Over the span of two decades, author, columnist, consultant and speaker Carol Bradley Bursack cared for a neighbor and six elderly family members. Her experiences inspired her to pen "Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories," a portable support group book for caregivers.



How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

That's really good news about www.yourseniorcare.com. I'll check them out and start getting the word out. I've had good reviews... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

Another option for finding care is www.aplaceformom.com. However, what Tracy is talking about is common for many caregivers. I hope Tracy... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

There are always more than one side to each story. I do think there are more siblings who just won't help, than those who are shut out.... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

You've got a right to feel the resentment, but I hope you can eventually work through it. You know you did what your dad needed. Your... see more


How can I best care for my alcoholic aging mother?

No, you aren't responsible. You need to contact your county adult social services. A welfare check on her should get her into some kind... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

You are not selfish. He needs care and you need to take care of yourself, as well. Keep coming back to tell us how you are doing and what... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

And we are thankful to you, Kim. Our condolences. There's an emptiness when reality hits and we realize that they are really gone, but... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

You have a lot of company. You can try to divide up the care, letting everyone know their part. But if they don't come through, there... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Life is a cruel shock for many of us who were raised to think a man would be there to at least help us along the journey. Then we find we... see more


Mom refuses to eat, so how can I get her the nourishment she needs?

Some nutrients can increase appetite. Depression and anxiety decrease it. It sounds as if your doctor is in on this, and that's good,... see more


I am trying to balance a full time job and deal with my Mom also. I cry a lot, and miss my home. Is this norma...

Yes, it's normal. Very normal. But you have to start now with making choices, getting help, and setting boundaries or you'll just... see more


How do you deal with a mother so mean and abusive?

Wonderful advice from all of you. That's what makes this group so special. It's amazing sometimes, what kind, but firm, questions... see more


How do you deal with a mother so mean and abusive?

When someone is dying, people often make promises out of love or desperation. They also tell others they will, "never put them in a... see more


Mom is unrealistic about living alone. How can I get her to more receptive to other living arrangements?

First of all, unless she is so far into dementia that she is unable to make her own decisions, please remember that she has chosen this... see more


How can I get my uncles to help my dad care for my grandmother?

You're feeling what most of us feel - isolation is one of the biggest points on your list and that is what drove me to stay plugging... see more


How can I cope with caregiving when I'm stressed to the max?

She will, you are right. You know, already, the results. As you say, no psychiatrist can tell you what you don't already know. It will... see more


How can I cope with caregiving when I'm stressed to the max?

Hi Newroc36, You have an extreme problem that may call for extreme measures. You may want to read my article on this site titled... see more


How can I cope with caregiving when I'm stressed to the max?

Yes, ChickPea, you're not done with the need for communication, yet. I've found that I've needed to keep it up, as caregiving... see more


I am a young adult caring for their parents. My husband and I want to start a family; however, caregiving has...

You are right. It's very, very hard, but change has to start somewhere. Taking our lives back is harder than setting limits from the... see more


I am a young adult caring for their parents. My husband and I want to start a family; however, caregiving has...

Gina knows what she's talking about. Detaching with love, setting boundaries - and taking back your own life before you loose it. You... see more

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