
Our mom was such a huge presence in our lives as well as grands. Professional long before vogue to be so.

Going back, Alfred Hitchcock on t.v.

The Birds or Pyscho.

Oh turn that off. You can't be watching that, says she to my sib and I. 5 mins later, turn back on. We have to see what happens!

Our dad travelled internationally for 6 mos out of year. Our mom was an enormous presence in our lives, her grands, great grands, and nephews. She sent and paid for so many to go to college. As she nears the end of journey, I am thinking there are many who have quirky or funny memories of those now lost. I have a lot if funnies. Share yours if you will.

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My mom and her sis,Frances Jean, were the second crop of kids having been born to my grandparents. The first two died. Thomas Tillman and Alice Aline ( such a pretty name I think)

Thomas died of an ear infection. This was at the the time go fetch doc on horseback or carriage. Pre penicillin. I don't know how Alice died.

Any time our kids would have ear ache our mom just went all out.calll ambulance. Go to e.r. do something. Way over.

Apparently, her mother, my grandmother, never got over losing her son. And my mom, being oldest of new crop,got an earful.

It is something I have never forgotten.

I was conceived in the Algonquin hotel in NYC. my mother saved the receipt.and wrote a note to me which i save for me.

For about 25 years I had horses. One at a time. I remember my mom telling me I could ride circles around you.
I put her on one in her 70s in a round arena.

I told you I could ride circles around you says she.

Mt mom had a favorite horse in her youth, Corinna, named after a song. Corinna was a plow horse. My mom grew up in rural Arkansas.

Omg I am so loving these contributions.

I can only imagine the balloons,lol.

Sego, when I was about 10 I found a bouquet of balloons while visiting my grandparents, I was so excited to show them, apparently they were from a stag party or a bachelor party, yep, condoms blown up and tied with ribbons. All the adults got a big laugh, I was very dissatisfied that they made me throw my balloons away.

It was many years before I knew what the whole issue was.

Our dad would tell us these stories about a fictional character, named Sam Whitefield. He was the precursor to Indiana Jones. My sib and I were spellbound. There was one in particular about dirty clothes on floor and how bad guy invaded due to. My mom used that for years!

Mom: gosh you should pick thise
Up. Remember that Sam white field story your dad told you?

I had a very unconventional upbringing. But the tales I have.

Barb it is amazing what they did, isn't it. My mom always reminded us your great grandmother, her GMA, crossed the Mississippi River in an oxen driven cart. By herself.

Stop whining.

When I was about 8 I found huge box of condoms. I was searching for something else in top of cabinet. My mom having a luncheon. About 50 peeps. Mom what are these?

Glances. And we had live in help. Both their eyes were huge.

My mom: I got some popsicles. What flavor would you like? Never heard or FOUND any evidence after. Gone.

Oh mom.

Sego, my mom graduated from Catholic HS at like 15 or so. She the was sent to "business school" aka the Grace Institute to become a secretary. She was running a doctor's office at 17. Doing xrays etc. at 19, because there was a war on.

Never got to go to college. But at 62, when she retired, she discovered that she could take low cost college courses. Started doing that. My dad got dxed with leukemia. Mom started taking whatever was given on Tuesday mornings. " Because", she told me, " if I don't do this, I'll go crazy".

She transferred to a 4 year private school and finished her BS in Cognitive Scince, Summa Cum Laude at the age of 82. Interestingly, I went back to do some psych pre-reqs for my graduate program, so we were taking Physiological Psychology at the same time. She had much better study methods than I did!

I wish I had her grit and determination.

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