ok where do i begin. A few years ago we moved in with a my husbands grandmother thinking we could help out. The house is paid for so we thought we would help with some repairs that were and still are very necessary. long story short his grandmother felt we were to invasive and she was afraid we were taking over and going to put her in a nursing home. So we moved out feeling very hurt and tried to reassure everyone that her fears were totally unfounded. NOW we know she has Alzhiemers and we hate to say "told you so" to family but that sort of the situation we are in. With her only child being gone already and now her siblings are getting to old themselves to take of her, guess what they want to do that we would never do? PUT HER IN A HOME! The very thing she told us was her worst fear. Anyway I really need some advise because I am willing to take of her as I have special needs experience but before we take the plunge I need to know how us taking her in would affect her in home nursing care she already receives as well as medicaid and social security. we do not make much money so we are concerned. we were thinking it would make more sense to put the house she fully owns in my husbands name and either living there so she does not have to make so many changes and renting out our house or vice versa. I know some feel this is wrong and that her house should go to pay for care but we feel that it makes much more sense for her to stay with family and that would be better "care" than to put her in a home. I mean we already own a home and I know I would hate to see it go to the a nursing home where my family stuck me instead of it going to loving family that would give me more loving care than any "home" would ever give. Anyway I know that's illegal to transfer ownership before home placement not that I would try it anyway. We would really rather she stay with us. Any one out their that could help us I would greatly appreciate it!
It would be nice if you could live in her house with her and provide care, but I would strongly advise you to get guidance from and elder law attorney. There are rules you need to be aware of before you make a mistake rather than after.
Best wishes, Cattails