ice pops!!!

Love my golden retreiver! Oh and that I am getting my life back I hope, but sheesh it is hard work! Anybody know caregiver friendly employers out there? Four years of caregiving looks like four years of unemployment and mooching off folks, eating bonbons and watching tb! They need an attitude adjustment!

Job applicant says simply, returning to work after retirement, seeking a new career. (It would help to be able to say: new career for which I have been trained).

Depending if you are over 62-65 y.o.
Many people are hired direct from school or some kind of training program, even from volunteer positions.

Or, you could say you have a general life experience which would qualify you for on the job training or you are willing to have a specific short trial period.

Hope this helps. Be sure to dress for where you want to work, as in, wear to the interview what the position you are seeking would be wearing.

Just found this discussion group. Love it! Look on the sunny side. Jude is quite a poet, and should submit her poems gor publication. You all made me feel better. Thank you! My favorite things are books, music, cooking, sitting out on my porch in the morning, which is what I'm doing now.

Glad and send I am going to spank you two.


You can either say - I took a break from xyz (if that sounds super duper) to devote time to care for my terminally ill mother (we are all terminal - in that we will all die) and to ensure she received optimum care.

Or for the last 4 years I have been the sole care-giver for xxyz who had multiple health issue AND dementia

My duties involved
Keeping financial records of all transactions (as her POA that is a requirement)
Liaising with a range of professional bodies at all levels: legal, financial, health, medical inter alia (means among others but sounds posher)
Explaining in simple terms the results of the professional meetings to my mother in a manner than allowed her to understand
Conducting due diligence with regard to care provision and monitoring same
Reporting any diversion from agreed and standard practices
Keeping records of care provision and medication
General house keeping duties
Manual handling and lifting
Organising and coordinating visits and holidays that would accommodate very specific needs
Ensuring her rights were enabled at all times
Making numerous phone recalls and recording and diarising results of same
Attending to personal needs including but not limited to personal hygiene, welfare, religious needs, financial needs, health, medical and nutritional needs
Completing various complex forms on behalf of xxyz to access abcdefgh

In the final months I conducted an analysis of the most appropriate care for xxyz which involved taking up references conducting due diligence on the care homes, reading a variety of report to ensure that my mother received the best care possible.

In addition to this I also ran my own household blah blah blah yada yada yada

This is your application for you have been a care-giver and you should be proud to stand up and tell the world what you have done

You are not a 1 or 2 line person

returning to work after retirement, seeking a new career.

Or, you could say you have a general life experience which would qualify you for on the job training or you are willing to have a specific short trial period.

Bad girls!!!!!!!! But I love you both just the same xxxxxx

I love a good thunderstorm with that rumbling severe weather, just the good garden variety summer thunderstorm...smelling the freshness of the rain approaching, seeing Mama all cozy and snug after I have gotten her ready for the day and sitting here with my hot cup of coffee ....what I am doing now.

Watching my puppy play with her big fluffy stuffed dog, which is bigger than she is funny seeing her shake that toy and jump up and down....looks like she is laughing....

I too love to watch puppies romping and playing.

Ever watch the Animal Planet channel puppies and kittens programs? They are soooo adorable!

Job applicant advice was meant for going to employers who did not know the value of caregivers. But now that I think twice about it, who would want to work for them anyway, ok glad, ok jude?
Besides, that advice came from stuff I've read online. But wearing the right clothes has helped me in the past.

Cat and puppy videos on Youtube or the news stations are cute too. One favorite was the dog trashing the owners bed just because of separation anxiety. Poor dog, I felt sorry for the dog, who then ate the cell phone!

Jude, do you mind if I cut and paste that? After all plagiarism is the highest form of flattery! Yes, I did all of that, but I guess I have trouble with my own self worth, brought on by twisted sisters and auntie dearest, I imagine. Whoops, be careful, do not start another dysfunctional thread!

And I am proud that I was able to provide the care, would I have done anything differently? Hmmm, maybe not, but I reserve the right to change my mind. Ask me again after I find employment.

I love a good rainfall. I love the thunder and even the lightning warning of impending rain. Then the heavy pounding of the rain as it pours down, nourishing the earth and my gardens. I stand for a while at my windows or French doors just watching the rain cleanse the air and water the ground. As the rain gets softer and lighter, the greenness shows through more and more...until the rain is almost over...and everything looks so rich with very green and the air looks so very if it's all brand new as on that 1st day of creation.
I love my gardens but my health doesn't allow for me to be in them very long. I make sure the entry areas have my favorite things as much as possible.
I'm still in the process of getting all of my decorating with art up on the walls and fine-tuning the pieces that need it. So many different pieces and different styles and sizes and shapes.
How I love etsy dot com!!! It's an art site for everyone! For those of us who are limited due to health and those who aren't: it's like your own art gallery online! I have multiple collections there. I've bought many things from my collections. For those who don't know the site, it's a global handmade village of all types of art. If you're an artist or art lover, you have to keep seeing and exploring art...your mind craves this...etsy brings it to your fingertips.
I love a good book, a good mystery. I read mostly Christian mysteries which seem to have romances. That way I avoid offensive writing. There are so many good writers, it's amazing!
I do crave a very good friend to share with. I find my health and that of my husband, 1 of my sons and parents has pushed me into more isolation that I'd choose on my own. I ask the Lord to provide that good friend. I wait on Him & He will provide at the right time! ;o) I wish everyone happiness, peace and contentment, no matter the circumstances.

After a long time of being beat up emotionally, I was walking up the hill to a support group. My demeanor must have been very down, because No One ever stopped to give me a ride, even though we were all going to the same place.
Six weeks later, when I was very happy I just got a car, someone at that meeting offered me a ride home! I remember that because it was one of my favorite Ah Ha moments. When you are happy and confident, people are drawn to you. Sorry that I don't know how to get there when I am not happy or confident. Maybe buy yourself a car?

Sendme2help is so right! People who are experiencing hard times learn to act cheery and cover up their feelings because other people tend to be drawn to cheery, funny people and move away from sad people. This is a sad, but often true statement. Those sad people are the very ones who could use a cheerful word or a listening ear.
This thread is great because someone who's feeling down can find some things to lift their spirit and help them to feel better, maybe closer to how they normally would feel if not shouldering the care of a loved one with memory problems or in bad health. Caregivers need to be uplifted often and be participants in life! Otherwise the illness claims 2 lives instead of one. I like this thread a lot because it's very needed.

Went to dinner with wonderful neighbors of my mom's and now great friends. And a great little Mexican spot downtown, great margarita's too! I talked with them about the relationship I had with my mom. She was very hard on me, being the oldest you know, but took the time to teach me how to sew, I was in fifth grade, that she did not do with my younger twisted sisters. I don't think they were interested either, and thank goodness they had sons. Had tears in my eyes, I loved to sew, made all my own clothes when I was in junior high and high school because mom would buy as much fabric as I wanted. It was so much cheaper to sew than to buy even on sale racks of ready made. And I sewed so much for my daughters, so many cute things when they were little, made all their homecoming and prom dresses and enjoyed it so! Now I have four granddaughters, should be doing the same thing, but just never did. Can't wait to get that machine out of storage!

Another favorite movie was: The Never Ending Story, movie line:
Atreyu: But why is Fantasia dying, then?
G'mork: Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger.
Atreyu: What is The Nothing?
G'mork: It's the emptiness that's left. It's like a despair, destroying this world.
And I have been trying to help it.
Atreyu: But why?
G'mork: Because people who have no hopes are easy to control; and whoever has the control...has the POWER!

Atreyu, the warrior, went on to fight and kill the beast, G'mork, the power behind the Nothing, and Fantasia was saved, grew back beautiful.

Favorite movie quote: "the 6 P Principle - Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance" Certainly something caregivers should use.

Favorite thing: smiling at my grandson!

favorite food: ice cream (mint chip or coffee or butter pecan) and gluten free pretzel sticks - Salty sweet heaven!

Glad you are absolutely to cut and paste that and add loads more darling. In my formative years in education before I got to the managerial stages I used to teach people who had been out of work for a long time (usually not carers to be honest) how to get back into work. While many actually didn't want work I began to see a pattern in those who had cared - they couldn't see their own worth and had lost self confidence so I asked the bosses if we could set up a course just for them.
In those days many had never used a computer so that was an additional challenge but that doesn't apply now. When we put a board up and started to list all the things they did and then put that into employment language you could see the change in their self perception gradually emerging as they began to realise just how many skills they had that were transferrable and current. Every single one of them went into work and not one of them was under 55. We were absolutely over the moon for them. I can't remember all the jobs they went into but I know among them were Health Care Assistant (which quite frankly I would have avoided at all costs) One became a PA and she was brilliant at it. One employer came back to us and asked if we had any more ex carers because he couldn't believe their willingness to go the extra mile. Well ladies and gents that is what we do every day of the week so put it in your cv
I am going to start a post called CV tips for carers so all in put welcome


In the 'search bar above' entering : struggling for CV ideas.
Thanks Jude! and what a great job you did there to help others.
I know some of us don't take compliments well, .....well. there you are!

W A R N I N G. by Jenny Joseph
This poem is not in it's entirety, but it is one of my favorites.
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple.
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on thd pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go ouf in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.

After embarrassing myself on a legal post, the embarrassing part was knowing better than to entertain this person's question at all ( guns/property/lawsuit); the poster did what so many have recently done, and that is to start a new question that made less sense than the first. Letting it go, is easy because life is just too serious to be taken that seriously.

My favorite thing today is: Aging Care technical and security is coming to our aid to make this site a more secure place, and to shake out the problems we have had recently.

My favorite thing right now is doing exactly what I'm doing: communicating in a positive way with people who are in my situation, so to speak.
I just happened to catch Joyce Myers on t.v., and her topic was saying thank you to God, and trusting Him.

Yes, forgot to mention that on the site where I was reading the above 'purple' poem, it was mentioned that the red hat society was inspired by the poem.
There was a photo of Queen Elizabeth doing purple proud, looking regal wearing purple. Then, a photo of The Red Hat Society having high tea, wearing their red hats, but not all were wearing purple. Thanks, Booksrme.

One of my favorite things is peace and quiet.
No one else around. No noise, no phone calls. No questions! I'm free for the moment to have my own thoughts without interruption!!! Yay! However many minutes it lasts...I'm grateful!

Coloresue, peace and quiet happens to high on my list of faves too !!

I've been known to turn my phone off for days and pretend all is well in the world :)

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