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Love me, love my cat.

Or dog,

or budgie.

Why punish a cat doing normal things a cat does?
Bring the cat in, it is winter.

Or you will report him. (Maybe).

It may have been just a passing bad mood, and by now has forgotten.
Forgive dH for leaving his drink out where the cat could get to it.

Practice cat safety above all, imo.

I’m confused . Do you mean he literally kicked the cat or put the cat outside of the house , or both ?


I am sorry. Poor kitty.

Barb, I'm not sure I'm getting the cat story right... is it an indoor cat who is now kicked out and you don't see it out there? If so the cat will come back, so if it's cold or rainy out try putting a cardboard box outside the door (on its side so that the opening is towards the house) and put some bedding in it.

You can post a pic of your kitty on to alert the community. I grew up with cats and as an adult had 2 barn cats that were indoor/outdoor. My male would disappear for 3 days at a time and return. Cats have survival instincts. The biggest problem is territorialism or traffic, so putting a shelter out so it has a safe place to return to while it waits for you to find it by your door and calling their name every once in a while can help.

We have tons of ferrel cats here in frigid MN so they are able to find warmth and shelter -- but an indoor cat isn't practiced and doesn't have outside territory, but the box may help. So sorry for your distress if this is the situation.

Leave a window open in the car, and a way to enter the garage?

Place bedding out behind an out building.
Feed the cat there?

Barb ,
Put your cat’s litter box outside your front door . Leave the waste , don’t scoop it out .
My daughter told me the scent guides them back home.
Does your front door lead to the outside, or an inside common hallway in your building ? I’m not sure since you live in Brooklyn .

Oh, Barb. Did he literally kick the cat? Either way, it's not a good situation. I hope it was a moment of temper and frustration and he regrets it, has made nice with you and the cat, and I hope the cat is ok.


I was thinking about this situation where I was given a cat, then un-given a cat. lol

I had to make my peace with this change of plans, so I sent my friend a message telling her I'm happy to take another stray off her hands if she finds one, haha... All in lighthearted love. She's a sweet friend, a busy and frazzled mom, and I can see she's trying to figure out the right thing for her family. I offered to take the cat if she decided it needed rehoming after all at some point.

She texted back a dozen messages explaining that today she had wanted to text me, "Never mind about what I said yesterday, please DO take her; I made a bad decision when I changed my mind." (...that's the gist...)

But she needs more time to make a final decision.

I'm cool either way.

It's just funny to me. It's a kitty I've never met in person! But I planned for her to be with me, which was a big decision and commitment on my part, so having plans change took a minute to process.

Now I just wait. That's ok. Whatever happens is fine. Sigh.

(((((barb))))) deep breaths, hope you are calmer though you have every reason to fume. Some cats love seeing water run and will tip over a glass, a vase or whatever. Hope kitty is back home and OK. Hope you are OK. Hope dh is OK.


What’s the latest news about your kitty? I hope this situation improves soon. Hugs 🤗!

My cat is notorious for being dumb , even for a cat

I put up a new cute shower curtain with birds sitting on vines. Mind you they DO NOT look very realistic . Think more modern art . I keep catching my cat perched on the closed toilet seat cover staring at the birds with her head cocked to one side .


Hahaha 😆! Funny story about the shower curtain.

Cats are super smart! I don’t think they are dumb. After all, they have 9 lives!

But hey, there may be some exceptions! Maybe some aren’t very bright.

They are extremely independent. I happen to love their aloof personality.

My greyhound would look at himself in the mirror. It was hilarious! You have to remember that greys lived their lives at the race track. They are exposed to a whole new world when they are adopted.

My grey was the sweetest dog in the world. He absolutely stole my heart. He lived to be 13. He was a champion in Florida. A beautiful dog, the fawn color. He looked like a small dear.

He was 85 lbs of lean muscle. They retired him from racing when they decided to take him north to teach the other dogs how to run. He refused to run in the cold, snowy weather!

He and my mom grew old together and they had a wonderful relationship with each other. Oh my gosh, we cried when he died.

Grey’s personalities are similar to a cat. They are couch potatoes after they retire. He lounged on my sofa all day. They are affectionate but can be shy and aloof.

My daughter in law has 2 cats and has had cats all her life . And my daughter has a very smart cat . My girlfriend has had cats all her life . They all say my cat is dumb . Poor thing . 😂. But she is content . An easy cat .

When my daughter came home from college , she lived with us for 2 years and brought along a kitten . When she moved out we missed the cat , so we got our own kitten . This is my first cat .

My DH never wanted pets . I had to talk him into letting my daughter bring a kitten when she came back home to live with us after college .
Now my DH is the biggest mush for cats.

r/OneOrangeBraincell and r/catsarefuckingstupid are two Reddits dedicated to cats being less than clever

Funny how the grey wouldn’t run in the cold. 😂
I knew someone who adopted a chocolate lab who had failed at seeing eye dog school . He would get distracted by other people and not do his job !! He also would just randomly sit down or lay down when he felt like it . He was a very lazy dog for a lab .


My DH grew up with a beagle and a neurotic cockapoo!

My DH didn’t want a cat and asked me to see if my parents would take my cat when we got married. . I said, ‘Hey, we are a package deal. I am not getting rid of my cat!’

He ended up loving the cat. My cat looked like yours but didn’t have any white fur.

Chocolate labs are my favorite! Labs are usually very active. My brother always had black labs. They are beautiful dogs. I like playing with them at the dog park when we bring my daughter’s dog to the park.

Lately, there is a gorgeous Great Dane puppy that keeps trying to jump on me at the park.

My neighbor’s Dane broke her ribs when she was a puppy and super playful. She had a difficult time training her dog not to jump.

We have a 15 cat feral colony who live in my garage and in little cat homes we have on our deck, and they are NOT dumb, I swear they can tell time! At exactly 430 every evening they are staring in the deck door and hanging out by the garage doors, waiting to be fed ( 5 pm) And heaven forbid we are one minute late! When we walk the dog we have a little train of cats following us, it's adorable!


Too funny! 😁


Yes! I believe that. My grey knew when my daughter would arrive home from school. He would go to the foyer and stand there waiting for her. Mom and I would giggle saying that he could tell the time! They have an internal clock.


My friend is in love with a service dog at her church. She says that this dog is so sweet (black lab). When the priest announces that it is time to offer the sign of peace. The dog holds out her paw to shake it!

Our cat "Jessie" [ginger/white] would make a good nanny. At 9:30 at night he tells everyone it is time to go to bed. No ands, ifs, or buts. He will annoy you until you get off the computer or if you are watching TV downstairs. He does the reverse at 7:00 in the morning, makes his rounds getting the household up.

Well, last night was the night before changing the clock forward one hour. Anywho, there's Jessie at 8:30 [hour early] doing his nightly get-in-bed rounds. How on earth did he know about the clocks, unless he saw us changing the clocks, but then again.... maybe it was just a coincidence.... or maybe he did know.

And this morning, at 7 a.m., even though the sun was just peeking through the clouds compared to complete sunshine the morning before, he was on his nanny routine.

My cat, Dumbledore, has taken a turn.
Blood work and physical exam both fine but he's losing weight and not as frisky as he was last week.

Was not paying much attention to him when DH was recuperating from his ICU stay.

Vet says to hand/force feed over the weekend and we'll talk on Monday.

Oh Barb, good luck with this! My indoor/outdoor cat Bruce, who was feral and now is getting used to indoor living , and is "fixed", has stud tail for the second time, so I have to put acne medication on his bum daily. Luckily he lets me rub it in when he is busy eating. Never thought I'd be acne treating a cat! How do you force feed a cat? can you try different food?

The vet gave me a syringe to pump food into the back of his mouth, but I'm doing okay with scooping up bits of wet food and letting him lick it off my fingers.

I also found him sitting-just sitting--in his litter box yesterday.

Something is very off.

The just sitting in litter box almost always a urinary stone obstruction, something very common to male cats and less so to females, or urine crystals. You may also, dependent on age be looking at kidney failure.
I have had many cats and have, when the aging thing comes and they want you to do syringing in of fluids and so on, just put the cat mercifully to sleep. Wouldn't want it to me and wouldn't have it for my much loved animal.

Hope you find out quickly what is going on here, Barb. Baby food PURE meat worked well for me on fingertips. Chicken rather than beef.
Let us know.

My cats love those treats, that are in a tube and they lick.

I thought one of my cats was done with this world, then I gave her, the water in the tuna fish. She started drinking, and was fine after that.

Churus - their package is tube shaped - they helped our elderly cat bounce back from a decline.

Churu, it's a cat treat they lick. I feel like my cats love them so much, even sick , they will probably eat them.

I sure hope your baby gets better Barb~
Churu's.the lickable bisque and the Churu bites are my cats favorite treats.
The pet stores here quit carrying them,but I found some with CHEWY.
Real tuna is pretty popular too.
I hope you find what your baby will take.
It's an awful feeling when our babies are sick and they can't tell us what's wrong.

Thank you ALL so much for the guidance and support. I feel like I'm lurching from emergency to emergency. And I'm not even caring for someone with REAL problems.


I hope Dumbledore improves soon. Sending hugs!

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