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Hugs to you Alva!

There are so many strong women(and men) on this forum. I admire you all.

I am only just seeing this. I am so very sorry. I will be praying that all went well for you today, and that your recovery will be full of good drugs and even better news. I hope you truly feel the love we ac folks have for you. Sue grafton books are great, but go back and read these comments from people you have helped with your intelligence and wit. You are such an amazing person! Many hugs and much prayer heading your way.

Best wishes for a good outcome. Thanks to you, I have discovered Sue Grafton's writings. At first I thought local library only had there are many more. 😇

Alva ((((hugs)))) and prayers 🙏🙏🙏. I agree about pain, but there are times when you know what is going on and it hurts too much! Then a little relief is Ok. The stress of pain doesn't help healing.

Lea, strong like Bull WHAT?
No as to the vicodin, I got FIVE- 5 mg oxycodones from the doctor.
The normal dosage is 5-15 mg Q4 hours. So my question is this. How long are five gonna last?

I am mostly kidding, because I hope to take none. I am good with pain. I consider it my friend to tell me what is going on. And I expect it. And the ONE pain pill I had with mastectomy turned my bowel to cement, so even with stool softener, I don't want the stuff (made the mastectomy itself feel like no problem at all, that bowel.
But I am just sayin..............Wow, are the loathe to give pain meds these days.
I will need that Moscow Mule if it gets too bad. Or some other kick to the head.

Will have to wait about a week to see what the margins read. Then I will feel pretty good if I don't have to return for more.
I know I CAN do it. I have done.
I just am getting my mileage out of being a huge big baby about it.

Speaking, kids, of pain being a friend. I have had plantar's fasciitis and I know what it is and how long it lasts (about a year for me). My partner had it and same for him. My daughter had it and same for her. Now my SIL has it and the doc is on second round of shooting in steroids. What disturbs me about this is that my SIL at 70 is soooo active. And today was snowshoeing and going to play volleyball tonight. To me, he has lost his good friend, pain. How can he not hurt his healing with this? He is masking the pain with steroids but the condition remains???? I as a nurse told him, but he says no one limited his exercise! I love this man like mad, but he doesn't listen. To old nurses or much of anyone else.

Truly, in a lot of instances, (surely not cancer pain and some others) I do think we mask our pain too much. Our body tries to tell us what's going on and we block it. Sometimes, anyway. But, alas, no one listens to me! Hee.

Been thinking about you all day today Alva. I will be with you in spirit tomorrow, my friend, and eagerly awaiting an update from you that all is well WHEN you are up to it. Remember: you are Strong Like Bull. This will all be behind you tomorrow night with an All Clear from this terrific new doc you have, and the road to recovery will be dotted with Vicodin for your comfort! 🤣😃😂

Praying all goes well, and looking forward to your update, Alva!

Know how much you are loved on this board! 🩷

Thinking sparkly, healing thoughts about tomorrow, Alva!

Oh, Ali. My daughter's 62nd BD is today!!!! She's all nicely ensconsed in a spa for the day because 62 is a milestone!

Happy Birthday to you, Ali.

And that drink thing? Best offer I have had all day!
I will choose a Margarita with a TON of salt around the rim or a Moscow Mule, which my SIL always makes for me when I visit them for a month in July. Whichever is your favorite. But whatever you toast me with is much appreciated!

Your d-day is my b-day. I don't have anything planned for my birthday--I've been too busy with school up until this point--but I'm thinking I'll step out to a nice place downtown for dinner and a drink, then visit the new casino downtown, just to see it and have a little adventure out.

What's your favorite drink? I'll order one and toast our milestones. Just don't say cosmopolitan. That's about the only drink I find too pink and weird. :)

(((((((((((You got this, Alva.))))))))))))) Big virtual squeeze.

Pulling for you to have courage and get through this with flying colors. I expect to see you by the weekend so no phone call has to be made to N.

Thinking of you, Alva. Sending hugs and love your way.

(((((Alva)))) ongoing prayers for healing for you and all those here affected by cancer. Wide margins are good. May any signs of cancer be eradicated. May you have peace going into this and peace coming out of it.

Dear Alva,

Many hugs, best wishes, and prayers for you tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and looking forward to updates when you feel up to it again.

Love to you,

best wishes, fingers crossed! hope to see you back on AgingCare in a few days

You'll be fine Alva. I remember when I had a lump removed because the biopsy was inconclusive and after surgery they said I couldn't go home until I used the bathroom. I peed 10 minutes after being taken to a room for recovery. They had no idea I could pee so fast but I prefer recovering at home to the hospital so pee I did. 😂😂😂

OK, kids. Tomorrow's the day. Provided someone can physically drag me in the door at Kaiser, I will be off for the day. Have to get up early and chug down this whole bottle of some electrolyte solution, so may be pounding away early here, but after that give me a couple of days off to recover.

I told the doc to take wide margins on this thing (I've visions of The Alien skittering across the surgery floor) as I am quite loathe to return if margins aren't clear for the full mastectomy. It's not about the surgeries, it's about the anxiety! The surgeries, in the past, were a piece of cake compared to my mind's machinations. Always the same for me: the coward dying the 1,000 deaths.

I thank you ALL for your good wishes, your sense of humor, and all the "thoughts and prayers" things sent my way; it has been truly a comfort.

A "trusted friend" here has N.s phone number, with instructions not to bother him until the weekend. If I go South in any way hopefully it is ALL THE WAY SOUTH, and a good climate! (remember--the tombstone is to read "Does this mean I don't get to watch The Bishop's Wife next Christmas?")

I am certain I will be back in typing order quite quickly, because otherwise what are you to do without a "mean girl".?

Praying for peace for you Alva that passes all understanding as you have your lumpectomy done, and for wisdom and discernment for your doctors.

Alva sending you good vibes for a safe and successful surgery and recovery.

Alva hope it all goes well and we “see” you soon with a great report. 🌹

Dear AlvaDeer, may the surgery be successful & recovery be as expected. Note: be patient with yourself as you heal!

Alva, you’re in my heart as you face surgery. Sending prayers for an excellent surgeon, care team, and speedy recovery. And so happy to note you’re onto the alphabet series. I loved Sue Grafton’s writing and humor. Kinsey Millhone rules!

Wonderful news, Barb!


Thinking of you as you wait to have your surgery. Wishing you all the best.

Oh, Barb. What fabulous news about hubby. What absolutely GREAT news.

Grandma1954 thanks for covering ALL the bases; glad you are on my team.

Alva, I look forward to hearing from you on the other side of surgery.

You should know that the old saw about "one hour of anesthesia=1 week recovery" seems to hold in our house. My DH was under for 3 hours almost exactly 3 weeks ago (absent the 6 days in I CC U and the 7 units of blood). Today, 24 days later he got up and said "I feel like myself again". Hallelujah"

I did not see this sooner....
I do wish you the best.
I will say a prayer....that the doctor has a steady hand and a keen eye. But for you I will cross my fingers and hope for a great outcome. (this way with fingers crossed and a prayer all bases are covered for you)

AlvaDeer, you tweaked my curiosity over the Sue Grafton books. Quite surprised to find our local library has one collection - the Q R S and T novels. They can be downloaded so no worry about returning when due date is reached...they just disappear.

Alva, I know I don’t post often, but I hate cancer with a vengeance. Especially when it decides to mess with good people like yourself. Take the Doctor’s advice with a grain of salt. Armor up and kick butt! Hugs to you dear woman.

Oh, I just saw this. More power to you, Alva. Good luck.

AlvaDeer, you will be in my heart and on my mind as you go through your procedure. May all be well, and may your recovery be swift. I look forward to your update, my friend. Sending hugs....

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